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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Corollary: "Teaching kids about anything I don't like is grooming."
  2. I suspect there may be a lag here because the media / ACLU want to get the full set of facts before going after DeSantis and co. given Jones' history of not telling the whole story. If it's true though, this should be a HUGE deal, especially in light of DeSantis' efforts to develop his own little Gestapo in Florida.
  3. I was waiting for the "You trying to convince me that slaves didn't like being slaves is, like, CRT or something and it's against the LAW."
  4. So Uncle Ruckus and co. are going to be stepping in any time now, aren't they?
  5. Shoulda known I'd regret that. As a dad of a 12-yr old daughter, I definitely keep an eye out for the totallynotabuttpirates creeping around the competitions ...
  6. As far as I can tell, the vast majority of them seem to be pulling the same direction to fuck the country.
  7. Furk - I'm getting dragged to Orlando for a cheer competition at the end of April, probably just in time for Florida Men throughout the state to go full Road Warrior. Perfect. So what's Abbott going to do next to try to outstupid Desantis?
  8. What could possibly go wrong? Constitutional carry + "stand your ground" / extended castle doctrine + the right wing hate engine means there's going to be a lot more of this throughout the SEC ... And nobody will get charged. May be time to invest in armor technology for passenger vehicles.
  9. We should do a little experiment. Go over to your kindred spirits at the Texags politics board and see what they say about this proposal. My strong suspicion is that you'll get shouted down on a 10:1 basis (probably more like 20:1). That is the GQP base, and that's who the GQP house is subservient to. As cactusflinthead said:
  10. Disney attorney drafting that King Charles III declaration clause:
  11. I'm more than happy to have much tighter regulations on ALL semi-auto, high-velocity, high-capacity guns, not just AR-15s. We mention AR-15s merely because it's the gun that repeatedly gets used and it causes a shit ton of damage. You fucks that want to argue with the trauma surgeons about how easy it is to patch up a kid that has been shot with an AR-15 should get to spend some quality time cleaning up the aftermath. In any event, the point remains - if it's designed to kill / maim as quickly as possible, it should be much harder to get.
  12. Two words, man - SIDE. DOORS. Abbott has been all over those side doors, and all the kids are so much safer for it ...
  13. Fucking Republicans and their bullshit false equivalencies. You worried about getting jacked for your AR-15 the next time you try to intimidate some drag queens? The point remains - there should be some clear standards for how a responsible gun owner handles his weapons (especially high-capacity, high-velocity ones developed to maim/kill as quickly as possible), and if you don't meet those standards and someone ends up committing crimes with a weapon that they shouldn't have otherwise been able to get, you should be responsible for that.
  14. Uh, yeah. There are a ridiculous number of reasonable reforms that we could discuss, the vast majority of which would help reduce gun violence. But the point remains - why fucking bother? The GQP won't allow a single one of them to pass, which is the reason why you are a human pinata in this forum. Until we get some of the GQP out of office or the existing GQP reps in Congress decide to start acting reasonably (not a fucking chance), it's just a waste of time.
  15. Jesus H. Fucking Christ - what could possibly go wrong? Why can't anyone ever target Rupert and his fucking merry band of agitators?
  16. For trans people - "definitely too sick to have access to guns." For repeat spousal abusers - "sHAll nOT bE InFrINgeD!1!!!" GTFO here with that shit.
  17. Has to be done. SMDH ...
  18. So the only people that have heard from McConnell since his fall are Thune and Cornyn, with some texts to Capito and Tillis, with Tillis offering up this gem: Progressives and conservatives are joining together to reignite efforts to ban lawmakers from owning and trading stocks. (politico.com)
  19. Until these fuckers can actually provide a coherent definition for "woke", "groomer" and "CRT", they should be kicked in the nards every time they use the term in one of their rants.
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