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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Bieber was so coked/boozed up he wanted to challenge Ethan Hunt to a fight, but his coked/boozed up buddies talked him out of it and he settled for Tom Cruise instead.
  2. Plenty of wiggle room for the medical staff. They "felt" playing wouldn't make the injury worse, not they "know" playing wouldn't make the injury worse. Also, original injury was supposedly to his calf, new injury is to his achilles.
  3. Unless Lue has been an idiot with his money (entirely possible), he doesn't need the job. More likely, he figures the Lakers will get desperate and give him close to what he's asking because they can't afford to piss off LeBron because he's all they've really got thanks to their brilliant ownership.
  4. Nick Wright tweeting "source" claims Kurt and Linda Rambis convinced the rest of the Lakers FO/ownership to hold off on offering Lue until today's debacle.
  5. I'm pretty sure that dire wolf/Stark symbology is no longer holding form, unless we're saying there's no "Starks" left at all given that Sansa let her own dire wolf get killed back in the first season.
  6. The Rockets received a de facto full game version of the last 2-minute report regarding last year's game 7 against Golden State. They reviewed and attached point values to all the missed/dubious calls and concluded that the totality of the calls cost them 18.6 points. NBA replies that they consider Houston's process of attaching point values to the calls bullshit (in so many words). Bitching by all teams and fans about calls against their team will continue as expected.
  7. Needs to somehow make it a referendum on Rick Barnes undervalued coaching ability for bonus points.
  8. Better than seeing that POS Izzo get a shot at another title. Haven't forgotten his dismissive attitude towards MSUs failures to look into sexual assault allegations.
  9. Sounds like Texas would be great for Cronin. Resources to pay him a ton, ability to get top recruits, and not a ton of pressure due to the last few Barnes years + Shaka debacle + football.
  10. This just makes the situation weirder (if possible). I can see having a big argument over whether or not a coach is elite and whether to keep them around. But all this teeth gnashing over a guy who's just "undervalued?"
  11. Auburn's decided to forfeit the game tomorrow?
  12. When Jerry Jones beats you in a trade, you've already fallen on your face.
  13. AB, Carr, and Gruden should provide quality entertainment for fans of all teams besides the Raiders.
  14. Gottfried should have to stay at Cal State Northridge as part of his punishment.
  15. Was Reddish as bad as the box score suggests?
  16. Giants - Ravens in '01 was worse IMO. That game was over before halftime and had Trent Dilfer as the winning QB.
  17. Don't care, and won't care/pay attention until tournament time, at which point it'll depend entirely on the games being played that round.
  18. Only way UCF gets those types of deals against blue bloods/ borderline blue bloods is if they pull off sustained runs like Boise State or TCU. 1-2 years of lightning in a bottle isn't cutting it. It provides no benefit at all to the teams you're calling out. They wipe the floor with you, it was supposed to happen. A close win or loss, and everyone laughs. Beat LSU in the bowl game and maybe some decent P5 teams without much legacy (i.e. Aggy) will give you a home-and-home. Beat those guys, then you can talk about "deserving" a home-and-home with traditional powers.
  19. That's because we've never really seen a NBA player completely lose it mentally and have to shop around until he finds someone to give the diagnosis he wants.
  20. It only took 10 specialists until Fultz and his buddies found one to give the diagnosis they wanted.
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