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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. God created a universe which inexorably led to a consciousness capable of an experience of God, because sharing is a natural impulse for those without personality defects. Pig tastes good.
  2. So, can we change the thread title back to the original one, so that a V means victory?
  3. Meaning, the old and new testaments of the Bible. There are other texts, with which I not as familiar but have some awareness of, including the Zohar, as well as gnostic texts not included in the New Testament. Of these, the gospels of Mary and Thomas influence my beliefs. Yes, I believe Jesus lived. He was mentioned in the writings of both Roman and Jewish historians.
  4. I’ve read both testaments, as well as your earlier post. I don’t dispute the author’s points, but I do take issue with Paul’s proclamation. Jesus was a teacher, and he had a profound impact on our species. Because I believe in those teachings, I consider myself Christian. Peace.
  5. Tough loss. Our Horns battled to the end, Hook ‘em!
  6. Don’t understand why the refs didn’t go to the monitor to get the possession correct, but our Ladies are still in this game. Texas! Fight!
  7. Happy Easter! The resurrection of the son, aligned with the resurrection of the sun, imbued with the magic of transformation! And chocolate eggs! Louder? Don’t you Quaker, bro? https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/12/21/where-christian-churches-stand-on-gay-marriage/ https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/06/21/where-major-religious-groups-stand-on-abortion/ft_16-06-22_churchabortion/
  8. Christian Nationalism is inherently contradictory. Don’t trust me, trust the source material for Christians. Y’all might want to also read up on the consequences of denying truth, because that is possibly the only deadly sin. It is disquieting, this wholesale abandonment of truth. Made more so by this eschatological component of evangelicals. Which supposedly includes a biblically scaled delusion, amplifying the “father of lies,” and yet sent by God,
  9. Your definition of Christian is shit. Be better.
  10. Tough to argue that inside cats aren’t safer in your home.
  11. Claiming to speak for God is heresy, and heresy used to be a capital offense.
  12. I appreciate the correction, and will not deny your characterization.
  13. There are a select few humans I hope never to meet and face the decision whether to end their lives. I am talking about a spontaneous circumstance. This pendenjo is on my list.
  14. Yes. Being aware of what was going on, and having the ability to say so, was her motivation; not pain,
  15. You, amiga, are a true patriot.
  16. My MIL (89 years) says she prays someone with excellent aim will step up.
  17. Your first sentence is almost completely true. Not suggesting this was avoidable.
  18. SIL arrived on schedule for her procedure last month. The anesthesiologist did not. No big deal. The gastro team went all in on fentanyl, and scoped her pipes anyway. She only had to ask twice for more drug.
  19. Why, indeed it was. The Brits tossed it aside around the time anything associated with the US, (read Reagan,) was considered ill-bred, oafish, and uncultured. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_(word)#:~:text=The term was in use,erroneously seen as an Americanism.
  20. Well, it is British. I guess if we are comfortable with the terms gridiron and diamond, might as well allow the Tory’s their own fun. Pitch, as you know, first described a cricket field. Apparently you pitch those two stakes like you would pitch a tent. I love soccer. Loved playing it and now I love watching it. I regret y’all bring the cricket baggage along with the Euro-speak. https://onthepitch.org/2006/02/21/ever-wonder-why-its-called-a-pitch/
  21. I swim laps as exercise. Over time, you get to know some of the other swimmers. Through one conversation, I learned the powers that be are putting mRNA vaccines into the nation’s vegetable and meat food supplies. Imagine my surprise,
  22. Thanks, but no. Your wife needed the whole box to wipe up. For someone who likes to criticize others for their short attention span, you easily forget history when any chance to erode bedrock presents itself.
  23. Never pass on the chance to foment division, amirite? LOL on the thought that fundamentalists would criticize Israel.
  24. I guess I willfully have held out hope the legal system had balls; at least a sliver of respect for the cojones of Lincoln, circa 1861..
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