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Everything posted by billfromlaketravis

  1. Can we stop with the monster fights in every damn episode? Now they’ve rescued Omega, I’m not even sure what their mission is.
  2. Are they going to recast Dale? His character is far too interesting for the modern times we live in to just not use.
  3. It would have worked better as 21-22 minute episode. They kept doing the sleep scam bit over and over again. I did like the amount Vince Vaughn in this episode. Pretty funny guy and he fits the show well.
  4. I spent must of the day listening to a podcast about Charles and Carol Stuart. The sick fuck killer his pregnant wife while driving home from a birthing class. Blamed it on a carjacker. Got caught because his brother went to the cops. No financial motive. Just didn’t want to be a father. The leading cause of death in pregnant women is domestic violence. This is tragic. Has aggy released a statement yet? I think saying nothing would be best, but they’re aggy, so I’m guessing they’ll put forward some plausible deniability bullshit argument.
  5. We’re not getting much Star Wars this year. I’m so thirsty for new content I’ll watch literally anything. Cautiously optimistic.
  6. I hate the Adams Family. This is their revenge.
  7. Yup. It’s going to be weird as hell, and a lot of people probably won’t like it. But rock on DV.
  8. I’ve been instructed to stop reading after God Emperor. DV is wise to stop after Messiah. Shit gets weird.
  9. Agreed on Slim, but how many years is Avon doing?
  10. My wife has watched this movie no fewer than 800 times and is currently watching it now.
  11. My wife is enjoying my bonus. Checked off the new car. Need to find a couple dogs next.
  12. My wife bought some Texans merch for the front porch. I nodded my head like Captain Call as she hung it up.
  13. I’m guessing it’s some version of royal blue and red that they cleared with that fat, old bitch in Nashville.
  14. They’ve been trying to get us since 1990. I’m glad we’re both worthy of each other now.
  15. They wish they could get away with scott free like Baylor.* But worse attorneys and 10 million X more media attention in the SEC.
  16. I don’t think Hanks has a worst. He’s been in some shitty movie, but his performance always lifts the film. edit: Just remembered Elvis. Holy shit. Worst accent in the history of movies. I think he had long Covid while they were filming it.
  17. Playing himself? Wahlberg is a burly, sloppy dressing cop with a foul mouth? If he were to play himself, it would be a priest that works out every morning at 4am and has never consumed a carb. He’s for sure playing somebody from his neighborhood, but not himself.
  18. I thought he moved to Arizona or Vegas? Could you remind me who his cohost was on 9.75? They were pretty damn funny for sports talk.
  19. Go on… Darius Robinson or Chop would work too.
  20. What would a package look like to move back into the first? We’ll see. If they draft Sweat at 42, and Meco says this was our guy all along and we picked additional assets, it’s a good trade with a potential be great if the 2025 Vikings pick is top 35.
  21. If the 2025 pick is the 33rd pick in the draft, it’s a good trade. It’s a bet the Vikings are going to suck next year. I still wish the 2024 pick was in the 30s. I think Sweat has to be the target at 42.
  22. Eh, I don’t love it. All the good corners and DTs are going to be gone at 42. Feels like the Vikings robbed us.
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