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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. First flight to Miami Int'l happened today. Just announced Sarasota, Colorado Springs, Steamboat, and Telluride not long ago too, among others.
  2. I can't believe I'm having to type this but maybe you should understand tolerance is relative and that out of 160 million some-odd liberals in this country some are going to be more tolerant than others and that casually remarking that the Koch should go to hell or that Enchubben should choke on an enchubbed dick is still light years more tolerant than anything your average trumper spews on a regular basis.
  3. This. It’s not so hard to see why he cuddled up to Trump after Trump shit on his wife and Dad. Ted is just smart enough to see that Trump’s shelf-life is limited and when he is out of the picture there are 70,000,000 voters looking for someone to represent them and the typical GOP candidate won’t be who they’re looking for. The moderate reasonable republican doesn’t really care for Cruz and he knows it. He’s going after the bat-shit crazy right vote he knows will be there waiting for someone to fill Trump’s void soon.
  4. The difference is that the investigations into Trump originated from the US intelligence community and we’re conducted by appropriate entities. This bullshit is originating from Donald and his inner circle and is being conducted by a bunch of white trash ignorant “poll watchers” who don’t have the slightest idea what they’re looking at nor the credibility to be taken seriously.
  5. I work with quite a few people that drive them Austin to Houston or San Antonio to Houston once a week. The touch of a screen will quickly tell you where the next charging station is on your route or where any of them are in your area. It sounds like it doesn’t take much longer than a gas stop would take to get a quick charge to make it the rest of the way.
  6. Yeah and when the GOP runs out someone not quite so awful were are right back to a solid blue state again. Half of the votes Joe picked up were "anyone but Trump'ers" and we can't count on them next time. I've been voting Dem here my whole adult life and will continue to but I'm not buying any bullshit about being a purple state any more than I buy the football board's assessment of our upcoming season every summer. I'll believe it when it happens. Rural Texas and old people vote and they vote a shit-ton. They don't take part in polls and they don't post about it on social media. We acted like they wouldn't be there in 2018 and we acted like it again in 2020.
  7. * declared the winner of 17 tickets from the Whack-A-Mole machine in the Chuck E. Cheese he opened in the White House.
  8. I think this is the beginning of Fox distancing themselves from Trump. I think calling AZ earlier than everyone else was calculated so they can seem “fair and balanced” when the grownups takeover. I watched a little bit of Fox News today just to see what was being said and they were pretty cold on the shit spewing out of trumps mouth today, multiple pundits acknowledging they though he was taking the wrong tack.
  9. First admit that Trump isn’t even close to the worst candidate in history. He’s a shitbag of a human being, a terrible businessman, and the worst president in history, but apparently a pretty amazing candidate. He reflects nearly half the nation, at least 67 million Americans. They are him and he is them. He is very representative of an average American. It’s disgusting but it makes him a pretty marketable candidate. When he is gone there will be another. Maybe one of his kids, maybe some current low level politician who is paying attention and learning how to whip the ignorant masses into a frenzy, maybe one of these established GOP cunts who has been biting his tongue and saying the politically correct things for the last 20 years but now has learned he can let his inner shitbag self out front and center and it won’t matter. Decency simply doesn’t matter anymore. We are a nation of idiots and with bad money management skills and racist tendencies (at best) who don’t collectively value education or true decency. That’s half our country and one of their own kind makes a damn good candidate apparently.
  10. Work trip. Will catch a few glimpses of the news through the evening. Land at 9:30pm, in a hotel room at 10. Maybe finally catching up on news at that point or maybe going down to the hotel bar. Kind of depends on how it's playing out.
  11. Another mention for Hendrickson High School shop class. My nephew learned to weld there a few years ago and they sold these in various sizes for a fundraiser. Mine is 3’ x 3 which is a lot bigger than it sounds. Pretty basic but I love it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Yep. Axl Rose warned of of this shit 30 years ago, on the worst album they ever put out I might add. This shit is nothing new.
  13. That’s a weird comment. I got no beef with the village people or the actual song. i’ve just been a part of and exposed to those hokey animated renditions of it by old white people at weddings too many times. It stopped being fun in the the early 90s at the lastest.
  14. “and they kept singing YMCA.” Of course they did. This right here validates my vote. Any group of people that sings YMCA public gatherings is not a group of people I need to be aligned with.
  15. Came here to post that. The Rick Bayless Torta Fronterra place has some of the best airport food I’ve ever had and I’ve been in five or six airports a week for the last 15 years. It’s the rare airport meal that I would look for outside of an airport too. It’s also the lone positive thing that can be said about O’Hare. And if I ever happen get invited to the Wulaw house for dinner I’m showing up with my own food.
  16. Who do you think the other Surly poster is?
  17. I fucked his former daughter-in-law before she became his daughter-in-law. Another Surly poster who may or may not choose to reveal himself also did. That’s all i got.
  18. I was told that Texas is the big game for everybody. Nevermind that I've primarily been told that only by Texas players and coaches over the years... but still I was told that.
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