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Everything posted by futureman

  1. it's not nearly as funny as sideways but it's a nice little movie and worth watching.
  2. your statement was wrong. I merely made you aware of it. don’t be a little bitch about it.
  3. yeah I don't want caleb downs either. wouldn't want him to "rock the boat" because that would be a bigger problem than having him in our secondary. I agree with you here.
  4. please. it’s not that hard to survive if you are hurtling through the stratosphere at Mach 10 and your aircraft explodes.
  5. you think sark is as good at player development as saban? I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you there.
  6. TG2 ended well but Maverick is one of the best and most likeable characters ever on film and it’s great that they’re gonna give us more of it. Whoever made/wrote the sequel—and I’m sure Cruise had a lot of input—didn’t fuck around with bullshit story lines. They gave us what we wanted. Simple but not easy. If TG3 is more of the same it’ll be awesome and bring cinematic joy to a billion people. And yeah it’ll make a bunch of money. This is a good thing.
  7. Sark’s pretty good but it’s not fair to compare him to Saban as a coach. He’ll never be close to Saban.
  8. gotta pay a toll to watch reddit I guess
  9. those chips look like they have melanoma
  10. was there a season 1 thread for this show? I just started it about a week ago.
  11. maybe. he was also the second-best receiver on the team this year.
  12. bats are great. who doesn’t like bats?
  13. crisis averted. not pronounced nigga, it's "kanigga".
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