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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. That's what it says. But comparing it to data for other years, it's wrong. Samsung historically uses around 7 THOUSAND acre feet per year, not 7 million. So, the numbers given are the actual numbers (don't multiply by 1000).
  2. I mean, I bet he likes curvy brunettes, too. This Blumenthal guy and I should TOTALLY hang out, he's credible!
  3. Y'all are looking at this all wrong. It's about to be testicle tanning season!
  4. I dig it. Would be better on saltines, though.
  5. One can't blame her for wanting to Make Ugly Great Again.
  6. Yeah…all home tortilla presses are geared towards corn. The only good flour tortilla press I ever seen is a big heavy commercial one, like you see at Cabo Bob’s.
  7. Huh. You'd think their products would be very, very good at killing people.
  8. Disagree. I have much more respect for people who just have kinks than people who are delusional conspiracy theory-spouting morons. Put whatever you want up your ass, but quit with the fucking sociopathic lies.
  9. No, see, when right wingers/white people carry a gun, that's PATRIOT FREEDOM SECOND AMENDMENT AMERICA! When left wingers/non-whites carry a gun, that's THUG TERRORIST TROUBLEMAKERS! Did you not get that memo? Coulda sworn you were on the routing slip.
  10. But....and follow me here....what if I'm using Russian infantry armor/shielding?
  11. Respek to that dude for at least thinking like ole Brisket here. While they aren't perfect, a good full choked 870 throwing 4 to 6 shot will get the job done. Those small drones are getting close, as in "in range." They are relatively fragile, a pellet or two will disable them. I'm curious if the shotgun defense approach has been used already, and what its success/failure rate looks like.
  12. Hell, I’m glad to have Hotsauce around. Because 1) the things you think he might be appalled by (eg, Japanese internment), HE LIKES. And 2) he has no filter, so he says the things that modern American conservatives actually think. Murder of political opponents, arrest, punishment, and worse for anyone left of Mussolini? THAT’S WHAT THEY ALL WANT. The American right today thinks McCarthy was a pussy, because he didn’t actually kill everyone he accused. They think that the right to vote is a mistake. They want a fascist authoritarian state. It makes them rock hard. Good for hot sauce for speaking their truth. Don’t look away from it. Realize that his ugliness is the cold hard truth of American “conservatives.” Then act accordingly.
  13. Yep. Fuck off, little bitches!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!
  14. Or…maybe those of us who you think of as “hard line liberals” who attack anything that isn’t “blatant leftist groupthink” aren’t what you think we are. One can support Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, and ALSO believe that purposeful attacks on Gazan civilians are wrong. One can believe that people should have a damn near sacred right to speak their grievances, no matter how much we might disagree with them, and ALSO believe that they should do so peacefully, without violence or threats of violence or face criminal sanction for that behavior, and ALSO that the state’s monopoly on violence (cops with clubs) should be deployed sparingly against its citizens. That’s complex thought, so I understand you it might be confusing to you.
  15. There’s literally no tangent of utter stupidity that Elmo isn’t willing to bolt off on. It’s incredible to watch, I’ve genuinely never seen anything like it. “Sugar isn’t even sweet, it’s just a lie that your tongue tells you.” Elmo: “Exactly.” “Big science has omitted 9 elements that should be on the periodic table, but aren’t. They did this to hide a source of limitless free energy.” Elmo: “True.” “Laotians are genetically predisposed to rape puppies. That’s why you don’t see many dogs in Laos.” Elmo: “Concerning.” He’s so. Fucking. STUPID.
  16. All quite credible. But Paxton would prefer AG, and he sucks Trump's dick harder than Abbott, and we know that's all that matters in Trumpland.
  17. Been there, done that. Like, almost that exact same move. In fact, I believe it's a box you have to check before you get your "dumbass American male" card. Mine's the Platinum version. Wouldn't go so far as to say non-partisan, and overall they have shown some pretty damned selective inconsistency (e.g., Texas is all about establishing tests/requirements of allegiance to particular ideologies (try to enter into a gov't contract here without SWEARING that you don't boycott Israel....or firearms manufacturers....or petroleum products...which FIRE told us they are gung-ho against, but not so much when it's their team's ideology)), but they've done a decent job of being intellectually consistent on this issue over the past week. I'll give them that. And I don't disagree with their post above.
  18. Man. I'd forgotten about those dipshits. A perfect counter-point from the other extreme end of the political spectrum. Those guys are welcome to build their bunkers, buy their Jim Bakker potato soup buckets, and rant and rave everywhere they can about how the gubmint doesn't have any authority because the flag has gold fringe or whatnot.....but they did not have the right to 1) seize a site that belongs to all of us, and 2) damage it. Same rule goes for these dipshits. I don't care whether you're eating Jim Bakker survival soup, or you're begging for the admin to let through a delivery from your favorite onigiri place....when your actions infringe on the rights/genuine interests of others, get fucked.
  19. Three outta four of those things can be prohibited by gov't authority and action. Stupidity, however....dude....you know you can't take away our American brand. Too many sellers of keffiyahs and red MAGA hats would go outta business.
  20. "Movements" inevitably draw dipshits. The Occupy Movement, the Tea Party, MAGA and Qanon, Pro-Palestine, Pro-Israel, No Nukes, Save the Whales, Critical Mass....you name it, I've seen em all over the past 50 years, and every single one of them ends up attracting some Grade-A dipshits. I remember many years ago, the Critical Mass group (remember them? They were kinda sorta a radical group for the rights of bicyclists to be on the road?) was doing one of its periodic group rides through the streets as a protest to slow traffic. A newspaper reporter rode along with them, and they ended up chanting or calling for a variety of things....including, when they rode by the animal shelter, some of them calling to "liberate the animals!" Made it clear that the group - while it had some defined ideals with some sort of merit - was also a magnet for generally disaffected people who just wanted to start shit. This movement is not materially better or worse than any of the others. There's plenty in it, and in its basis, that has merit (I mean....Israel IS killing the fuck out of Palestinian civilians, and I think it's a decent moral decision to speak out against that and to try to put pressure on things and people who might help change that), but it draws the dipshits: the extremists, the lost folks looking for a place to call home, the gullible, the dudes going along with stupid shit because they think it'll get them laid (I remember well a story that Michael Caine told about going to a bonafide communist rally, just because he was trying to shag a girl who was going). All of this shit shakes out in the end. A lot of the radicalized dipshits will move on to something else -- or to nothing else at all -- in short order. They always do. What the gov't shouldn't do is give them more credit or attention than they are due. Not less, either. Want to get the Columbia students out of the building? Go on in, arrest them, and drag them out. If they resist with violence, have your body cams on, capture it, restrain them, arrest them, and add that to the charges. But as to the ones who aren't really starting any shit? Leave 'em be. Lack of attention will destroy them. AND, in the process, also respect the Constitution, which is kinda important.
  21. I have no problem with him voicing either sentiment (fuck them US and Israel). Both are political sentiments. Of course, with freedom comes consequences. He may well see what future employers think of that. Take big boy actions, then you play by big boy rules. That's the thing that few of these nimrods (left or right) seem to get. It reminds me of the various white supremacists getting pissed when they were doxxed and lost their jobs -- "waaah, I wanted to do Nazi shit, but not shoulder any of the consequences of being a known Nazi." Those things don't go together. You are free to take whatever stand you want, and other people are free to think you are a POS because of it, and refuse to be associated with you. White hood/mask yelling "white power" or black and white keffiyeh yelling "burn down the US and Israel," doesn't much matter -- there's a large group who will judge you to be a shitty person.
  22. The bolded QFT. Because 18-22 yr olds are not the best complex thinkers. And the males among them are among the simplest of thinkers.
  23. They often are not. They are free to get all the food and water they want -- I'm sure there's a cafe near campus. They just have to leave the building they have taken over to go get it. And no, the university has no obligation to allow other people to bring food and water in to those people. If you wanted food and water when you started your illegal occupation of a facility, you should have planned ahead and brought some. But this is about being performative and "look at me," not about any actual well-thought-out strategy. Y'all made a poor choice (set up camp in a building without bringing the necessities). Live with your choice.
  24. This is the Surly content we were all looking for.
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