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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. had a dumbass hire me....white guy...who had an MTAG filed on him who showed up for a UA at the probation office with one of those fake tallywackers filled with synthetic piss. thing is, they watch you when you “piss” in the cup. so he pulls it out of his zipper and the probation officer starts laughing. my guy’s a few fries short of a happy meal and starts getting a little confused until he looks down and figures out he’d bought a chocolate brown wang. that was a fun one...
  2. she bored him another orifice with that interview...
  3. NY is not a community property state...
  4. what we all heard was announced yesterday...Amazon is building a massive facility in Waco and bring approximately 1000 jobs.
  5. Waco representin'...walked across the street to the courthouse annex and fulfilled my civic duty yesterday, then walked one block and got a sammich at Schmaltz, and kicked up my feet on my desk in satisfaction of a resounding "Fuck you" to the Rs.
  6. corporate headquarters in Yoze-ah-might.
  7. it's not the best long term play if for no other reason than any person with a smidgeon of integrity will have to live with that regret for a long time. but business wise, populaces are gullible and have very short memories...and that's doubly true for the consultants who willingly morph into whatever aparition they can while strategically spot telling truth to "power" (eg. the client, which at that point is just ego fluffing). just keep the checks coming in and ignore the hypocrisy.
  8. he's a political consultant...he needs clients.
  9. wait...whoa...he's fucking one of his WIFE'S staffers? are you shittin' me?
  10. not quite right on number 2...all enumerated rights are protected and can be brought forth as claims under 42 USC §1983 via the 10th/14th regardless of whether the claimant is in a protected class. choosing to not wear a mask is not an enumerated right, however...
  11. may want to get your own house cleaned up before you criticize how messy my living room is...
  12. y’all please take those fucks back...i’ve got enough shame with my own fan base with shit like this on TD without those fucktards contributing their own shithouse crazy. gotdammit...
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