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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. They're pretty cocksure that they can just go out and get whoever they want because they're rich rich rich. A&M is the capital city of unjustified levels of self-confidence.
  2. That sounds even better than a buddy with friends close to the program.
  3. This profoundly illustrates what a crapshoot hiring a coach is. They were all sought out enough to command those huge salaries even though many were hardly proven as head coaches at all. Others had been successful one place but didn't work out in another. I hate looking for a new coach
  4. They will have to work their way down the list for sure, but don't take every one of those "no's" at face value...especially if aggy is desperate enough to meet any price, any demand. I don't know if a contract could possibly get more one sided than Jimbo's was, but by God those gomers won't be denied spending their money. And that crazy pride in doing so. Coach XXXXX loves A&M, and us paying him $10.1 million a year proves how many top coaches are desperate to come to Texas A&M! If they loved us any more, we'd go broke paying their salaries.
  5. I like how every thread has a discussion about the Aggie search for a coach.
  6. The bonehead managed to get elected once and has so far gotten away with an open attempt to overthrow the government. Do you feel as comfortable as you sound about the unlikelihood you describe? Recall, I say he took the reins of something that was already there. If he drops the reins, someone else might just snatch them up. The GOP has lost control of their wicked toy. You're largely agreeing with my usual position not that I expect anyone to be familiar with my full catalogue.
  7. If A&M finds a coach who is successful, it will be amusing should we decide to hire whoever it is away from them. If not us, somebody will do it. Does a top coach really want to be the guy at A&M? They're either a retirement destination or stepping stone for the forseeable future.
  8. My own predictions are generally wrong, but I'll bring up a few points to consider. First, the whole notion of the first attempt to overthrow government as we know it being something of a practice run in effect even if that wasn't the intention to start off with. Frontal assault on the Capitol failed although I don't like to think how it would have gone had Trump been driven to the building. Okay, so what's the next move? I tend to believe that the state of Ohio was stolen to re-elect GW Bush. I just watched Trumpites try to disrupt the last presidential election. GOP state governments are all over the place publicly moving to cheat there way into office. Your political analysis relies on a free and fair election running by the same rules that CNN still believes to be in effect. I don't think the main game is politics anymore. I think the GOPs were already moving to stack the deck to keep their fascist, Russia-sucking, corrupt asses in permanent control. The hate engine predates Trump's seizure of the reins to it. Election cheating similarly predates him. It is quite possibly naive to believe the next election will be like the ones prior to Trump. The game is war against republican style government. I don't believe one side plans to wear gloves. Second, where is the countervailing public force to take actions that match those of the criminal GOP/MAGA/Proudboy/Trump conspiracy? Are our institutions really working very well? Trump walks around spewing treason, reprisal, and bald dishonesty and only a few of us blink at it anymore. Can we keep counting on generals like Milley? Should we be concerned about how many more Flynns are wearing stars? I'm wearing the concern out, but I never thought I'd live in an America where the disposition of the Army would be a consideration in the political future. I've never desired to invent crazy stories so that I can feel like I'm living in extraordinary times. I was quite content to ride out the white guy boomer gravy train to the end. There is cataclysm all around. Paradigms have radically shifted. The general populace won't see it nor will the bulk of leaders. In that context, talking about where Trump is campaigning and Electoral vote counts seem sort of trivial.
  9. The founders were correct in recognizing how fragile this whole experiment is. I was slow on the uptake. A tyrant with massive popular support is announcing his plans for tyranny and calling for extra-legal consequences to be brought against lawfully acting opponents. Far more than half the people can't be bothered to have a clue it's happening let alone do anything about it. In a sane world, Trump would need brown shirts all around him to protect him from an enraged public. For such a violent populace, Americans have growm remarkably tame. Trump is an ambulatory moron, but he has a keen sense for how things work with the hoi polloi. I can't believe that I'm watching this and growing number by the day. All as we hurtle toward climate cataclysm where our greatest fear seems to be we won't be able to have hamburgers anymore or cook them on gas stoves. I.W.
  10. I hadn't thought of Dykes. He knows how to get to the championship game. He got TCU to within one victory of a national championship! Think what he could do with our unending supply of money, facilitiesfacilitiesfacilities, and the Aggie Network! He beat tu twice when he was at Cal! Actually, I could see it.
  11. Is it just me, or is this kind of vulgar? They have to believe they're the richest school and they can't be anything or imagine themselves as being anything without crowing about it. I suppose I shouldn't begrudge them; they have so little to celebrate in actual competition or even as human beings. (I'm mainly talking TexAgs Aggies.) We've got facilitiesfacilitiesfacilities, fan support second to none, all the money and resources in the world, and a huge student body! And don't forget our fake army, fake honor code, and manly manfulness! The growing number of 2%ers must really do a lot of cringing. Stick with it, guys. A&M brought you in to spread Agginess, but they've fucked that up like everything else. You're going to make them less Aggie and more tolerable. Fight on!
  12. This is outstanding. You post it here and, after a few sentences, it's recognized as irony. Post it on TexAgs, home of the irony-deaf, and the crowd will either cheer it or debate it as though it's sincere all the way through. BTW you had me almost all the way through the top line of point one.
  13. Dear Sark, I have it on good authority that you should try winning the remaining two games. Love, RomaVicta
  14. Most everybody knows, but I can never let it pass that that yokel handing out the plaque did this at a ceremony honoring the coach at A&M Commerce for an actual national championship. Zero class. Zero self-awareness. Wildly unjustified amount of self-confidence.
  15. These fall under the category of "tactical blunder of being aggressive." An s at the end of blunder would have been clearer.
  16. Slow and not very good but determined:
  17. Today's reading on the interwebs;
  18. Kind of like we're on the ledge with the scotch watching somebody else's world fall apart. Cheers!
  19. There's merit to this. Nietzsche wrote that mistakes always occur in a pair. First you do too much then you do to little. Traylor's a pretty good gamble. Has East Texas connections and will allow the spotlight to move from A&M to somewhere else. I'm thinking getting the story of their obscenely stupid deal with Jimbo out of the news is one of the prime motivating factors. Still, it's an astonishingly huge amount of money to have risked and lost. Even for A&M, it's stupid at an astounding level.
  20. He's evidently been banged up. Still, if he's on the field, utilize him.
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