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Hornius Emeritus

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Everything posted by Hornius Emeritus

  1. So .. more time to drink beer. I fail to see the problem.
  2. Watching Nebraska and Iowa try to play football is just so darn cute, you know?
  3. Are you kidding? She's primed, able, and willing ---- so very, very willing.
  4. My favorite? "Iowa = Idiots out wandering around."
  5. Taking a friend to the Austin airport this morning. It's 5:30 a.m. The same lights that take six minutes in rush hour traffic to make one full cycle take six minutes at 5:30 a.m., despite the fact that each light could be only 10 seconds because there are either no cars there or only one. Sitting there waiting and waiting and waiting, burning fuel, insulting the planet, watching my one, little, GRANTED life ebb away just because I'm a law-abiding citizen.
  6. Susan Sarandon made some controversial comments about Gaza/Israel recently and got roasted for them. On Twitter, her son thanked those who have supported her comments and it turned out to be a pretty classic Twitter interaction.
  7. Once you're in the derk-tex you know you never go back.
  8. Texas goes Sergio on Taylor Potts. 38-14 649 yards passing
  9. We will get out to a 27 to 7 lead, inexplicably allow them to score two touchdowns to lead 27 to 21, then they will recover an onside kick, kick a field goal, it will be 27 to 24, Surly will be convulsing with weeping and wailing, then we will score to touchdowns to ice it 41-24. If you will it, it is no dream, dude.
  10. I am glad we are going to the South Eastern conference, where the fans don't complain about the refereeing.
  11. I am writing this from the most remote campground from Guadalupe Mountains national Park, Dog Canyon. No phone reception but I discovered the ranger station has Wi-Fi enabled if you sit right outside it. Butbmy battery on my phone is low. I will have to be very selective as to when I check in. Hook em..
  12. I certainly hope not. I would hate to be associated with somebody who was influenced by the likes of me. Having said that, my last post got 5100 likes, the one before that 3,200 likes etc.. I had one in August that got close to 200,000 likes. Go figure.
  13. Collegiately speaking, yes. But Simms would have had a better NFL career than Colt, IMO, had he not had his spleen ripped out during a game. I think he had what it took to be a very good NFL QB. He was really starting to come on when that happened. That 2005 game against the Redskins was something else. Chris was beginning to ball out.
  14. In his autobiography, Adams says that he sometimes reprinted the same image --- dodging and burning various portions ---- a couple of thousand times before being satisfied with the result. So when you're viewing the famous Half Dome photo, keep in mind that it's not the actual photo as his camera perceived it, but the photo as his mind did AFTER he worked on it in the darkroom. I am convinced that, if he lived today, Ansel would be a huge Photoshop guy.
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