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Everything posted by LTtxfan

  1. 5 runs scored by aggy... 2 runners were walked 1 runner got on base by error
  2. Shit... 5-1 Third HR for aggy hitter in series So bad
  3. 8 runners LOB for Horns... only 1run scored thru 5 ABs
  4. 4 complete... 3-1 aggy leads GO HORNS!!! 🤘 Let's run rule these fuckers... 😋
  5. Yeah on radio, saying White probably confused Bella...
  6. No excuse with 2 outs for Bella not to score there... Ridiculous Fuk
  7. Keep aggy standing in the heat... LET'S FUCKIN' GO!!! 🤘
  8. Yeah, no challenges left for Texas. 2 challenges, both right and Texas gets screwed by having no more challenges...
  9. You are killin' us Stewie... Thru 2 1/2 aggy leads 3-0
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