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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. You are correct. I must've quoted it from the other guy's quote within your post.
  2. Hot take. Way to go out on a limb there. It's looking like we might no make the national championship game either I'm afraid.
  3. Jesus Christ. This sounds like the beginning of a Bob Wheeler story.
  4. As long as they know I still expect them to make me coffee for the first leg the next morning.
  5. I’ve had the same Zebra F402 since 1997. Refilled it a couple times. The rubber pad isn’t as snug as it used to be. Great pen though. It’s relegated to desk duty now and I go months at a time without sitting at my desk so it doesn’t get much use. In my work bag I keep a stash of Sheraton and Marriot pens for daily drivers because I’m classy like that.
  6. I think Fuck Ass Grass is a popular strain in the Bay Area dispensaries. Not sure if it’s good for football surfaces or not.
  7. On researching this I found some posts suggesting that turning the water over completely every day is less important than just simply keeping it well skimmed from leaves and debris and keeping it properly chlorinated. I run my VSP 2 hours at a high speed to power the cleaner and at the lowest rpm the other 22 hours of the day. At it lowest speed mine keeps the pool skimmed off just fine. Been running it that way for a couple months now and it's clean every day. Also, I can't find any difference in electric rates from day vs night. I read about that being the case in lots of places but I believe Austin Energy has the same rates regardless of time of day. Probably not the case everywhere though.
  8. Frank Thomas has been pushing for that. And your wife will like it too!
  9. That red one with the white top, wheels and pinstripes is sharp. Old school grill looks great too.
  10. Your questions do in fact have answers, you've just chosen not to pursue them or unwilling to accept them because it wasn't the answer you wanted. Every accusation of fraud and every notable abnormality has been investigated and not a single one of them has been significant enough to have changed the result in a single precinct anywhere, much less a state.
  11. I agree but the chances of it being this year are slim.
  12. That's making a lot of assumptions from high school tape and practice reports. We know shit about our QB except that he's got zero experience.
  13. Not much of a joke. NFL viewership increased by 10% just last year alone. I don’t watch very much of it either but for every 1 of us turning away there’s several others just coming of age and tuning in.
  14. I pay USAA $1270 per six months for myself and my 17-year-old son. Liability only. No claims for him yet. I drive an older Lexus SUV and he drives an older Tacoma. Both have been paid off for many years and the cost of either one of those vehicles being completely totaled wouldn’t be much burden to replace. For me the risk of liability only is worth it. My younger one turns 15 in a few months and I’m holding onto the old SUV for him to drive. Once he gets on the policy and takes my car I’ll add a new truck for myself with full coverage I’m sure I’ll need to budget for some lube.
  15. There’s a Bronco specific forum with its own classifieds section. Several actually. Just Google bronco forum and list it on all of those with lots of pics. Some guy that loves Broncos will buy that thing from and fly in to pick it up. Don’t lower your price, you’ll get it or something close.
  16. 8. And almost every prediction will be based on reading clickbait bullshit about how great we are at QB with one guy who has never taken a meaningful snap and the other who couldn’t hold the job last year. They might both be great but there is zero body of evidence for that so far. Those same soothsayers will have paid little to zero attention to any other team in the conference and will just assume we have better talent because we’re Texas. Our team was not good last year and it wasn’t just mental. Others teams were better and more talented. Those weren’t flukes. Roster turnover should help but it’s a double edged sword. The guys good enough to hold their jobs this year are the same guys that lost 6 in a row. The new faces that that are here are totally inexperienced. I think we will be improved significantly but not what some are expecting. This place sounds like the aggy roller coaster on its way uphill lately. Every time someone mentions how we were in most of those games we lost last year I want to scream, “You know who else was in those games? The same teams you are discounting this year.” How do you give us credit for being in a bunch of close losses and completely dismiss the teams that closed those games out as winners? We’re on the right track and I’m optimistic for the future but I don’t think it’s a single year swing of 6 extra wins.
  17. Camping in and of itself is not an activity. It's just a way to handle to logistics and have a place to sleep that gets you near the actual activity. I car camp at the mountain bike trailhead because that's the closest I can get to it. I tent camp or sleep under the stars on hikes in Big Bend because it's the only way to do that. I see Thrill's point about people who load up like it's an Everest expedition to go sleep next to a parking lots and a bathroom 20 feet from their neighbors in some random state park just for the sake of camping. That's not for me but there's still a reason to car camp sometimes. On the subject: RVing is not camping. Not in any way shape or form. It's not even about the solid walls, it's about having a kitchen, a tv, a real bed with sheets... You're just spending time in a more mobile mobile home at that point.
  18. If you think the word "tennies" while he says it you can almost talk yourself into thinking that's what he said. But no.
  19. If the NFL doesn’t handle this right it’s going to blow up in the form of a bunch of angry fist-wavers and tweets for a few months until everybody completely forgets about it forever after next season.
  20. Those individuals showed what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do!
  21. The guy was flossing. He had it coming. There’s some things you just can’t do as a man. Hitting a woman is one, flossing is another. Besides, it wasn’t even a clean punch, she missed and got him with a forearm to the head. No harm no foul.
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