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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. Chiefs at Raiders in Vegas... Now that sounds fun.
  2. So March, April, and May were mask mandates, right? Hell, many of the masks for workers didn't start until the beginning of May. That's been my point all along. People haven't been practicing the mask precautions the whole time and there was not even store level precautions until May; but there is no mass exodus of store employees or suppliers within the stores. Things have changed now though, i.e. the first round wasn't disruptive enough. We need to make this one really count. Why won't you just comply? Isn't it ironic?
  3. I think i'm the only person who hates nopales/ nopalitos. sorry, can't do em...
  4. There is no fucking way we are going to have college football this Fall. Fuck em. Fuck the NCAA. Fuck all of it.
  5. When is Antifah coming for the racist Alamo? I'm looking forward to that matchup, sans any sports rivalries.
  6. lots of ways that could go. Limited testing, so it gets up to 1 positive out of 5 ? I hate that so much of the stats is missing corroborating factors. Shit ton of missing info.
  7. the footprint in the lower picture is just badass...if the other shit wasn't torn up.
  8. If they have to change the name, just go with Thirty-thouSandaire$
  9. more like "Cwyk got Rick in the dick..."
  10. gatorbet doing all he can to make cops sympathetic figures these days. Holy furk. So objective!
  11. I have a preference, but i bet it ends up being whatever the fuck the grandkids want it to be. edit: Cheeseweasel beat me to it.
  12. Does furlough not affect the "12 months of employment" you were expecting when you signed the contract? If not, that is bullshit. They altered the deal.
  13. How 'bout just being consistent How about just being consistent?
  14. and again, philosophical differences come down to IQ slams. LOLz. Convincing argument, Sir. Ask Drew Brees if it's about grovelling. Gundy's gonna grovel to keep his job. It's a requirement.
  15. More than the mullet, that episode will always be who Gundy is to me. Not sure if that is a positive or negative,
  16. from 30 years ago? and it was denied from the get-go?( not saying Gundy is innocent) My question is more of why have all of these players ignored it through the years? All of those parents and high school coaches were fine with their young men playing for Gundy. Were they negligent?
  17. Meh. Plenty of great athletes signed with Gundy through the years. They damned sure haven't just been of the pasty white variety. Hell, plenty of fanbases think their coaches underachieve on the recruiting trail. Gundy's underachieving ways are rooted in the incident with Williams?
  18. This whole fucking "shut down everything and make people bend the kneee" is a fucking bit. It's ridiculous.
  19. But the Williams incident was common knowledge, right...yet all of these players still allowed themselves to be recruited to Stillwater by Gundy. Weird...
  20. so they are headlines now, why? Gundy should probably never have been hired right? Probably need to shut down Oklahoma State for such neglect of responsibility in their hiring practices.
  21. of course it isn't. he dared to have his own opinion. He still needs to grovel to his detractors six or five times.. This is the way. LMFAO at Alfred Williams and his "me too' claims 30 years later. Really?
  22. Carved into South Austin's mom's headboard?
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