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Reynolds Woodcock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Reynolds Woodcock

  1. 100% this. FM is incredible. The Square is good. Triangle of Sadness is boring and has nothing of interest to say.
  2. And then 12 months later he forced a trade to Boston. And then the next season he had a season ending injury. And then the next season he quit on the Celtics during a 4-1 ass kicking. And then the next season he had a season ending injury. And then the next season he missed the final 3 games of the 7 games series against Milwaukee. And then the next season he opted to quit on his team rather than being vaccinated, although he was reliable enough to make it back for a 4 game sweep by the Celtics. And then this season he was suspended and forced another trade. This is such a laughably asinine take on Kyrie’s “problem” I assume even you don’t believe it. KD and Harden must have telepathically blown up all of his other seasons. No, Kyrie’s problem is of the deeply personal variety. Look at that, you finally stumbled on the right conclusion. Whether Kyrie has top 10 talent in his body isn’t even a debate worth having. He will flame out here like everywhere else.
  3. Yes everyone remembers MJ famously backing down the shorter, skinnier John Stockton time and time again for the And 1, right? No, because that didn’t happen. MJ would get his, Steph would get his, Durant would get his. That’s what happens when you are a Top 15 player of all time. But more often than not the Warriors’ are worth 3 and the Bulls’ are worth 2.
  4. Do the Bulls get the benefit of analytics, or is Phil Jackson rolling out the (now) antiquated triangle, forcing touches to Bill Cartwright, etc? No definitive answer to this question, largely due to the time gap. Both teams are fucking incredible. If you dropped both teams in a gym playing their same game plan, I give Warriors an edge under either rule sets. But the Bulls have MJ, so who knows.
  5. To your point, there are probably 30 players Cuban would immediately trade Kyrie for if given the opportunity. And it’s Cuban, so he’d probably throw in a couple unprotected firsts, too.
  6. Ah, now it all makes sense. You don’t actually watch NBA games.
  7. Jesus fucking Christ. Kyrie is nowhere near a top 5 player, even ignoring his complete and total unreliability. Kyrie hasn’t had a “fine” 18 months straight since he left Cleveland. I’m sure it will be different this time.
  8. His most strongly held belief is entering into a contract to be paid millions to play basketball, and then finding some ridiculously asinine reason not to play basketball.
  9. Just for the record, this is going to be a complete fucking disaster. Kyrie is a piece of shit and the most unreliable person in professional sports. He’s never had a stint end well. Not once. You people saying you love this move are completely delusional. This is a desperate move by a desperate organization that will fail. The absolute best case scenario is that Luka appreciates the willingness to be aggressive but the Mavs use the cap space in the off-season to upgrade the roster while sending Kyrie packing to his next idiotic team. The worst case scenario is giving him any amount of money or contract beyond this year. Impossible to cheer for a guy who is this much of a cancer.
  10. True. If Kyrie bolts/quits and Luka demands a trade, just like that the Mavs become a smoking pile of shit just like the Spurs!
  11. Desperately trying to dramatically improve a deadlocked roster so that their once in a generation star doesn’t demand a trade in the next 2 years. I don’t think it will work, because Kyrie is just that much of a shithead, but I understand the logic.
  12. If art is your thing, PS1 is a good museum in LIC. I know some good restaurants over there (like Takumen and Casa Enrique), but if you are in vacation/tourist mode I would probably just stick to Manhattan, or take the G down to Williamsburg.
  13. Looks like Bamba got a two piece and Rivers may have touched his face while flailing. You hate to see it
  14. Lol at being compelled to fast forward like 10 seconds to avoid seeing gay kissing. T&P
  15. Nick Offerman’s reaction when he first tasted the strawberry. Just laughing at the sweetness he hadn’t tasted in years. Brilliant.
  16. I was meh on the first two episodes, but so glad I watched just so I could see that episode last night. Amazing.
  17. Possession, a 1981 psychological horror movie. Available on AMC+/Shudder (which is maybe the best streaming service). Totally bat shit crazy and awesome. Highly recommend.
  18. Just to be clear, you thought there was no “plot” in the movie Tar? I mean is it “pretentious” to run credits before a film as a nod to the unthanked industry of people it takes to uphold a person of power (like a Lydia Tar)? Sure I suppose so. But no plot? Are you sure you watched the right movie? Or perhaps you are confused about what that word means? Either way, a very impressive misunderstanding of an entire film.
  19. I don’t have a strong opinion on JJJ, but I will say that decently smart basketball people seem to really like his defense fwiw. This thread as an example https://twitter.com/kirkgoldsberry/status/1619419346677399553?s=20&t=FaOfO-03DEHjZscGTxHy7A
  20. This is just typical Reddit basement dwellers. And home scorekeepers are notorious for giving their guys every conceivable benefit of the doubt. https://twitter.com/KevinOConnorNBA/status/1619400282953359360?s=20&t=1xGX_xUdLmk_LxQb_EcY9A
  21. Funny you should say that. I was reading an interview with the directors, and they said as they were writing the script the second season of Rick and Morty came out and used all the ideas they thought were original.
  22. The Academy has also doubled in size in the last 5 years and dramatically increased its minority representation (although women still only make up a 1/3, and POCs 1/5). The idea that there is a central body pushing an agenda is just a false narrative used to drive clicks and outrage from a certain contingent of people.
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