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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. @YGIFS you asked earlier what teakettling is, here's a student's firsthand account of how the cops were doing it today: The cops were forcing students off of lawns and into sidewalks and streets so they could charge them with obstructing streets.
  2. You can see him in the video bump an officer in the back with his camera, but it's by no means an attack or even "hitting" someone in the way the connotes intention. Those cops were looking for the thinnest veneer of justification to kick some ass and slap some cuffs on someone
  3. Much like trump on Jan 6, his growing silence through the day is making things worse and worse.
  4. Microsoft's licensing is gonna keep ARM from getting bigger - enterprises with VDI solutions are really badly handcuffed by windows licensing terms that make running them anywhere but Azure not that great. But, I could definitely see ARM taking over more and more. Especially when you've got the success of Valve's Proton compatibility to translate directX APIs into Vulkan APIs, there's fewer and fewer anchors keeping consumer users on Windows for desktop computing
  5. That was not happening here? Please support your assertion that it was. Same thing as above.
  6. Credit where it's due, it looks like posts are getting restored and moved to the new thread
  7. It is the WRONG move to memory hole all those posts. It's his favorite move, and it's fucking wrong. He should have moved the posts to a new thread, rather than just lazily deleting everything. If that's his only solution then @immamac should fucking have a talk with him about destroying his user content and discussion
  8. @blacklab can you restore all those posts and comments from when the event was happening? Or did you just erase that context and discussion because you didn't like how much your buddies said they liked "cracking heads"? Edit: credit where it's due, thank you for restoring the posts. Sorry for the extreme emotion, but I thought you had memory holed the entire contemporaneous discussion and I was quite irate.
  9. You've already deleted and removed the posts and discussion. If you wanted it to be a topic, you would have moved the posts. But you didn't. You didn't want ANY discussion of it, so you hit the reset button and removed the fresh context. You are a fucking terrible mod if you just memory holed all those posts and user content. What the fuck, dude?
  10. He sure fuckin acts and moderates like a chud. He's letting the fascists and bootlickers set the terms of the conversation, rather then telling them to go eat a bag of dicks.
  11. Thanks for deleting the posts and protecting the bootlickers from accountability, as you ever do. Where the fuck does it belong then? Is the deployment of the state troopers onto OUR FUCKING CAMPUS to arrest peacefully protesting students a forever verboten topic? You are just making it such that the fascists and bootlickers get to dictate the terms of """polite""" conversation, you fucking useful idiot
  12. @blacklab you are a fucking coward and carrying the water of greg abbott's fascism. @immamac I can't believe you let him run shit the way he does.
  13. Motherfucker this happened on Speedway in front of Gregory Gym. This is the essence of Texas current events. Sorry it makes you feel uncomfortable to see it happening.
  14. Before BL starting issuing ban waves, is the state governor illegally arresting dozens of students and a few journalists off of Speedway Drive in front of the steps of Gregory Gymnasium NOT a current event worthy of discussion on a UT current events board?
  15. I reject your framing and insistence that any speech against the genocide of Palestinian civilians is "anti-Jewish hate speech". Try again. You used to be WAY better at justifying police brutality and beating up protesters, you're really missing a step nowadays
  16. These cops have been fuckin WAITING for a chance to get their rocks off
  17. Lmfao speedway, despite it's name, is not a highway or traffic passageway. It's mostly pedestrian traffic. I don't think that's gonna stand up to any level of scrutiny They can't seriously be pulling that out and hoping to animate the "shoot the protesters that are on the roads" people, right?
  18. These are what we call "useful idiots"
  19. It's almost like abbott is choosing to escalate this as a culture war issue, or something. He's also framing this action as being "against antisemitism" which is bad because that means he thinks he's justified in arresting those protesters.
  20. Nevermind that being against the genocide of Palestinian civilians is not antisemitism. This is a major fascist turn for abbott to be making this play and using these levers
  21. Local news person just got arrested Can't be documenting any deprivation of freedoms, now
  22. I wonder how Hartzell is gonna square this with UT's Free Speech Week https://www.utexas.edu/ut-celebrates-free-speech
  23. It's from UT's totally SUPER cereal Free Speech page https://www.utexas.edu/ut-celebrates-free-speech
  24. Shout out to @bolverk for the timestamp, copying over here for context: One final clip from the long video demonstrates how peaceful the students were when the yellow-vested organizers cleared a path for the cops. Don't buy the narrative of it being a chaotic protest and take off your thinking cap, just so you can have a reason to be happy the cops are cracking heads.
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