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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. Arkansas-Tech was never a rivalry and you are 100% correct, A&M/Tech was a wonderful latter-day second-tier rivalry Nebraska-Colorado's another one that had some good dirty fun around it
  2. Thank you for taking the time to share. Very much appreciate hearing from someone a lot closer to the musician in question (Audley) than me. To clarify a bit, I said there were guys who were a better fit because I find it impossible to believe there's a better fit for the Black Crowes than Marc Ford. I mentioned Damon Johnson specifically because he's always been one of my absolute personal favorites, and he has played in Alice Cooper's band and been a member of Thin Lizzy; I think that between his talent, his track record of sublimating his abilities in order to fit into an existing band's footprint, and his mention in one interview of literally wanting to be in the Black Crowes, he'd have worked out well. But I don't know, the Robinson brothers are famous world-class assholes. Maybe Damon wouldn't have fit in with how they saw the band circa 1998-2001, because there is nothing specific about Audley Freed that lends itself to saying "oh, well here's why he didn't become an indispensable member of the band". The talent was there and, judging by what you're saying, his personality wasn't a problem. While I grant there are worse ways to make a living than as a hired gun lead guitarist for the Black Crowes, I've always thought it was a shame that his role was by all accounts limited to just that. Whether it would have made a difference or not, I personally think it could only have helped having Audley involved more deeply in the band's creative process. But I've never been in a downward-trending sibling-driven multi-platinum selling band before, so my opinion of how their creative process should have worked 20 years ago isn't particularly valuable.
  3. always-- my mission with every post on this website no matter how frivolous the subject is to educate
  4. I support trying this with Lincoln Riley but not telling him the ball is coming got you, fucker
  5. Shit. I'm 46, I went to UT, I live in Lakeway. The only reason that post's not about me, other than me not being a girl of any type prototypical or otherwise, is the grace of God. Sorry to hear that news, Schlong.
  6. if you're the youngest kid in a really big family, like eight kids or something, it might not be pleasant to think about, but you gotta be grateful that your Mom really liked the dick
  7. damnit, support your local businesses like Best Buy
  8. like the Kim Carnes song? Am I remembering that right?
  9. I don't know who you are, so I'm sure I'm not confusing you with someone else. this thread is literally the only reason I'm aware you exist
  10. at least you have an opinion of the dude. I saw his WE MUZZ PROTECK DIS HOUZ post and was like "who the fuck is this guy?" thank God the basketball board has someone looking out for it
  11. I would hold off lauding Shaka for not shitting on Texas in the short term. He hasn't been the subject of a fawning pre-season sit-down piece with The Athletic yet. He's not under any pressure during the honeymoon phase and doesn't need to deflect criticism or try to build himself up at anyone else's expense. Yet.
  12. to the extent that it's up to him, sure, but time makes fools of us all
  13. I was at a bar in Chicago 4ish years ago and he was there at the airport. He is not even the guy he plays in my 20 minutes around him. Very laid back. Guessing that laugh is part of his bit. were you able to injure him, or poison him (etc etc) when you got that level of access to him???
  14. They're both wastes of time; I understand one of them. Reading mock drafts, you could be spending that time trying to lick your own asshole.
  15. the emphasis on and fascination with mock drafts mock drafts are basically fucking fan fiction-- who in the fuck CARES who MIGHT take which player when? like no shit Denver might take Justin Fields, or look here's a mock draft and instead San Francisco makes a trade and takes him! Or New England or New Orleans or who the fuck reads this shit?
  16. one really effective way of getting all that baked on crap in your oven eliminated, without using harsh cleaning chemicals and wasting a lot of effort scrubbing/etc is to put the oven on bake and then turn it up to 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit
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