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Everything posted by Eskimohorn

  1. Maverick was kind of a hot dog for much of TG. I see it now and root for Iceman. Maverick gets people killed. Didnt learn his lesson. In fact, in TGII, certainly he was killed instantly when he commandeered aircraft and ejected going mach speed. The rest of the movie is a last second dream as he falls to earth.
  2. The original TG was a monumental film in 1986, far superior in quality and action than its contemporaries. Every part of production was exceptional. It was cutting edge and changed the industry. That youthful and fashionable actors were showcased cant be lost. Dialogue no longer resonates, but I do think there’s something to Tarantino’s commentary about the different layers of TG, as a story about coming to grips with homosexuality. “Don’t write a check with your mouth that your butt cant cash” and “flying by the seat of your pants.” TGII did not change the world like TG did, except remind audiences and executives that there’s more to cinema than greenscreens, universes, and capes.
  3. Aaron went to Berkley and must’ve hated everyone
  4. We have seen countless examples of armed police cowering in the face of a suicidal shooter with an AR-15. And, guess what? That would be most people’s response when being fired upon by a hand-cannon. As one Colorado teacher (who was able to prevent a school shooting) described, it was her combat training and experience that allowed her to properly function. The truth is that civilians have no business playing military unless they are properly trained for combat or “well-regulated” - to put it in 18th century terms.
  5. Mass shootings include: >Gang wars >Maybe some crimes of passion (could include collateral damage) >Planned terror attacks On this thread and in the media, the planned terror attacks take up a lot of space. They’re done by individuals varying from cold sober to short-term mental crisis to mentally unstable to completely insane. We can guess the partisan breakdown of terrorists, but I’m in the “who gives a shit” crowd on terrorist motivations.
  6. $39 or $49 for bolts? Hmmm…so many options. I’ll upgrade to extra first class and get double bolts for $125.
  7. So, it could have been worse?
  8. Post Dances with Wolves he’s been pretty wooden. I love Harrison Ford, but post The Fugitive he’s phoned it in. Add him to the list. Both guys relied on charisma and it fades with age and stardom. They are such huge stars, they have to act to act like a normal person.
  9. She was pretty damn good in Exit to Eden… NSFW Spoiler…
  10. Shee-it! Penn’s best work (Spicoli in Fast Times and Kleinfeld in Carlito’s Way) werent even among his 2 Oscars and 3 other noms. He pretty much nails every role. Rich Eisen was interviewing the actor Clancy Brown (Shawshank) who acted with Penn in Bad Boys (1983). He was shocked he wasnt a surfer dude. Spicoli might be the finest acting performance of all time.
  11. The dad conditionally loving his kids based on their athletic acumen in a sport where you had to use drugs and sacrifice your body was pretty in your face why there was a “curse”.
  12. Jack and Rose are both fitting on that
  13. Lots of words for a death of a terrorist.
  14. Ric Flair actor was weak. That was a pivotal scene. Would have been epic if they could have got someone like Sebastian Stan to play him. Not unlike Gary Oldman killing it as Truman in Oppenheimer. Unfamiliar with their story (or hazy on details), but that was a depressing movie. And fuck that dad.
  15. I havent read the book Die Hard was based on, but Im guessing the movie was better than the book, same as The Firm. The Godfather movie was definitely better than the book.
  16. “…At first I was up in Michigan and Georgia. The biggest lead in history. Nobody’s ever had a bigger lead. Then the democrats in Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta found ballots and people say there were problems. Huge problems caused by Chinese ballot boxes. The economy was perfect. My phone calls were perfect. The best economy in history. And it was stolen by Obama and Hilary. Were you better with me or with sleepy Joe? Not Sleepy Joe. We built the wall. And Joe tore it down. Open borders…”
  17. I enjoyed it, but cant disagree with the criticism: 1) Very english looking french people and perspectives 2) Uneven - 1st guillotine scene had some sort of Edith Pioffe scene, then some period music, then a few modern pieces. Im not a stickler for period music but back and forth was odd 3) Too ambitious. Just like you said. Focusing on less would have been better. Could have started at Austerlitz. Badass general, eratic personal life, divorce, spiraling, etc.
  18. This just means less stop and frisks for people of color in Austin.
  19. Outside of identifying accomplices and/or conspiracies, who cares who or why terrorists do what they do.
  20. One does not simply walk into 6th street after dark. Its black gates are guarded by more than just cops on horseback. There is evil there that does not sleep, and the Great Elon is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ass and dust, the very air you breathe is a cannibis fume. Not with ten thousand bros could you do this. It is folly.
  21. Let me understand, you got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen?
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