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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. Squeezed out of that tight spot unscathed and it only took two more pitches to do it. Now we pull our heads out of our asses here
  2. J Gilligan's. Plucker's in the Highland's straight south on Collins. If you want the best tacos in town along with damn good free chips and salsa hit Los Pastores. Avoid Bombshells and Bdubs like the plague.
  3. Meat'n at the feeder. Big fella in the back looking more wide than I originally thought.
  4. Holy fuckin shit you fuckin fucks. FUCK!!
  5. That was some Chet Stedman have-to effort from Brantley to get to that one
  6. At this point I think I'm good with giving Alvarez the Bonds treatment. Intentional walk in any situation and under any circumstances.
  7. Goddamn some of you fucks are a goddamned fucking beating
  8. Every now and then I miss the good ol days of Chili Mac MRE's, and when I finally decide I really hate myself i'll make some homemade Mac n cheese and throw in leftover chili, but noodles and chili right out of the gate is.....something.
  9. They did. And they named it Randolph Duke.
  10. Sure would have liked to see Nate try to get a couple more outs before the call....
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