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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. So, the only logical takeaway from this is that God is telling us that Tent Card should be QB1.
  2. ISWYDT, even if you didn't do it on purpose.
  3. "You ain't just whistlin' Dixie there, brother."--Paula Deen.
  4. All 181 members of the Texas Legislature are technically state employees, so . . .
  5. About the size of a hall closet.
  6. He's 247, right? Just refrain from spending any money on 247 so long as they're paying the son of a bitch. And let them know why. Problem solved.
  7. Or, "Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens!"
  8. We ought to call him PH--Place Holder. GP, come on down!!
  9. It's just a jump to the left . . .
  10. It's the little room in the front of the plane where the pilots sit, but that's not important right now.
  11. Manny Diaz, something, something, Gregg Robinson. PK, something, something . . .
  12. A game exclusively on streaming services (e.g., Prime) has to be attractive to advertisers because the average Joe is forced to watch it, in its entirety (or until it becomes noncompetitive) in real time because he can't record that game and play it back while fast-forwarding through the commercials, half-times, time-outs, injuries, etc. Plus, given the current glut of time-conflicted televised games, lots of viewers watch the most appealing game live while recording the other(s). It's waaaay harder to record from streaming than from cable or satellite. Just sayin' . . .
  13. A dear friend of mine was at that game. He tells it like this: "I was 10 or 11 and my dad and I decided at the last minute to see that game. We went to the fairgrounds without tickets and scalped what appeared to be 2 really good yardline seats, and cheap. Then we found out why: They were in the lower deck, located right behind one of those big round pillars that support the upper deck. I got so tired of leaning left, then leaning right, trying to see the action, that I just watched what I could see without moving. So, all I saw was Maegle streaking down the sideline. He ran behind that post and he just never ran out again. One of the most memorable plays in all of college football happened and I was actually there but didn't see it."
  14. Silk purse, something-something-something, sow's ear, something-something . . .
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