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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. Yeah, it's like an NIL situation. We're debating how many millions these top athletes get at premiere programs, which is not nothing...but 80% of NCAA (I, II, & III) players don't get anything but maybe some comped meals at a public appearance. 80% of bails are set for low level drug and non-violent offenders, and they're often set intentionally as cost prohibitive to keep jails full. But yeah, the system also does keep legit bad guys who can do some real harm inside. We've all watched courtroom dramas, "Your honor, we recommend bail be set at XYZ because the defendant is a flight risk or can still go back out and harm others or run his drug network or whatever..." In Trump's case, he's literally the poster child for a flight risk. Plane, security detail that would enable him safe passage, some 'excuse' that he had to use his past president gravitas on a humanitarian mission abroad ("Your honor, I had to go help the families of victims in Israel! This is New York, think of the Jews!"), and can then still stir up theories among the stupids that he's now running a shadow government in exile from Qatar or Jordan or Venezuela. Never mind his patently obvious solvency issues in the event of default.
  2. No, but I put away the bath and turned off the razor blade since it's electric and the bath was full. What do y'all think we still do in portal/late additions? And then can somebody smarter than me at lineup breakdowns (not a high bar), give us a projected 2-deep or rotation look for next year with these new guys/remaining players? Last year was probably the least I followed the horns in the last 25 years of being a fan/regular attendee to games. I haz confuz. thanks.
  3. There's 1000 American contradictions we could unpack that are lil cloakish. While the premise of the copy is lazy, I have to give the author credit in using a nice ironic touch in that they could have used any number of parent-child stock comics, but chose an obviously mid-century, traditional female roles comic (aprons and the bows in the hair, etc.). Thought that was clever.
  4. the new Eddie Izzard tour looks overly political for my tastes. Pass.
  5. She looks hot as fuck for an Albanian disco singer. Diidn't realize how popular she was, I think I remember her as a musical guest awhile back. But first time actually hosting. She's also quite the activist/philanthropist/advocate, so trigger warning for some viewers. And based on her red carpet photos at the "Barbie" premiere, I would call her buttocks, "Strong to Moderately Strong"
  6. So we're using the Dewey Decimal System to track down books in school libraries about CRT, DEI, Women's Studies, and Non-Christian values...to remove them from the stacks. And the guy who enabled the system that makes those books so easy to find to de-shelve was a purveyor of written materials on sexual assault, racism, and anti-semitism? Is this fucking simulation even trying anymore?
  7. I'm not endorsing the stance, or even tacitly condoning it, but there may be strategic rationale for not internationally embarrassing/accusing China right now on our part because of what that may provoke in terms of a large-theater war in Taiwan. But what does not get discussed much by the "What about China" crowd in the U.S. is who has less to lose by investigating/exposing China in Covid? Europe (Taiwan would not be a NATO or EU concern, officially though I'm sure the Brits would have a stake in it given their historical involvement in the region). Where is Australia/New Zealand in this China investigation? Where is India? Where is the Middle East? Where are the more prominent Latin American countries? Where is Canada? Where is Russia? Where is SE Asia? Where are the 2 Koreas? They all suffered as much as we did and don't have to walk on Taiwanese egg shells to get answers. We're the global leader but when it comes to pandemics, superpower status doesn't mean much to a virus. Why are all those leaders and countries and coalitions getting a pass when they've far less to lose by antagonizing China on the topic?
  8. I'm not saying it's "working", but it certainly isn't helping. I mean, if that photo is real...he looks like a discarded muppet fucked Pa Danby from "support your local sheriff" and left it in the air fryer too long.
  9. A beta/volatility like that would certainly concern options traders and short-term holders, but for a 10-year hold---it's not that crazy. Even with that 52-week range delta. Trouble for holders of this issue, is---it isn't a 10-year hold. It was propped up to get him some liquidity for his trials (one of which literally started at the opening bell this morning), to pay back the RNC on a kind of 1:3 ratio, and of course to use for campaign expenses. There's a 6-month shelf-life to this stock but they're treating the Beta levels like it's a 100-year S&P look-ahead. And oh yeah, ranges like this---yeah, always a great idea to issue millions more shares. That should help, right?
  10. Hey man, only time you worry about the Federal Government is when there's only one agency on the scene. That's when you know something is rotten in Denmark. They tried to consolidate it all into one Oversight Group on the fly with that Pence-Fauci-Birx 'Task Force.' And you saw how well that went. The scientific community usually (and I mean that in proper metrical sense of the word), keeps in pretty good contact with one another (both private labs and government labs here and with our allies abroad). But I remember watching State of Texas or White House press conferences and they'd give some cursory 5 minutes to like a Deputy Attorney General or Secretary of HUD or Air National Guard Colonel...and I just dumbfounded whey the fuck there mucking up the works. Like "Are we gonna sue the virus, or find it FMAC loan, or napalm it out of existence? Who the fuck are you people?" We'll be unpacking the spread, and the mutations, and the origins, etc. of this thing for decades. Can you imagine what a shit show it was like 100 years ago during the last global pandemic when you had to wait a fortnight for a response from the other labs on their test results? To that point, there's gonna be a whole other academic branch that breaks off to study the intra-agency, inter-agency, and international response at the administrative level (from continents to countries to states to counties to cities. Gonna be a whole other container ship to unpack.
  11. We've have some pretty damn solid ideas. Forgive my pride of authorship, but I've had a few decent ones-one of which would actually work---the Presidential Library Exploratory Committee. I could get away with it for at least 90 days, it not longer and easily clear six figures before anybody knew anything about it. I can handle myself, trouble is---I realized my wife and children would be looking over their shoulder for the next ten years. I'm not smart enough to leave no digital trace behind of what we did/how we did it. I can easily setup the finance/payments mechanism but somewhere, somehow, even with these rubes-one of them will trace it back the "concept" borne by me online and get my real identity. We can't do anything in person because these people film this shit constantly to share with friends about how they got invited for $250/person to this cool conference to discuss possibly being on the Presidentjial Library Planning Committee. There's a sweet-spot in there though that the trading cards, coins, bibles, and now stock has proven. They won't admit they've been fleeced, then even also kinda like it. All it takes is one guy though out of millions who does realize he's been wronged and knows how to digital sleuth and comes heavy. Even if we pay somebody overseas to build out the website and merge it into the depository platform I can setup in my sleep with a reputable 50-state chartered bank (that's still small and unknown), we still have pay those developers somehow. Or I guess just let them skim off the top before the money hits our ACH/Stripes system here in the States. Or our bank has a govt-approved remittance overseas transfer with about a half dozen countries where the OCC only does an annual audit and wouldn't even bother looking a 6-figure line item, so we get paid first and then send their payment back (the tech guys) as a remittance from some relative over here making boatloads of cash in some small business. Shit, now I'm starting to go down a rabbit hole.
  12. Mere caricatures aren’t usually held liable for 9-figure court settlements. If they were, I’d just walk up and down Jackson Square in New Orleans collecting checks from all the famous ones.
  13. "When Trump was in office, my stock portfolio never did better!" -Well, what about the actual Trump stock? How'd that do? It's lost over 50% of its value. "The Biden Stock Market is rigged!'
  14. Well, now I just feel bad. Don't know if stealing his truck was worth attempted murder. But I guess this is where we are these days. In this day and age, I'd rather pull a cell phone than a firearm and film the guy stealing my stuff. Then track him down afterwards when nobody is around and go to work on him. Shootouts at the Burger King with all that background. I dunno, heat of the moment and all that I suppose.
  15. Yeah, I paid your mom a dollar for three swallows without messing up her hair. Dammit, I had something for this. Also, is that heinous Hawaii couple...are they standing in an unfilled swimming pool with an electrical outlet in it? WHAT YEAR IS IT?
  16. That's fucking awesome. Guy was unarmed and trying to get back into his truck and be on his way and safety vest guy just unloads four rounds at him from very close range when he coulda just walked away from the Burger King. Now he gets to spend the rest of his life drinking through a straw which also functions as his wheelchair steering device. He'll claim self-defense even though that video clearly disproves that, sue the driver's company for millions, but nobody will be able to understand what he's saying, so they'll dismiss the case. Hope you felt tough in that moment buddy, 'cause you're gonna be shitting in a bag for the rest of your life.
  17. Yeah, his mom goes to college. /kipdynamite
  18. Apparently Gil is a regular at what looks like the cheesiest bar on the Pacific Ocean
  19. (holds out dish) "Pour some Sugar on Me!" -No, you fucking twat! It'll make the flan too sweet. Damn morons!
  20. Yes, turnout percentage is higher. But the state is growing much faster than it did in 1992 (the previous high before 2020). Both in percentages, and obviously raw numbers. What's more the growth is younger (obviously, but I mean not just kids but 18-45's moving here/beginning to vote finally), the growth is more people of color (obviously Hispanic, but also Asian). And most glaring to me...more urban/suburban than rural. We are now sitting at 85%+ urban/suburban in Texas (obviously you'd need to break that down college/non-college). In 1992, that number was closer to only 65-70%. That's the shift that is the most promising, even more than age. But give the rural/exurb folks credit, they vote at a drastically higher clip than anyone else.
  21. It's not a 'pill', alright? It's a 'Protein Recovery System! Big difference..." I like how when you click on the "ingredients" tab, it's literally about 10-revolution spin of scrolling deal my mouse and not once are the actual ingredients named. Just vague names of things that are actually good for our cellular regeneration but it never actually says that's what's in the pill. I mean, I'm sure it has Electrolytes, it's what Morons crave...
  22. So wait, we can't say "Troll Nose" for the rest of this or ever again?
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