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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. That has to be a Longhorn trolling them. Right?
  2. White hat guy in the background is the best part of the skit. Aggie being laughed at on the national stage is always a good thing.
  3. Austin High will never be a powerhouse with a bunch of Tarrytown and downtown condo kids but Mike Rosenthal knows a thing or two about football players and had a nearly decade long career in the NFL. Every coach is going to rep his guys but I’m going to believe this take.
  4. We should merge this airport thread with the Tell Me About ATM thread.
  5. Emory is totally doable for the average person. I think the big difference would be that fitter people will do it faster. I’ve only been up it one time and it was last year. It’s a long day hike and it’s uphill all the way out and downhill all the way back. To the tune of several thousand feet I guess. I will say that the rocky climb at the very top was much more technical than I thought it was going to be. About half the people that reached the summit when we did opted not to scramble up the rocks at the end to the very top. I’m surprised they don’t have a broken ankle or two every week up there.
  6. That video is cringier than enchiladas from Detroit.
  7. Hardly a day goes by in winter that I don’t wear my nano puff jacket. It was a little pricey but I’ve had it at least 7 or 8 years now. The lightest, most comfortable thing ever for mild winters in Texas or real winters elsewhere with another layer. The weight to warmth ratio is perfect. I’ve mountain biked with it on frosty days, snowboarded in it with another layer, banged girls that told me they were tired of guys who wear hoodies from Ross in it, sat on cold bleachers with it for kids sports, but mostly it’s just always kept wadded up on the backseat ready for whatever. Probably have more days wearing it than any other piece of clothing I’ve owned.
  8. Had a similar thing happen with a co-worker in San Luis Potisi. Her first time in Mexico. She wanted queso. I tried telling her that’s an American thing. Tex-Mex but not real Mexican, but she wasn’t hearing it. They brought her plate of grated cheese. She insisted they melt it so they put that same plate in the microwave and brought it back to her. It was embarrassing to be at the same table.
  9. My medical expert on shoulders (random guy I’ve never met on the internet) is saying the 9.95ers have botched this recovery timeline from the get-go and that 1-2 weeks out is more likely. I’m no ortho doc but I’m eating breakfast in a Reno casino right now and I choose to believe this.
  10. Without a doubt it was a poorly officiated game. I was frustrated too. But it can be that without all the hyperbole and conspiracy theories.
  11. Pass interference isn’t a dirty play. It’s a last-resort-after-you-got-beat play. Does the same cheater label apply to us too when we interfere? We will be called for a few this year ourselves. Probably some face masks too. If you guys think they were being coached to grab face masks you’re an idiot. Watch the Quinn hit at full speed instead of slo-mo. It’s not reasonable to apply any analysis of it based on slow motion. The whole thing was over in half a second. People are claiming in that half second he had the awareness to grab his arm, force the fall a certain way, etc…. It’s embarrassing. It was roughing and they called it roughing. It happened way faster than most of you are replaying in your heads. It sucks. We will probably rough the QB a few times this year too. Doesn’t make it ok but it also doesn’t make it the crime of the century some you are making it to be. Move on.
  12. I’d prefer the D Line as Gandalf. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
  13. That’s true about East Rim being nicer than South. I tend to think of the whole area up there as South Rim but the campsites are called East for a reason and it is definitely worth the extra miles. Expect the temps to be at least 10 degrees cooler up there than whatever it is on the desert floor. My guess is warm days with jacket weather at night up top and long sleeve shirt weather in the basin at night. My only fall trip was last November and we got snow on the way down from Emory Peak. That was unusual though. It was that snowstorm that passed through a couple months before snowpocalypse.
  14. South Rim is pretty amazing and don't let anyone tell you that it's too much for kids that age. If your kids are troopers and athletic they can handle it. But if it were me I'd do that over two days and not all in one. All in one day is a major hike for even the most serious adult hikers. Someone else can give the specifics but it's got to be close to 20 miles round trip with a LOT of elevation gain for the whole round trip. My kids did it over two days and we camped at the top. I think there's only one spring to resupply water on the hike and it can be dry sometimes. There is no way around carrying a lot of weight if you need 2 days of water for 4 people. If you don't do South Rim, Lost Mine is the next most beautiful hike. 6ish miles round trip I think. You can also head up towards the South Rim and enjoy some scenic spots with good views inside the basin without actually going all the way to the rim. The border crossing at Boquillas is a must-do item if the passports get done in time. My kids have been to the park several times and that has always been their favorite part of it. There is an option to walk into town from the river, but don't. Take the horses. Those guys need the money and there are several muddy creek crossings and a network of trails to get turned around on. The kids will like the horse ride. There are 2 restaurants in Boquillas and we always eat at the one on the right as you walk into town from the Mexican customs building. I like it and the food is good, but the other might be fine too. I doubt anywhere in Terlingua shows the game. I could be wrong. There's the Starlight there but I don't remember any TVs on. The whole town is pretty much a place to escape TV and the real world. There is wifi in the Basin now. Not sure how reliable the signal would be for streaming, but it's there.
  15. You should cross post this in your Alaska thread. You have lots of folks there who would like to help you out that might not see it here.
  16. I was trying to figure out how they chose the order for places 2-9. It looks like they went alphabetical but someone in charge said, "Yeah, but fuck Baylor."
  17. If you meant Wright, he had offers from two teams that kicked the shit out of Texas last year.
  18. Did you even skate in the 80's?
  19. Texas: 41 UTSA: 6 Defense gives up 180 Our QB is… It don’t make a shit.
  20. It could be something totally wild like Ballard was better last year and Wright is better this year.
  21. I was there a couple weeks ago and it’s coming along. The building looks close to complete. No jetways are attached yet. Not sure of the opening date but I think it’s not too far off. Good riddance to that shithole terminal with its compartmentalized gates.
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