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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. Think that makes it sound a little more significant of a problem than it really is. I leave mine set to receive from everyone. It comes in handy fairly often for me. I’ve never once received a bit of spam from it. Not even one time in many years of Apple usage. But if I did, I’d know that I have a pretty simple solution to stop it.
  2. If someone is airdropping you pics it’s because you have explicitly and purposefully set your phone up to allow them to. Not an issue at all that any employee ought to be injecting themselves into, IMHO. Any complaints about that should be met with a polite suggestion to adjust your phone settings to something more appropriate. No need to escalate that drama. Just my $.02
  3. I use bleach most of the time. I go out of town for two or three days a week and I run the tabs while I’m gone. Then back to bleach when I get home. It’s only been one summer but so far CYA has varied from 60-80. I think I’ve had to add acid twice in the last 3 months. That’s it on chemicals so far.
  4. Everybody pays a different price for the airline ticket for sure, but it’s all based on algorithms that are looking pretty deep at historical data on supply and demand. It’s not somebody looking at a human being and deciding they look like a sucker while the next guy doesn’t.
  5. When I read “Why Putin’s henchmen are dying for the debut…” I took it in a whole different context.
  6. That TikTok blows my mind. The newest car I’ve ever owned in my life is a 2006. Bought it new then and it still runs fine so there’s no reason I shouldn’t still have it today. I like nice cars and I occasionally get a little envious in a friend’s new ride. But a car payment is WAY down the list behind a lot of other financial priorities. Even after meeting the most of my financial goals, at this point it’s almost like a badge of honor to have one car at about 300,000 miles and another at 260,000 miles. I’m due for a new one soon because my youngest will start driving in about a year. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t be looking.
  7. If they lived in my neighborhood I’d consider stealing their yard and placing it on top of mine right about now.
  8. I don’t really know the difference between Chad and Trey. They both sounded the same to me and I am equally annoyed by both of them. At no time during the show could I tell you which one is which.
  9. Selling shirts for one specific game that isn’t a bowl game or a championship of any kind seems a little aggy.
  10. Whoa The two statues at the stadium think you might ought to tap the brakes on that.
  11. Continental tires have a tread wear indicator. Two little divots on the tread above the letters “TWI”. Replace the tire when they can’t be seen.
  12. I have a hard time keeping track of all our Nebraska victories There was Roll Left, there was Major getting knocked senseless as the threw the winning TD, apparently there was a Squints victory I wouldn’t have recalled, but mainly there is Bevo literally shitting on their name in endzone.
  13. I watched Longhorn Network on Sling yesterday. Not sure what package I have but it’s on there.
  14. Yeah I hear ya. Rod doesn't bother me at all but I can see why not everybody likes him. I like his stories. Random locker room stories from his time here and in the league make for much better radio than just another talking head talking about the same stories the last show talked about. I'm also the rare guy that enjoys hearing Bucky in the mornings for the same reason. He's not the sharpest tool in the box and he gets details wrong al the time, but he's the old dude with stories that the others guys just don't have. Those two aren't the best at discussing current news and conducting interviews but they bring stories that a pure polished and educated radio guy doesn't have.
  15. Same idea for me but I use a Mellita pour over. Takes 2 or 3 minutes and makes good coffee. It doesn't clear off the counter much though since I use and electric kettle and grinder with it.
  16. I always forget what time Rod Baber's show starts and my level of irritation when I get in the car hoping it's gonna be his show and instead hearing those two dickheads that are on before him is something I should mention in the Trivial Things That Make You Surly thread. If Trey is gone it's a good start but both of them are unlistenable. And one of them is an Aggie. And not some Aggie that is here to talk Aggie sports for the sake of their kind here in town. No, he talks Longhorn football as if he's a fan of it. Who thought that would be a good idea? tldr: Dude who still listens to radio shakes fist at clouds.
  17. If Westlake is smart they play this on their jumbotron at football games.
  18. Mandel gets paid to generate clicks and retweets. That tweet generates revenue and the more it gets shared, posted, and discussed, the more it generates. Picking the usual suspects doesn't get much attention.
  19. Torchy's is adequate when you're on your way somewhere and need to grab some food quick but don't want a drive-thru. It's not a place I'd pre-plan a meal at on purpose. The torillas are garbage but I can deal with it if the alternative is fast food. Baja shrimp is my go-to. It's not really good but it's good enough. Queso is where their menu peaks.
  20. We'd all be predicting 10-2 this year because of an up-and-coming Hudson Card nobody has seen play yet.
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