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Reynolds Woodcock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Reynolds Woodcock

  1. I’m in the middle of a re-watch. Just watched Whitecaps. Holy shit what an episode of television. Just an acting master class.
  2. Seems like you are trying to do a “classic” New York trip. Not much better in that respect than a martini and chop and Keen’s. Daniel is also a classic on the east side, and about a 15 minute walk from your hotel.
  3. The lack of late night stuff is really annoying; I hope it eventually comes back in full force. Last night I got out of DUNE at midnight, and it felt like every restaurant closed at 11. Ended up just stopping by Katana Kitten on the way home for a mortadella katsu and boilermaker (which was a tasty snack, but I miss the days of Buvette at 1am).
  4. I think it’s released outside of LA and New York on Christmas Day.
  5. Have tickets to see 70mm day after thanksgiving. Can’t fucking wait.
  6. Get the wine pairing if you can. My friend is the wine coordinator there. Knows her shit.
  7. Updated rankings from me. Honestly if this movie came out when I was in high school instead of Life Aquatic, I would probably have it higher, but nostalgia is a bitch. 1. Rushmore 2. Royal Ts 3. Grand Budapest 4. Bottle Rocket 5. Life Aquatic 6. French Dispatch 7. Moonrise Kingdom 8. Darjeeling 9. Fantastic Mr. Fox 10. Isle of Dogs
  8. I have nothing to add, except Philly itself is fucking awesome. Have taken multiple day and weekend trips from nyc and always have a great time.Pennsylvania as a state is a dump, but Philly fucks.
  9. The only thing I'm holding on to (clinging to for dear life, really) is that Hartzell and Eltife come off as guys who really, really want to win. If those guys had their way, we would be playing in the SEC next year with Urban Meyer as our head coach. Sure as shit seems like they struck out on Sark, and it seems like Del Conte isn't cut from the same cloth, but if they are calling the shots I think there is some hope.
  10. lol. Maybe people will wake the fuck up when they wax us a few times in the SEC.
  11. Saw it last night; beautiful and very fun. I really loved the prison painter story.
  12. You don’t have to look too far Was really hoping for a ManInBlack/Alpha Horn check in for this thread.
  13. Update: Italy is still a great hang. Spent a terrific 10 days bouncing around Northern Italy, primarily in and around Monforte d’Alba and Tremezzo on Lake Como. Also went to a Juventus game, which was great fun (they lost to a scrub team in the final minute of stoppage time, so not great for their fans). I suck a trip photos, but here are a few 1. Magnum of 96 Barolo for the first lunch 2. The town of Barbaresco 3. View from our villa deck at sunset overlooking Monforte d’Alba with the Alps in the background 4. One the ridiculous white truffle dishes from Piazza Duomo 5. On a boat in Lake Como coming up on (I think) Menaggio 6. Just some casual truffle pizza at our hotel in Tremezzo.
  14. 1996. Nice cellar pics. This trip I tried to focus visits mostly on relatively smallish vineyards in the Barbaresco and Barolo regions that I can’t easily find in the US, with a few bigger players like Vietti sprinkled in. Good juice all around.
  15. Get a convertible mini-cooper. You’ll be thankful for the small car to zip around the tiny and hilly roads, and the weather and views with the top down are awesome. You can valet at some but not all restaurants. I didn’t find parking too difficult with a small car.
  16. Sack summed it up well. He and WT are great resources. I don’t really like beach vacations or more than 2 days or so in the Caribbean, but my wife does so I have to accommodate once a year or so (have been here, Turks a few times, Barbados, etc). I spent a week in a rental villa in St Barths this past May, and it is absolutely dope. I can’t wait to go back. It reminds me more of being in the south of France than the Caribbean. The food is excellent, the people are hot, the driving is fun, and the French wine pours like water. The local grocery has excellent French deli items, and one of my favorite days was packing a picnic and wine, hiking to the Columbier beach, and just chilling and swimming all day. Another was lunch at Sante Fe followed by Govournor’s beach. Our favorite dinner was La Case. Sunday at Nikki Beach not my scene (it was like being in East Hampton for peak Real Housewives summer season), but it did provide for some funny people watching. Have fun and report back.
  17. Rented a place in Monforte for the week. Things started off swell.
  18. The entire OSU game is a massive fucking red flag for the Sark era. Arkansas sucked, but I could talk myself into forgiving the performance since it was the second game of his tenure, on the road at night, and he made a quarterback changed that seemed to pay dividends. OU, I was fucking pissed, but the offense looked so fucking incredible in the first half, I was willing to concede that perhaps our offensive line is so bad that there is only so much smoke and mirrors to help us score. But OSU is clearly a worse team than us in almost every respect, and losing that game at home in the fashion we did (on our biggest recruiting weekend no less) is just indefensible. Maybe he learns from the losses and it works out. I hope so for my own sanity, but also because he seems like a nice guy and this offense when clicking is beautiful to watch. But there are bright, flashing warning signs at the moment.
  19. I used to live around the corner from Estela and went there frequently. That is a really good lineup all around.
  20. Absolutely inexcusable. We have deficiencies but we are clearly so much more talented than this shit OSU team. Just a total failure
  21. I know he’s trying really hard and bleeds Orange and yada yada yada, but Brockermeyer is just playing at 1/2 speed compared to everyone else. He has to be replaced
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