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The Hot Dog Buffet

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Everything posted by The Hot Dog Buffet

  1. Yeah, if I had to use one word to describe Trump it would be "moron." Trump but smart doesn't exist because if you take away all of the dumb, nothing is left.
  2. It doesn't matter if they cut the $1400 checks they have been trying to pass all along or bump it up to $2000. Stupid people with inferiority complexes are going to figure out a way to feel lied to and abused, regardless.
  3. Anyone who is a registered republican should be absolutely embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.
  4. I mean, the war does need to be waged against a country you aren't in charge of for it to work.
  5. The thing is, a pandemic on his watch actually would have been a very good thing if he would have just pretended to be an adult in front of the cameras and taken the virus seriously. Crises are great for politicians. It's why starting a war is a great way to gain support for reelection.
  6. If Rudy were my lawyer, I'd refuse to pay him, too.
  7. Pence will stand by Trump in the same way that an abused spouse stands by her man.
  8. I think Pence would pardon him. Donald would likely end up in prison on state charges, anyway. The upcoming trial for treason is going to be a lot more entertaining to follow than a trial about tax stuff, though, so I'm really hoping he chooses not to resign and get pardoned.
  9. People are very motivated by money in the here and now. They care about the more important stuff when they look back.
  10. I don't think Schumer should be offering anything to Mitch. The republican party has more to lose than the democrats do if there's not a conviction.
  11. That's bullshit. It's not even like he was gay or something.
  12. I agree, but I would also guess that Trump will refuse every tool available to get him to resign and force the senate to have the trial.
  13. It feels like that to normal people. It feels like treason to almost half of the republican base.
  14. This vote is going to greatly divide the republican party in the coming years. I'm not sure how you could not support it, even if it is to Mitch's personal benefit.
  15. Trump will already be out of office. He can't resign at that point.
  16. Yeah, social media will make it much harder for anyone to pretend they never supported Trump, and most of these people would die before admitting they were wrong. It's a real problem that we might not be rid of in our lifetimes.
  17. I'm sure Mitch expects Trump to run into a whole lot of legal trouble very soon, and for his cult to start pretending they never supported him, similar to when Nixon resigned.
  18. I'm guessing he actually ends up at the Alamo and wonders what happened to the wall.
  19. I wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Times last week like it was 1984 or something and those fucking liberals didn't even publish it. Banned me before anyone could read me. So Orwellian.
  20. Just how much of an entitled little bitch does someone need to be to actually fear a world where you won't be able to annoy everyone else on earth with your shitty takes on Facebook?
  21. Incitement of Insurrection is the more obvious charge after what happened on Wednesday, but I would have gone for election fraud, since that is easiest to prove, and still easily rises to the level of impeachment. Plus, hundreds of republicans are very publicly on the record stating just how serious the fraud in the election was.
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