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GTX Horn

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Everything posted by GTX Horn

  1. Ah so you're the one responsible for this decade of fuckery
  2. What the fuck are you talking about? Special Teams has been one of the few bright spots of this season. Definitely not an embarrassment like the defense.
  3. This seems like the wildest coaching carousel season ever and I’m here for it. Lots of good jobs open but not enough good coaches to fill them
  4. IF it’s a true story, it’s a total bitch move by Jones to float the story then refuse to give specifics because he’s doesn’t “want to be a detriment to the program.” Floating the story in the first place is detrimental to the program. If you don’t want to paint the program in a bad light, don’t bring it up in the first place.
  5. Our locker room sounds like a toxic shitshow. No wonder the wheels have come off this season.
  6. Oh dear. I’m sure Saban is putting in a strong recommendation to get BoB out of his hair
  7. GTX Horn

    Tiger King

    I will say the strip club within the zoo was a nice idea
  8. Tre Watson and Calvin Anderson were both portal guys who worked out really well for us. I’d take guys like that again in a heartbeat.
  9. GTX Horn

    Tiger King

    I enjoyed the first season for what it was, especially considering the time it came out, but this one is a rudderless mess. Everybody that’s in this now is becoming an even bigger caricature of their already weird selves so they can take advantage of their 15 minutes of fame. The first one was a perfect storm of nuttiness and timing. This one seems like they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel to put something together. Also, side note, I cannot stand these self-proclaimed sleuths like the Ripper guy that was in the episode about that bitch Carol Baskin’s dead husband. Those self-aggrandizing fucks think they’re smarter than they actually are.
  10. Or I could also see him working behind the scenes to push for his brother Mark to get the gig
  11. Am I missing something? What’s the point of that? It’s not like they have to have a USFL bubble for Covid reasons like the NBA did
  12. What’s the allure of going to LSU for Lincoln Riley? More money? Built in recruiting advantage? I mean, he’s been able to recruit solid classes at OU and has his system rolling now. It’s not a Jimbo at FSU situation where the program is rapidly deteriorating. It just doesn’t make sense to me unless he thinks OU won’t be able to compete in the SEC and will turn into Arkansas. If he leaves, I’d be very interested in seeing who OU goes after. Hopefully not Aranda.
  13. Got my results from the 2nd Texas CARES Blood draw. Negative for N Protein, Positive for S Protein. Antibodies down from 2285 to 2094
  14. Napier would be a solid candidate there. I also could see them going for Shane Beamer for obvious reasons
  15. Ahhh gotcha that makes a lot of sense now
  16. Who would be your top choices personally?
  17. August 24. I thought I still had a few weeks to go until I got the 2nd draw but evidently not
  18. Got a message that I'm due for the 2nd Texas CARES blood draw. Interested in seeing what has happened to my antibody numbers over the past few months. Has anyone else who did that study done the 2nd blood draw yet?
  19. @Sbbruin what’s the read on the Kelly situation? Are y’all expecting him to be fired after this season?
  20. Realistically he’ll probably make it to next year but he could very well get the Willie Taggart treatment and get fired next year midseason if we have another disastrous season. However, I don’t see how he can turn things around after this. I don’t care if it’s unprecedented but he should be fired after KSU because this loss and this losing streak are completely unacceptable. Keeping him beyond this season is delaying the inevitable and setting us further behind the 8-ball.
  21. I’m not convinced Sark isn’t the one fixing games…
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