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Everything posted by billfromlaketravis

  1. Hello Dolly. The Rotten Tomatoes score is bizarre. Do people hate being happy? Streisand is beautiful and charming. Matthau is a great curmudgeon. And a, what, 15 minute insane dance sequence at Harmonia Gardens. They don’t make movies like this anymore, and it’s unfortunate. You have to go to Broadway to get anything like it.
  2. He’s an insufferable hard man type that’s obsessed becoming a famous English explorer like Francis Drake. I think he’s approaching the role with a voice actor’s overacting approach with some Richard Burton sprinkled in. I expect he’ll cool it down if/when his character gets to a comfortable place. NoBookFag but “reading” the book.
  3. The only thing worse than Simm’s hot takes is his fade.
  4. Terrific $60 bottle that goes for $90.
  5. Just started the book. Pretty great. Cosmo Jarvis sounds exactly like the voice actor Ralph Lister. Methinks that’s where Cosmo drew his inspiration.
  6. Bowers doesn’t block for shit. I don’t think he drops to 23, but I wonder if that factored into the Schultz decision.
  7. Kind of looks like biker Goodfellas? At least that’s my hope. I assume it’s loosely based on The Outlaws because Chicago is on their rockers?
  8. Yeah I don’t get the lots of sex comments from critics. They receive screeners so I assume more is coming in episodes 3 and 4. The sex scene in episode 2 is odd, but pretty tame. Some boobs and that’s it. No full frontal like GOT.
  9. It’s very early, but I think the WRs drop. Pretty good mock. The Texans are somewhat lucky that a lot of QBs and OTs are going to get drafted before 23. There should be a really good DL still on the board when they draft.
  10. Pretty nice comp conversation today. I thought there was no way I’d hit my bonus number, but I did. Best bonus in 6 years by a fairly wide margin. I’ll probably have enough for a steak lunch after my wife takes her cut.
  11. That’s not a great number for Schultz. Feels like a sweetheart deal. They could have saved a lot of money if they tagged him. I get it nobody wants to be tagged. He came to the Texans on a prove it contract and he’d be pissed if he got tagged, but it’s part of the business. I would have used the tag threat as a hammer to get him down to like 3 years $27 million.
  12. Joey Merlino has more money than sense.
  13. I hope they shoot it in Australia because they could give a f*** about wokeness. Also Australian women are hotter than a $5 pistol. But they’ll probably round up a half dozen fat chicks and shoot it in Malibu.
  14. I think I’m going to pick up a bottle this weekend.
  15. Sienna Miller is 42. She was 22 in Layer Cake. She could be 72 and she’d be too hot for Larry.
  16. Jimbo and Richard Lewis have the same fashion sense. Pretty, pretty, pretty good episode.
  17. $10 on Zone of Interest isn’t a bad bet right now.
  18. Interesting. I wonder where they’ll pivot. Chevron acquiring the new FANG would be every Diamondback employee’s worst nightmare.
  19. Well titties are great especially when it’s Sydney Sweeney and Kacey Musgraves. The single life seems to suit Kacey. But this episode wasn’t very good. Please Don’t Destroy didn’t even make me chuckle. The writers seem to have settled in a year long funk. The Tina Fey rescue team can’t get here fast enough. - A cold open about Biden that featured a 3 second Biden impression. - Weekend Update was basically 10 minutes of dunking on McConnell’s retirement. - They keep doing this. Too many sketches about how young and hot the host is and they build every joke around that. Sweeney seems to have a pretty good sense of humor, but they didn’t give her much to work with. - Airbnb interior decorators was mildly funny because it was so true. - The slide deck in the monologue was pretty good.
  20. Yep you nailed it. His voice sounds exactly like Richard Burton.
  21. Subtitles are tough, but’s it’s a great show. I’m in.
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