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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. It's also a subscribable channel on Prime.
  2. He's a scene stealer to be sure. The French chick is really good as well.
  3. This is a great series on Prime about the SAS beginnings in WW2 in North Africa. It's got humor, action, and a great story. The cast is spot on. I don't know how accurate it is, but it's fun to watch. I'm a sucker for anything WW2. Unfortunately they only release one episode per week and currently have three up.
  4. Boquerones Fritos is one of my favorite dishes when in Spain.
  5. I'm headed to Scotland next November with a few good friends and I'm early planning for it. The West Highland Line suggestion above looks amazing and we'll definitely do that. We only have four days for Scotland as we're doing a week driving around Ireland. We'll probably fly into Glasgow from Dublin or Belfast for the train ride and try to do a full day in Edinburgh after that and fly home from there. I've been to Scotland a couple times but never the highlands, so I'm trying to fit in both the highlands for me and Edinburgh for the friends. I try not to pack too much into a short trip, but it may be necessary this time considering their tight schedule.
  6. What's the difference between a direct an indirect red card?
  7. Ha! I must be behind a minute. USA!!!!
  8. In the event it becomes unusable, where does everyone go? You'd think some rich tech guys are working around the clock on something to replace it. I don't care for Instagram, don't have Facebook, and have no idea how tiktok works. Reddit's a weird interface and I looked at Mastodon just now and closed it 30 seconds later completely confused. It'll be interesting to watch the race to be the new twitter. I only got on it during the 2020 election and am embarrassed how much time I've spent on it since then. I think my life will be better without it. Thank god for Surly.
  9. I'm in New Zealand Tdrinjiig their. Sjotty beer.
  10. I'm not following this thread but we're gonnnsa fuck their shit up!
  11. Orale


    Hopefully this is true.
  12. Yep. Totally rent a car. I did that years back and it was amazing. I couldn't imagine doing that in some lame tour group. But get the extra insurance. A lot of the country roads are very narrow and I had to pay to replace the hubcaps because the roads are so narrow I scraped them up on rocks and what not. And I suck at driving. At least on the left. Just make sure it's an automatic.
  13. Any recommendations for the north island of New Zealand. I'm headed there the first week of November for 11 days. I'm going to rent a car and explore with no itinerary planned yet. I spent two weeks in NZ a few years ago but just hit up the big cities with some day trips to scenic spots like Milford Sound and Waiheke Island.
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