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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. Amen, brother. And how did we manage to fuck up the Ouch!-wan Mathis deal? Was it due to: (1) a myopic, offensive(only)-minded HC? (2) a miserable 2021 season, where we went 5-7, had the worst defense in program history, and lost to Kansas? (Oh, wait--Nebraska went 3-9, finishing up with 6 straight losses.) (3) The richest university in the world getting out-played in the NIL game by fucking Nebraska? (4) Our under-the-table bag-men falling down on the job? What? It's got to be something. In a vacuum, nobody wants to live in fucking sub-zero Lincoln when they could come to Austin. What the fuck happened?
  2. Apparently, several are portaling out today, with more likely to come. Are there any of them that we really hate to lose? That's an honest question--yes, we need the roster space, but it's not like we've got talent running out our ears at all positions.
  3. She passed a while ago. Crazy you knew her. Small world. In the Biblical sense.
  4. It's like RBIs in baseball. The plural "Craps" in CIP makes CIP grammatically sufficient, but CIPs just flows better. Like Card's crap up in the Ozarks. BTW, I expect CIPs to be featured in a new episode of South Park very soon, probably picking up where Bono left off. (Anticipated spoiler alert: It'll kill Kenny.)
  5. Something...something...whistling... something...graveyard...something...something
  6. C'mon, man, don't you know it's like that sign in Joe's Crab Shack, "Free Beer Tomorrow." With aggy it's always next year.
  7. And Jerruh resumes his rightful title as numero uno.
  8. What's the latest on Hookfin after his donorcycle accident? Will he ever be back, or is he out-out?
  9. City girls just seem to find out early,How to open doors with just a smile....
  10. You got that right. We Surlites don't need no education; we revel in our ignorance.
  11. Eleanor Roosevelt? So the guys were just going to watch, right?
  12. The same guys who believed Letters to Penthouse and The Playboy Advisor were letters written by actual readers/subscribers.
  13. Rote education works. The five words aggys say after graduation: "You want fries with that?" Which brings to mind a certain state legislator from Brazos county who, during the floor debate on a bill, said from the front mike, "Members, I've just got two words to say to you: Please vote no."
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