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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. That is fucking outstanding! "There are lots of newhires your age." Old colonels look at me like I'm nuts when I'm giving away trips and living on 80 a month at max days off while they work 5-6 days week hustling for 160+ to pay for the ex-wives. Note to young pilots: Get married in a no-alimony state. I hope you guys get the fucking moon. I know we won't beat it but everybody is watching this and seeing where the bar gets set. Delta up next.
  2. They'd have pushed back 10 early if it was the Chiefs owner.
  3. Thank you both. Gives me a little confirmation in the direction I was already leaning. My concern about TFP is that I’m usually out of town three days a week with nobody else home during those three days. It sounds like once I get to know my pool pretty well I can anticipate it’s needs for those three days, but I certainly could never be the guy that’s adding a little liquid chlorine on a daily basis consistently. Apparently there’s also a liquid chlorine dispenser I could look into. Or a SWG I guess. I originally avoided that to stay within my budget and I hate to dump a bunch of money on new equipment this soon.
  4. Well.. I mean... other than the fact that one is a perennial champion while the other has been barely above .500 for the last decade and is currently one game separated from a 6-game losing streak. Other than that it's really just the Bama d-line. And the only different between Angie Verona and Kathy Bates is that Angie makes a better sandwich.
  5. What's your favorite testing kit? Maybe one with money being no object and one that's the best bang for the buck. I went to shock the pool today and the instructions were dealing with things I don't think my basic little kit even measures. Also your best resource for coming up with a system, a preferred method to keep it all clean and balanced. No really interested in YOUR method, just where you went to learn about it. Pool School at start-up has got me this this far with a basic testing kit and some muriatic acid and chlorine tabs far but the more I read about it the more I find alternate methods, opinions, and other things to consider that I haven't even learned about yet. How often to shock, which products to shock with, etc.. CYA (wtf is that?), free chlorine vs residual vs total, etc, alkalinity increasers... I hear a lot about TFP, but they have their detractors too apparently. Where should a newbie go to un-muddy the waters, so to speak.
  6. There are so many moving parts that dictate when a flight gets held and when it doesn’t. Typically it’s about the total number of people who will be screwed down the line. If holding a flight is going to cause 20 other people to miss a connection then they aren’t going to hold it for less than that many passengers. They’ll also look at connections 3-4 flights down the line in that same airplane including the next morning. Holding it for one group can screw over lots of others. Morning flights are less likely to be held than evening flights because you’re affecting 10 other flights later that day if you do. The days of “we’ll make It up in the air with shortcuts” are over. Every flight is already flying as fast as possible. If the crew is close to timing out they won’t hold it no matter what. If there’s weather moving in at either airport or anywhere in between they might hold or not hold to hit a window of better weather. if the airplane is due for maintenance at the end of the night and that procedure is known to take X number of hours and a late start would delay the first flight the next day… yada yada yada. It’s almost never about a single family’s situation.
  7. Standard tile method, not necessarily for pool tile, is to shift tiles over about half a tile length in either direction so as have close to equal size cut tiles on either side of a room and to avoid any narrow slivers of tile up against either wall. Whole tile on one side of a room and slivers of tile on the other looks weird. Unsquare walls are also way more noticeable with narrow slivers of tile up one side than with wider but equal cuts of tile on both sides of the room. I wouldn't think this would be an issue at a pool though since there's no reason a new pool shouldn't be 100% square to the house.
  8. On every portable classroom? At every classroom door on every campus that has outdoor common areas and classroom doors on the outside? My kids' elementary school had 20+ doors on it's exterior when you count the portable classrooms, that's just ones I can remember off the top of my head. Pretty typical campus. I was at a track meet recently at a school with every classroom facing an outdoor common area. Easily 100+ doors there. So now the state that can't put a resource cop at every campus is now going to put a couple dozen at every campus along with all that equipment? When that trillion dollar bond comes across the ballot to pay for all this, when the country has predictably forgotten about this shooting and moved on like we always do, what are the chances people vote for that kind of tax increase? You're living in a fantasy world if you think that is practical or even at all feasible.
  9. Hopefully your builder is more like Herbie's and Fatty's and less like the rest of ours or you'll be opening that pool in January.
  10. Not really logic, I just think the crazy ebbs and flows and somewhere in its waning stage she realizes how back she fucked up.
  11. Seeing as how her murder plan consisted of immediately telling someone she was going to get a gun and kill that poor girl and that she showed up to the house a minute after the dude dropped her off, cameras be damned… I guessing she wouldn’t be too hard to track down. She can’t use cards, banks, etc… probably has the kind of nest egg in cash you’d expect a yoga instructor dating a semi-pro gravel bike racer to have. I bet they’d have caught her by now if she was still running. At some point the crazy subsided just enough to have a “what have i done?” moment. I read in one of the initial stories that text messages on Mo’s phone made it pretty clear that she was also being misled and was unaware he had gotten back together with Crazy Red. That’s a lot to live with, knowing you killed a girl that didn’t even know she was betraying you.
  12. Longhorn Football. That's about it. I'll watch other teams and other sports but not have much more than a passing Interest in who wins or loses. I have no particular allegiance nor hatred for most other teams, even the polarizing ones like the Cowboys... just another team about as significant as any other to me. I do still carry a healthy hatred for the Aggies and Sooners. With the Horns, winning and losing used to make or break my whole week. For the last decade, it's been a gradual detachment for me. Probably partially because we have sucked for so long and partially just because you get to a point in life where too many other things become more important than games. I still get irritated at the losses but it doesn't stick with me long. Same with the wins, I'm happy when we win but it isn't going to define how my day goes, much less my week. I sometimes get privately judgey about people's fandom. If it's a younger guy I completely understand the intense and over-the-top emotional reactions to sports. Been there. If it's a guy at or beyond middle-age I wonder what's missing in the rest of his life that these games still rate that level of intensity. Maybe some people have room in their minds to be that passionate about lots of things at the same time. I don't.
  13. Stove, sans fuel, can be carried on or checked. Knife can be brought on in checked luggage only. Fuel canisters cannot be brought aboard at all. Never been to Banff but I'd guess fuel is easy to find before you venture out.
  14. I guess "namaste" was just some bullshit.
  15. I wonder if there's more to the story, but I think it's very feasible. The stick and rudder skills are a lot easier to learn than the rest of it. The ATC guy was also a certified flight instructor. I haven't listened to any of it but I bet he was telling him exactly what power settings to use, when and how to add flaps, etc... You can see he gave him a power setting to bring him in a little fast so he wouldn't stall it, looks like it anyway. That part can be coached fairly easily and people with no flight experience do it on their first lessons every day, albeit with the instructor watching next to them instead of on the radio. All that's left is the flare and operating the rudder pedals as you stop. He didn't really flare at all and I bet the touchdown was a lot firmer than it looks like, also wobbled main to main some. That's not critique, just pointing out that it's pretty typical of a beginner student's first attempts. To me it's more impressive that he didn't put it in the grass after the landing. I'd expect someone with no experience to have more trouble with the rudder pedals on the ground than with the flying. If you ever take flying lessons you'll be operating the controls and doing basic climbs, descents, and turns within the first 30 seconds of your first flight, it's that easy for basic flight. Landings typically start on lesson #2 after just an hour or so total time in the airplane and it's not unusual for a student to make halfway decent landings in that same lesson. Getting it on the ground isn't that hard when someone tells you what to do. Learning how to properly land is way more than that. Are you at the proper speed? On the proper glidepath? Crossing the threshold at 50 feet? On the centerline? Longitudinally straight vs crooked? Upwind wing low and compensating for that with opposite rudder? Touching down in the designated touchdown zone? Not flaring too high or too low? Holding the nose off? blah blah blah... There's a lot that goes into a good landing beyond just getting it on the ground. None of those things are going to kill you most of the time, but those little things are what most of the training time is spent on. If you aren't looking for any of that and your only goal is to get it on the ground in one piece, I'd expect lots of guys who can keep their cool under stress to do a salvageable landing. All that said, the guy obviously did a great job in a stressful situation. The only part that really makes me wonder about his experience is that he mentioned in an interview about gently pulling back when he took the controls so as to not stall it. I wouldn't expect someone with zero experience to know about how a wing stalls.
  16. Southwest Austin price for a basic 15' x 30' rectangle, 3'-6' deep, known rocky soil, no spa, no heater, no SWG, limestone coping tile, plus 750 sq/ft of concrete patio with sundek coating, typical polaris racer vacuum thingy: 84k. We've had water in it for about a month now. I spend about half an hour just floating on the shady side and reading a book every afternoon. I leap in it almost every day after a bike ride in the heat. But the added patio space has been just as valuable to me. We've been eating dinners out there, breakfast out there before school every day, beers with the neighbors in the evenings, and both teenage kids have been having all their friends over a fair amount, which they normally didn't do before. That alone made me quit worrying about how much I dropped on it.
  17. 10-year old me would've moved to Mexico if I had known I could go pro at homemade janky cart racing. 2x4s, a plastic seat ripped from a Big Wheel, and a set of lawn mower wheels... I owned the streets of North Austin for a short time but it would've been nice to learn from the masters on the dirt streets of Guadalajara.
  18. My landscape guy is charging $200 per palllet for labor to lay sod. That’s for basic leveling by hand and eyeball. I forgot the price for the actual pallet but that’s basic labor.
  19. Being that we have hi-def cameras on every house and street corner in America. And your average Joe can buy a high def GoPro and stick it on the anything he wants, do we have any vids of the aliens that aren’t grainy, vague, shaky, and from miles away? Maybe we do. Seems like we should.
  20. And that’s fair, I don’t claim to be the most passionate fan. The older I get, the less it means to me. I celebrate the wins, and the losses bother me for about an hour or two tops. Even when it’s losing to Kansas… in a night game.
  21. I used to love night games when college football occupied my entire Saturday. Now days I have other shit to do and I love the 11am games. Couldn’t give two shits about the heat, it’s just part of life here, get used to it or don’t attend the games. I wish we could move all the games to about 9am so I could move on with my day a little quicker. Difference of opinions about game times aside, creating or signing a petition for this is pathetic and embarrassing.
  22. Harry Hogge taught me you should always drive right through it.
  23. Did not know that, but it makes perfect sense. Its namesake lives in my neighborhood and I’ve watched him ride up the thing from the bottom and then turn and huck off of it. Good kid though. He told me to be on the lookout in a few weeks for some new stuff they’re building.
  24. Ask in the “post a photo you took” thread. Lots of camera discussion in there. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/39-the-post-a-picture-you-took-thread/page/60/#comments
  25. You mean like because she ate some the night before?
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