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Everything posted by Eskimohorn

  1. Let me understand, you got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen?
  2. In communities of color, it takes longer to vote usually and hourly workers also have harder time taking off work and traveling to polling locations. In rural counties, the wealthy usually live closer to the polling locations, which are few and far between. And, we have very few contested elections, so it seems it’s never worth it.
  3. In 1982 my dad took me to a Rockets game at the Summit. That team finished like 12-70. I was thrilled to death to see Terry Teagle, Allen Leavell, and Chuck Nevitt lose by 23 to the Nuggets. Shaggy Fake Parent Advisory Tip: Suck up and grow a pair son.
  4. Tarantino explains in his book that some actors are better movie stars than actors. He thought Steve McQueen was a great movie star due to his presence and awareness of his star quality. He’d strip the script of dialogue so he could smolder.
  5. John Wayne Clint Eastwood, per Ray Liotta
  6. Whens the last time both the Oilers and Cowboys lost on the same weekend?
  7. Just a reminder… https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/119074474/bud-adams
  8. Comedian Brian Regan had a nice bit like this, except it was funny as hell: I was gettin' out of a cab at the airport and the ddriver goes, "Hey have a nice flight!" "You tow!" "You too, you have a nice flight too, in case you ever fly someday."
  9. Affluent includes landlords from around the world who lease to tourists or leave homes vacant. It also includes residents who own multiple residences in town. The “poors” live in the outskirts with extended families. There’s also gang tourism with knuckleheads from Waco/Killeen, San Antonio, and Houston dealing drugs, racing cars and doing smash and grabs. Then they hang on dirty sixth. Also keep in mind the majority of students in Austin ISD are at or below poverty level. We’re property rich/student poor and send hundreds of millions back to the state’s general fund.
  10. Are you talking about the bible or the constitution?
  11. Yes, the Clinton-Gore admin took Al-Queda more seriously than Bush-Cheney, who were more focused on Saddam from the get go. And its a stretch to believe Gore would have gone through similar machinations as Cheney to justify a full-scale invasion of Iraq.
  12. Band > Stripper DJs, jock rock, and Carly Rae Jepson
  13. He looks pretty spry for a 68-year old man
  14. Formerly called the Redskins Worst owner in sports forced to sell team Oline called the Hogs, Receiver called smurfs Have a band Play in a horrible stadium Havent been good since HW Bush was President
  15. Jaundiced, Bloated, and Ready
  16. Thats Pop lecturing Spurs fans not to boo Kawhi, the player that faked an injury over a year, still got paid, and torpedoed the Spurs franchise.
  17. I was underwhelmed with the hire. Shared more than share of criticism, including potshots at the horrible suit he wore preceding a loss. But I’m grateful to be dunked on. I’m a Darryl Dawkins dunking on Kelly Tripucka motherfucker. Fuck yeah!
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