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Duane Moore

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Duane Moore

  1. Stoops, Day, and Dabo are three guys who already have retirement plan contracts in place. They could be fired tomorrow and live comfortably off the buyouts for those deals for the rest of their lives. All three are hearing criticisms from their fan bases. Their names being floated smacks of getting some appreciation from the fans, if not possible raises.
  2. Dabo head coach with Ryan Day OC and Mark Stoops DC. Just raise the student athletic fees $1000 each on all 77,000 enrolled.
  3. It really has been hard goddamn work for OSU to fuck this up so badly
  4. LSU should offer him $4 million to be their DC
  5. Compare that with Gerry saying they already have their guy. If Gerry is right, I’d expect word to start leaking out tonight.
  6. I thought Carter had another year still? I agree we need to get another DL through the portal, but everybody and their brother is going to be looking for them as well.
  7. Given CTJ’s opposition to Stewart I am guessing that something went down in that recruitment where he shit on Sark and/or Texas that would send a bad message to other players on the team who are aware of it if we took him. More than just “he’s a head case but we can get him straight” like Billingsly and Hall were, something disrespectful that you can’t forgive without losing face.
  8. Love Urban’s reaction to the Day to ATM rumor. All the reports on that are “the Aggies will be targeting Day, nothing whatsoever about Day having any interest in them. If Gerry is right that ATM already has their coach, the outcome of the Michigan game should have nothing to do with it. Likely Day’s agent wanting to help his client get more appreciation from the tOSU fans.
  9. This makes it real hard for Tech to keep running Brooks and Morton seems like a turnover machine.
  10. I agree. It’s really hard to lose a 27 point second half lead. 3 scores is doable.
  11. Tech gonna let us score here so we get the dreaded 20 point lead and they can start their comeback.
  12. You know it’s coming. If we’re lucky. This team cannot stand prosperity.
  13. Got damn, when Hill gets his hands on people they go down
  14. Brooks is going to get his 30 carries tonight if we don’t keep scoring
  15. Talk about killing any momentum we had after MM’s INT
  16. No CR, but this is immediately what came to mind when I saw that spread:
  17. Not sure what Auburn has coming in at QB, but Rogers would certainly be a massive upgrade over the trash they’ve rolled out all year.
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