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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Man, I dont mean to offend anyone with this take BUT Dean Corll was a real jerk. There I said it.
  2. Hell, that’s the part that I climaxed. Thanks for taking on my sins, J-man!
  3. Why would they not wait to do the doc until his death from a fentanyl overdose? Feels like they rushed it.
  4. Wish Charlie was still alive so they could ride off into the sunset on a sweet ass dune buggy.
  5. “You don’t know what it takes to really bring a team together! A football team is all about the lifelong bonds of brotherhood! Well that and the semen loads. Lots and lots of semen loads.”
  6. For the life of me I will never understand this type of shit, whether it be in frats or sports or what have you. Seems like a bunch of dudes just REALLY wanting to rub up against another man with the added benefit of humiliation and dominance of the victim. “You see Smith miss that tackle? Oh man I’m definitely gonna teach him a lesson by dryhumping him to completion!” Unfortunately for them it’s actually sexual assault and should be considered an illegal and coercive act. Yes he should be shitcanned.
  7. Avoid the Flavor Aid in Georgetown if you do end up in Guyana. Heard it has a bit of a “wang” to it.
  8. Has she always had one ear up one down? My wife’s childhood gs had the same.
  9. Shave them bare and then play with them a little bit. They get real compliant after a bit of that.
  10. I really appreciate you putting this pointless piece of information into my brain, likely forcing out a useful skill or enjoyable childhood memory.
  11. Sonar picked up a light tapping noise coming from the depths, likely the sound of a cheap fake gold chain on the metal hull. Translated from Morse Code the taps read: "Let's go Yankees! Tiktok rules bitchhhhhhh"
  12. I'd have taken Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald over that Celine Dion drek, but to each their own.
  13. hookemATL


    rage. pure rage. Kidney donation has impacted my family and I have a soft spot for anyone going through the process. And this is a fucking child just trying to live the life that he deserves. If you vote GQP, you are a threat to a decent, functional society.
  14. That sound you heard is every surly GQP epeen turning semiturgid at this guys sentiments.
  15. That’s one terrorist cell exposed. Now do literally every other PD in the country. FAC
  16. I’d hate to tag Steel Shank into this convo, so tread lightly with this type of fucking non sense.
  17. “I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!” - Ted RIP to an OG villain.
  18. For sure. Just a random childhood memory I have holding onto my parents hands as they swang me back and forth on the field after a game. Don’t remember when they stopped doing that but couldn’t have been long after.
  19. Put the AstroTurf back and the track around the field and allow fans to come onto the field and slip in piles of wet bevo shit. Ah memories.
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