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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by cactusflinthead

  1. I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams All lily white and squeaky clean They've never known want, they'll never know need Their shit don't stink and their kids won't bleed Their kids won't bleed in their damn little war And we can't make it here anymore
  2. Facts. How about something tangible? Those that agree with your general dislike of Biden may not share your feelings towards him. A portion of them that dislike him is because he isn't more liberal.
  3. Company iPhone is ATT and it has LTE at the moment. It's an old beater 8, but I do have some connectivity. T-Mobile on my own phone is rocking 5G. I saw on CNBC that the Verizon and T-Mobile users might have been trying to reach ATT users and that's why they thought it was out. T-Mobile says they are fine.
  4. I don't hate it. You can fret about it Frodo, but the Shire has to be scoured. Hit them where it hurts. People have been calling Democrats pussies for not hitting back and NOW you're upset? What if they started hitting back when it was Reagan making deals with Iran to not release the hostages? Atwater might have regretted it on his deathbed, but he knew how politics worked. You aren't voting for someone you're voting against that other person. It's not going to get better. Wimpy indies wring hands and wonder why we can't get along. Here's what the Republicans are FOR AND letting Russia do whatever they want You expect them to sell that or any of the other laundry list from hell of what they do want? They haven't run FOR anything in years. Oh I suppose you can point to the amorphous Support the Troops/Police/arbitrary authority figure here trope but it's as empty as any of the other appeals to the working class. So, because they can't run on the wildly unpopular shit that they do want their only other option is to gin up anger and campaign negatively. The Democrats tried taking the high road and pointing out all the good stuff. That's nice but Newt is over there slinging shit at you. You might want to return fire. You're pining for a world that doesn't exist.
  5. Juan Williams of Fox News writing for The Hill Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) took a face-first fall on live television two weeks ago when he called a vote to begin impeachment proceedings against President Biden’s secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. In rushing to please the Trump-extremists in his caucus, he failed to realize that he did not have the votes. On a second try last week, they impeached Mayorkas by a single vote. It was a transparently empty act that said less about the secretary than it did about their own bumbling. The entire GOP House caucus is now locked in this fall-on-your-butt loop of dysfunction. Currently, close to two dozen Republicans are making it clear they can’t take more of the sad comedy. They are leaving their broken caucus. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4463811-house-republicans-majority-is-falling-apart/
  6. How many posters here agree with Alabama but won't say it? We're the toxic ones though, the cabal.
  7. Oh yeah a wandering prophet ranting is in my wheelhouse. And I am gonna Google that name. But, at a time of my choosing.
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