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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. It depends on your metric of success. More people have died of Covid under Biden than Trump and that’s with a vaccine. I know there are reasonable explanations for that, Trump, stupidity, disinformation but the fact remains the same. Biden’s pandemic focus has been more on the economy than stopping the virus IMO. The Democratic talking point when Trump was in office was, “we can’t fix the economy until we stop virus.” Well Biden basically did a “mission accomplished” in the summer and has moved on. No more stimulus money, no more halt on student loan payments, no more unemployment benefits, no more eviction moratorium. Meanwhile 1000+ Americans are dying of Covid per day, right now... seems kinda bad I dunno.
  2. Ironically when it comes to policy, Republicans are advocates for corporate welfare (socialism) when they’re in power because they don’t have the political liability of being called a socialist and voters are too stupid to recognize socialism unless someone on Fox News cries about a democrat doing it. Regarding your question, I can’t answer it but I can tell you both administrations are exploiting the pandemic for political gain at the expense of the population. The funny thing is Biden is behaving more like a traditional Republican on both a rhetorical and policy level. Disregard ongoing mass death, look at my fantastic economic numbers!
  3. Additionally, consolidated corporate control of many goods and services has exacerbated the inflation problem. The mega corporations are posting record profits and some are doing stock buy backs. They are using higher input costs as an excuse to inflate prices much higher than they should be because with almost no competition, they can get away with it. Almost like they’re applying the pharmaceutical pricing model. Additionally this gouging continues down the supply chain because when a supplier raises a price by a nickel, the middle man raise it a dime. That’s one way you get runaway “inflation.”
  4. Trump completely mishandled Covid on the messaging/leadership level but when you compare what his administration did versus what Biden is doing regarding economic relief and the pandemic, this kinda sums it:
  5. This was entirely predictable back in March/April when I was losing my shit about the administration dragging their feet on the legislative agenda. You can blame Manchin all you want but it’s important to note there was no urgency nine months ago when it was most needed.
  6. Not sure but I’m curious to see if any fess up on their own accord before getting doxxed.
  7. Does the Fed have a name and a face? Is it Joe Biden? or Biden appointees? I imagine most people blame Biden because their quality of life isn’t improving and it’s harder to get ahead. The President always gets more credit and blame than deserved.
  8. American conservatism should be as dead as Soviet communism but nevertheless it persists because too many assholes I guess.
  9. While true, this makes an implicit assumption that only Biden could beat Trump and I’m sure some believe it, because it’s comforting and Biden did beat Trump (the worst President in memory). Don’t get me wrong, I want Biden to succeed and I’ll vote for him again because there is no alternative but I can’t ignore the death cycle we’re in due to a void of leadership and accountability. We deserve better.
  10. My criticism of him before the nomination was he is a candidate that would likely ensure we’d get a Trump or worse again. I understand why he was nominated but electing Biden is the democrats repeating some of the same mistakes that led to Trump in the first place. In short, weak and aloof leadership that prefers to talk itself out of doing the right, necessary things in hopes that everything will just work itself out.
  11. It’s dumb I agree but I understand why morons might find it funny.
  12. I don’t remember anyone before the election arguing how awesome Joe Biden would be as president. Hell, even most Democratic voters would likely prefer someone else. But the goal with Biden wasn’t to solve problems, it was merely to win one election.
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