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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. Is this a pic of the 21 year old newly minted homeowner when she was 19 or somebody else?
  2. I would love to have the opportunity to read the utter hilarity that would be a "statistical expert analysis" plan from this crew. I'm pretty sure that a first year auditor could burn whatever they came up with to the ground and sow salt in the earth in under 30 seconds.
  3. Your pants can't even handle a confrontation with a stripper at a strip club you fucking skirt.
  4. Odd Muse Brewing Jammy Sammy Raspberry Peanut Butter Porter. Raspberry is pretty up front but it works.
  5. hey everyone some lawmakers are being hypocritical fuckfaces so we should start cramming into bars nut to butt
  6. So we’re not going back to the gold standard?
  7. I think I swung by the COVID thread early on and laughed at people for being alarmed and brought up the great ebola outbreak from a few years back so I will go ahead and not do that here.
  8. We have to hold a thing or two back for Phase 2 of the Surly Cinematic Universe.
  9. Maybe they will make Barron acting CISA like it's some kind of Make a Wish thing for kids whose parents are getting thrown the fuck out of the White House in a couple of months. He has the best cyber.
  10. I was laughing my ass off reading those old Roman texts.
  11. I'm going to trade them some firewater and COVID blankets for some of their reservation land and open up some bitchin' casinos.
  12. Holy fuck all we need to do is get TxTow out of prison, find Romeo Rose, find Jade, and find the preacher dude posing as a chick and this will be like the Surly edition of Avengers:Endgame.
  13. Everyone invests half of it in low risk mutual funds and then takes the other half over to their friend Asadulah who works in securities.
  14. Jesus... "There was no attempt to influence the outcome of the vote in Georgia!" and "Let's forgive and forget and hug it out with the GOP!" Rimbo is coming strong with the ice cold takes post-election.
  15. The White Elephant Draft, where Bob and Corby get split up and put on a show that sucks less than New Hardline!
  16. Does brisket's death threat apply to the sock or does he have to make a separate one for DenverHorn?
  17. Until the End of the World was my 4+ hour slog for the year.
  18. Once I start watching something I usually stick it out. I'm a masochist that way.
  19. Here's some video of that guy in a group ganging up on some guy. Dude had it coming.
  20. Newsflash: Person in NYC capes for something made in NYC! *makes jerkoff hand sign*
  21. 420. "This stay at home mom I know said [whatever about some scientific topic] and I'm taking her word over someone with a doctorate in something relevant to the subject at hand"
  22. The Velvet Vampire. A hippie couple meets a pretty lady at an art gallery and agree to go to her desert estate for the weekend within five minutes of meeting her. She watches them bang through a one way mirror while holding a skull and vampire hijinks ensure. Not good, even on the "Roger Corman produced this" scale but there's lots of boobs.
  23. We should tell all the fat people to stay inside and then forget to tell them when COVID is over.
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