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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. B-52's were first put in service around 1955. I don't know when the last airframe was made, but it had to have been a hell of a long time ago. Armybrat could probably tell us. If Eddie Ricketyback's going to crash on the flyover, at least let it hit the 'Bama sideline. (I've got under 64.5) I shouldn't complain--at least it's not a DC-3 . . .
  2. We obviously needed to keep Card, the quality, experienced backup from transferring, because with our O-Line, we'll probably need him at some point. V V V
  3. Chris Plonsky running the Worldwide Leader these days?
  4. I asked an aggy one time if they really did unnatural things with heifers and sheep and chickens. With what little dignity he could muster, he said indignantly, "CHICKENS?!!"
  5. What's the difference between aggy boots and Texas boots? With Texas boots, the shit's on the outside.
  6. She's built for speed. She got everything that Uncle John need.
  7. Rutgers site said Alabama offered at the last minute, but he honored his commitment to Rutgers.
  8. Next, he'll be breathing through his eyelids.
  9. In Spain, they fall mainly on the plain. Not sure about DKR. (We could always get him an umbrella . . .)
  10. Norman Dale: "All right. Listen up. Listen up. Here's what we're gonna' do: Jimmy, they're gonna' be expecting you to take the last shot. We're gonna' use you as a decoy. Buddy, you get the ball in to Merle on the picket fence. He's gonna' take the last shot. All right, let's go." (uneasy pause) Norman Dale: ". . . What's the matter with you guys? . . . What's the matter with you?!" Jimmy Chitwood: "I'll make it." Norman Dale: "All right. Buddy, get the ball to Jimmy, top of the key. Spread the floor. Let's go!" * * * * * Norman Dale: "I love you guys." If that scene doesn't make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, check your pulse--you might be dead.
  11. Street, Bertlesen, and now Worster. Only Koy remains.
  12. This is something up with which I will not put. Reminds me of that cute little Texas Tech girl who was being totally ignored by a nice looking guy. So, to break the ice, she said, "Uh, where do y'all go to school at?" The guy replies, "Madam, I attend Harvard and the first thing they teach us there is to never end a sentence with a preposition." Chastened, she said, "Oh . . . Let me try that again: Where do y'all go to school at, ASSHOLE!"
  13. So, the only logical takeaway from this is that God is telling us that Tent Card should be QB1.
  14. ISWYDT, even if you didn't do it on purpose.
  15. "You ain't just whistlin' Dixie there, brother."--Paula Deen.
  16. All 181 members of the Texas Legislature are technically state employees, so . . .
  17. About the size of a hall closet.
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