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Yev Kassem

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Everything posted by Yev Kassem

  1. All those calls went against Bama were because they were either undisplined or couldn’t cover our receivers without holding/PI. They were forced into those penalties. We were blatantly robbed of two points at the very least, which swings the difference in the game in our favor. Could have been at least four more after the missed facemask that would have given us first and goal.
  2. Daemon is likely one of the best fighters in the realm and master of the Gold Cloaks. Cole is no slouch and probably one of the few people who could hold their own against him. The guy is in the fucking Kingsguard. Losing to him shouldn’t take away any of Daemon’s accolades as a fighter.
  3. It’s been shown in the original show that as your case of greyscale progresses you eventually go insane. So it’s not shocking that his cognitive condition seriously declined over three years.
  4. It’s not greyscale. The king has non-healing wounds from the Iron Throne cutting him. History claims that those not worthy to sit the throne find their demise there.
  5. Great intro from Alt Shift X on the backstory for the show
  6. Which of these lovely ladies now goes by “Mrs. Mackey”?
  7. CTJ when the hot takes come out….
  8. Shadow_operative seems like he’s a blast at parties.
  9. There’s a reason they canceled the Long Night prequel while in early development. HBO smartly realized that most GoT fans would be utterly bored with a series of events 8-10k years prior to when the series started. Since GRRM has been involved in the development of House of the Dragon, I bet it will at least be as good as the first for seasons of GoT.
  10. Did barrel picks at Starlight and New Riff last month and forgot to post pics. If you’re ever invited to attend a Starlight pick, drop everything and do it.
  11. Yeah the only family to fuck their relatives and can control dragons sound boring as hell.
  12. Simms definitely stole a girl from @satyanash at Blind Pig back in 2000 and it lead to a lifelong grudge.
  13. It’s a shame that there was so much potential with this movie and it flopped so hard. If this had been a smash I could totally have seen Disney do a Woody origin story (which they could probably still do since Woody is the more popular character of the two). If you watch the Disney+ documentary on the making of Lightyear you see that the director of the film was seen as the “Buzz Lightyear expert” at Pixar. Perhaps he was too close to the character and didn’t get enough outside feedback when writing the story. I think you could have had a much more interesting film with the same cast of characters if it went something like this: - Buzz fails a mission early in the movie and is demoted - Buzz’s new duties involve leading the misfit cast of characters (except they’re actual Space Ranger recruits) - The misfit crew is on a mission and is attacked/captured by Zurg - The team works together to escape/defeat Zurg
  14. The animation was amazing, but the story seemed lacking. The whole twist thing seemed far-fetched at best. It seemed like the story was written more for the adults who grew up with Toy Story than the kids currently watching the Toy Story franchise.
  15. Because GOT is still the biggest HBO franchise ever and it’s a huge world with thousands of years of history to explore. Any of these seven prequels will still be better than all but a handful of what’s on HBO these days.
  16. Y’all are a fucking beating. It’s a fucking movie about dinosaurs. It’s not supposed to be The Godfather. The chase scene with the Atroraptors was great and the tie-ins with the original and current cast were fun. Goldblum was hysterical. Most of you would complain about an Alexandra Daddario sex video because it was shot with poor lighting.
  17. Public health in Hamsterdam?
  18. This announcer has the same tone as the Swedish Chef.
  19. This announcer somehow manages to combine the worst voice in broadcasting history with the energy of a small town market top 40 DJ
  20. Lots of the Four Gate stuff is finished, so if that’s not your thing then it’s probably best to stay away (since they’re usually like $200). I bought the batch 18 a month or two ago and it’s a straight bourbon (7+ years) aged in cognac barrels. I’m a huge fan of that one, but I love cognac finished bourbons and ryes.
  21. Picked these up at OLC yesterday. Four Gate puts out great stuff, but I’ve heard this batch 19 is the best of the lot.
  22. If they’re smart they’ll limit these prequels to 2-3 seasons. HOD should fit nicely into this timeline since the war only lasted about two years. Hopefully they wrote with this timeline in mind so that the pacing is much better than the end of GOT. Know your series length from the start and then write appropriately. I can’t imagine HBO is going season-to-season here. Hopefully they just greenlit the entire series.
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