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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Your narcissism is showing, wormtongue.
  2. I’d like to believe you. But, SCOTUS Calvinball, Alabama congressional districts, Harris County, and Wisconsin state, shenanigans, etc lead me to believe this existential threat to our country is not Trump specific.
  3. Voted third party from 1984 until 2008. If only I had thought to write in candidates that I was unwilling to name when discussing politics with other people, maybe things would be different now. Lol
  4. Feeding peanuts to the elephants is FA behavior. Couldn’t find a Rich Minus video of this song, created in reaction to Jimmy Vaughn performing at Shrub’s inaugural celebration.
  5. Lol. My take away from debutante balls is vodka is the go to martini. Also, God bless the taxi industry.
  6. My brother sent me this link. Off menu fast food options, available at locations that are willing to cater for the business. The double patty Big Mac is said to be an Australian standard menu option. https://hackthemenu.com/
  7. Fentanyl is supposed to be both deadly and a desirable experience. Also, I’m told it’s everywhere. Junk those fuckers.
  8. Since you quoted @Incredulity, I feel obliged to say that all crime is bad, but not all crimes are equally bad. Some crimes are a minuscule threat to societal good compared to certain acts that are legal. Armed robbery, for example, is not a threat to our Republic, unlike his voting choices.
  9. Okay. I didn’t know enough to be sure that was so. Point taken.
  10. Isn’t it possible your nephew can think Biden sucks without being the only black trans maga person? Many decent people think our government should further progressive goals and have given up on Biden for not meeting their expectations. With that in mind, It is possible your nephew will nevertheless vote “not Trump.” Or not. The drone wars were a deal breaker for me. I voted Green in 2012.
  11. “The question raised by Fischer is whether that law could apply to congressional proceedings like the certification of the 2020 election that was disrupted on January 6, 2021.” The transfer of power is not equivalent to normal Congressional proceedings. It is, in fact, an integral component to the peaceful transfer of power and it is a key pillar of our Constitutional form of government. I respect the verbal gymnastics that serve to convince some folks our laws are being followed. But, the recording of the results of an election in order to ascertain who will keep, or assume, the reins of power absolutely must be defended from any and all attacks. Not to do so is not to defend the Constitution, period. Blatantly throwing the middle finger to one’s oath of office should be an impeachable offense.
  12. 1) Blue staters foot the bills. 2) There’s already a labor shortage. 3) You understand immigrants make good citizens, but still vote R. You are a mess, psycho. Why are you embarrassed by men who are effeminate?
  13. The probability that the US swears in a syphilitic as despot in chief a year from tomorrow is not zero.
  14. When folks tell me who they are, I tend to believe them Fuck off. Ignored.
  15. This is the bill that tried to reform immigration. It was proposed in 2021. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1177/text Here’s how Forbes describe its provisions: ”In February 2021, the U.S. Citizenship Act (H.R. 1177), developed by the Biden administration, was introduced in Congress. The bill contained many immigration provisions and would have put an end to the employment-based immigrant backlog within 10 years. It included a higher annual green card limit, eliminated the per-country limit, provided permanent residence for those waiting with an approved immigrant petition for 10 years and excluded dependents from being counted against the annual limit. (See here.) It also would have exempted individuals with Ph.D.s in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields from numerical limits.” And, yes, the opposition was a Republican thing. Again, Forbes: ”Due to GOP opposition and the 60-vote filibuster threshold in the Senate, the U.S. Citizenship Act turned out to be a messaging or placeholder bill that did not move in Congress.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2022/08/22/what-happened-to-the-bills-on-employment-based-immigration/?sh=2e77c7f85658
  16. She’s just being koi, Roy; she needs you to comfort her in her grief.
  17. Aquasource’s system wide email asked customers to locate the interior faucet furthest from the source, and drip.
  18. There is no expectation of power service in an emergency, such as extreme weather. None. Texas SC has made that expressly clear. Discussion found in CR.
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