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Everything posted by Bevo

  1. No but if Deshaun Watson quit football and Flacco went down, the Browns would start their second string QB.
  2. Yeah, but it is stupid to pretend that a guy who is playing in Syracuse is on your team. One guy got hurt tonight so the 2nd string guy came in. For the announcers to claim that he is essentially third string is patently false. This guy as of now is the second best QB on tOSU's roster.
  3. 3rd string QB? I thought their first string guy was already in Syracuse. That would make this guy their 2nd string.
  4. Why not get the cheapest Denon or Marantz receiver that is made and a pair B&W 607 S3 or older 2-ways? Older subs if wanted are a dime a dozen.
  5. Is Post Oak Bitch like a Galleria Bitch or like a 69/MicroCenter Bitch?
  6. True, but he is 6'3" 235lbs. So he will be used more like how Bush was used. That's Moore standing up on the outside off the line - no reads - just seeking the QB. So, we have someone in that role and then Hill, Lefau, Gbenda, Blackwell, Burrell, Roberson?, McDonald?, Gullette, and Sarkisian. I don't know if any of those guys can replace Ford, but at some point, you have to throw them into the fire.
  7. If they are targeted, they are truly poor with their analytics. I may search medical articles, but I have no desire to learn about "hair" hacks. Anyway, most of those ads don't seemed targeted, they are one of a handful that Solitaire repeats or are part of a link from the Ukraine thread. And again if those ads truly are targeted, their analytics are wacked because I don't even care about that stuff or what Molly Ringwald looks like now.
  8. The ads are crap, too. Your hair will grow like crazy, try this! I have plenty of hair on my head and I shave my balls so why do I want to click through on your stupid as shit idea? And how the fuck does this "idea" make money anyway? And what the fuck is up with everything being a hack? No, that's not a cheesecake hack. It is called a fucking recipe. You can even find them online if you bothered to do a search. And no that's not a diabetes hack. It's a fucking diet you fat fuck. As a matter of fact, if I hear that word "hack" one more time, I'm gonna set up a tiktok trap in my yard to catch all the youngins in my neighborhood and send them on a flight hack to another country.
  9. Are you sure that he didn't say that there are some things going on in the portal?
  10. Wait until you have to pay a yearly subscription for the tech in your car. It's coming - I have a relative who is head of IT for GM and he is super excited that IT will become a profit center at GM rather than a cost. Dealership service centers will be happy too as they will be able to dampen independent auto repair shop business and increase their prices. And I guarantee the second thing to happen will be the enshittening of your driving experience unless you pay up.
  11. He was talking about sideline talent - ie. the womenz.
  12. No, he has disappointed a lot of people. Sad. Very sad.
  13. Our city leaders are such ass hats. Any of y'all see the new tax bill commercial? A guy sees his tax bill and passes out. His wife sees the tax bill and pays it saying how easy it is to pay
  14. What I think I hear you saying is that the lead chick has a full bush.
  15. The movie was good except for the rooting for Washington. It lacked some character building but I guess that was to keep the movie short.
  16. Do you think it would have required an attorney and court or would the title company admit that it fucked up and take the financial hit?
  17. It's a gated community in Sandpoint, ID so squatting may be difficult. We do visit regularly and as you may remember we were going to build pre-Covid but during Covid the construction costs went from $700K to $1.3M. You are lucky that you were able to get your house built because for me at least $1.3M isn't a vacation home price but more of an anchor.
  18. I would think that the land owner (me) would bear some responsibility. What if I hadn't found out about it and the new (owner) started building on the property?
  19. We are looking at who else will be able to play at a high level next year besides Gunnar Helm. It is a pretty short list.
  20. At this point, I think we (our coaches) are (morons) pining for aggie trash. Just smile when you see Jake and Gunnar on the field together in the Jumbo set.
  21. I watched Spencer Shannon's high school tape and he didn't seem to have much lower body strength and wasn't that coordinated to get open in the receiving game. He has to get stronger legs and stay lower on his blocks for him to be a quality TE at the college level.
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