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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. I haven’t read the whole thread, but ... What crime would I be committing, or what civil liability would I be exposed to, if I were to get a big ass U-Haul and round up a shit load of these scoters and dump them in an open field in Lockhart (assuming the property opener didn’t know/care)? Or say, the dump? They leave them out to be used amd left somewhere else, so it’s not theft, I don’t think. I’m not withholding possession of them so it’s not conversion, I don’t think either. Tortious interference maybe?
  2. And paying off trashy porn stars. And he managed to fuck that up too.
  3. i'm going to give it a shot for Sunday dinner this weekend, and i think that's how i'll do it - whisk in some paste instead of the raw anchovies on the top. or maybe, both
  4. Well, yes. He “repositioned” those multiple abject failures and fraudulent scams into what? Oh yeah...getting elected President of the United States. This utter failure will also be repositioned into a victory in the eyes of tens of millions of Americans. Roughly half of the voting public, actually. Sit back and watch.
  5. 48 million voters believe this to be true.
  6. Very, very quickly this will be successfully spun as Trump being the hero who saved the day by re-opening the government after the shutdown which was completely caused by the Democrats - and NOW look how terrible the Dems are, they promised they’d give him the all the wall money if he re-opened the government, and now they won’t, those liars! And Republicans will buy it hook, line and sinker.
  7. Well, literally everyone except for the tens of millions of shitbags who will continue to support him and vote Republican. Otherwise, yeah.
  8. humiliating defeat over moronic fake problem to own the libs
  9. Or unless/until it hurts other people. Rs love that shit. Also part of what makes them Republican.
  10. You know, there is a part of me - I suppose the part of me that looks at mangled car wrecks as I pass by them, the part of me that watches the videos of people jumping off of buildings in the NSFW thread - that kind of wishes Swam and FCHorn were here now to minimize, defend, and whatabout this all away right now. For the side busting laughs.
  11. For us it is, yes. Signed, white fake Christian Republicans.
  12. He has no fucking clue what he’s doing. He’s just flailing.
  13. to claim victory which will be joined and applauded by 95%-99% of Republican voters, and a renewed bump in approval ratings to right back to where he was at the highest point before the shutdown
  14. they "dislike Trump's rhetoric" and "wish he's scale back on the Twitter," but just so happen to end up voting for every Republican in every race, and get absolutely giddy at how Trump's incompetence, malfeasance, and criminal activity makes the libs angry. because feeling that others are unhappy and angry is what is really important.
  15. Generally speaking, up until the moment Donald Trump spoke his first words as President of the United States.
  16. no matter how it all ends, trump and his supporters will be doing victory dances. within a matter of days, all the folks who voted R in 2018 will be blaming the democrats for all of it, and trump's support numbers will be right back where they were before the shutdown, or higher. nothing will change.
  17. I was in Rome and Florence in September and agree with the above completely. 2 days would have been plenty in Rome, and would have liked to have 5 days in (and around) Florence.
  18. And makes you a brave hero to today’s Republican voters.
  19. Icono says he’s excited about the future of the Republican Party. Well folks, that right there is the future of the Republican Party.* *Also the current Republican Party.
  20. Offer of make DACA permanent and NO wall money, plus non-wall border security money, contingent on the release of Trump’s tax returns first.
  21. If it’s something wrapped in a tortilla, and I’m eating it as my first meal of the day, it’s a breakfast taco. The end.
  22. “Let’s wait til we can get the traitors on board!” The process of removing Trump should have been started within an hour of him stepping off the stage in Helsinki. You don’t wait on traitors to do the right thing, to do the right thing yourself.
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