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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. Wait, a monkey in a blender? Thanks for the nightmare fuel asshole. Of course, given the flags behind him...the blender is only his second dumbest decision in life.
  2. So nearly every county in the Hill Country has announced they will be closing off one lane on every multiple-lane road to account for emergency vehicle access. On top of that, we'll have precipitation and a bunch of drivers from out of town that don't know how to drive in the rain. What could possibly go wrong as far as traffic is concerned? I'll take Vampire Weekend show at Waterloo Greenway for $500, Alex. Just not worth it. But if they play "Dark Side of the Moon" as a cover, I'll freak the fuck out.
  3. Yeah, I went to some 'transportation lab' or whatever the fuck it was called for some conference like 10 years ago. And somebody said the place used to do batshit torture experiments there and the feds shut it down for awhile. I can't remember the place or the backstory but it on the NW side of town and there was definitely talk of monkey torture. I dunno if they used them crash test dummies or someshit but the couple stories I heard were way fucked up.
  4. Her office is apparently not humored by my reference to "Beetlejuice 2" as I asked if she has any interest in my juice in her #2. Damn shame.
  5. Well that's kind of the tacit point. When otherwise 'regular' people validate a vote for a person like Trump, that's when you know true evil has taken over. It's that portion I worry about. They're all complicit. But suburban couple with some community college goes for Trump but doesn't really advertise it. 25 million of 'em? I can drive them to commit mass murder or suicide and neither would be really that hard. They were always around us and they aren't going anywhere. And they will look for the next option and the one after that. And somebody smarter and less douchey than Trump is going to codify them into something far more ugly than what we see now. Because they're not elite, straight ballot voters protecting their wallets and they're not the idiot MAGA folks we see on TV with flags and verb conjugation problems. They are the people we live next door to and work next to and the parents of our kid's friends. Those are the people you need to establish a regime. They have some modicum of success of comfort. When you can convince them that despite their reservations, supporting stupidity and evil. Well, the rest is easy.
  6. I agree and am not trying to shift blame. Just from a voter statistical analysis standpoint...we know and can predict how those other two slices will behave now and forever. It's not rocket surgery. It's existed for centuries. I want to know why otherwise normal and somewhat educated people go for him. When a shitbag like Trump can win over people like that, that's how evil empires are built. He'll be gone soon enough, but somebody much, much smarter is going to steal his playbook and do this way, way better. Nobody can take a day off.
  7. Yes, there are many despicable people who start conversations with "As a man of faith" or "As a student of the Constitution" or "As a scholar of history"...but that middle 1/3rd of MAGA cannot simply be dismissed as "Racist Stupids." If we never understand their rationale or justifications, then we will repeat this again down the road. "Every Trump voter is a racist moron." Fine. But there are the classic CoC straight ticket voters. There are the literal morons in the IQ sense that make up the bottom 1/3rd. But there is that middle 1/3rd bloc who belong to houses of worship, who have some modicum of higher education, who live and work among us every single day, who aren't proud of their support of Trump but pull the lever for him anyway. I've told this csb before, but Matt Dowd and David Axelrod have been working on this at the University of Chicago for years under the auspices of their politics project. And the University of Chicago has some pretty fucking smart math/stats people. And they just finally gave up. But we have to figure that middle slice out, because it's going to happen again. And again. And again. Mainstream GOP'ers are a known quantity. MAGA lunatics are now fairly obvious. It's the middle third that may bring this nation to its knees. It's how true evil gets emboldened. All through the ages, the folks at the top of the chain support asshole leaders to stay rich. We get it. And then the bottom feeding morons support asshole leaders to feel like they're finally getting their revenge. Rinse and repeat. The true horror comes when the middle folks somehow convince themselves that the new asshole is the way to something different.
  8. Well guess what, smart guy? I did do my own research. Turns our 'Mark Twain' wasn't even his real name. What the hell else is Samuel lying about? At this point, I'm starting to think Huck Finn wasn't even a real person.
  9. I didn't realize the area was named San Antonio in 1397. I'm sure the natives there will appreciate learning that. Levity aside, overcast is almost a good thing because the totality will still darken the cloud-covered sky and keep dipshits from staring straight at it with no glasses. That thing that 'the smartest' people do.
  10. ever since law school, I've read my fair share of jury instructions and oppositions thereof. But this one, my political biases acknowledged, takes the fucking cake. And to get all Qanon here, but yeah---insane Lobo rant. This is one thing Trump did correct. He actually did play 4-D chess for a hot minute. He knew he was going to take them after he lost. He knew the value of them and sell them to foreign powers. He put Judge Cannon into perpetual power in the exact jurisdiction where the documents would eventually be discovered. And she would cover his ass at all costs. Stephen Miller telegraphed this elegantly. It's ugly and horrific for our nation, but it's working. And as tremendous a job as Jack Smith has done and as smart as he is, he's fallen into the one clever trap that Trump's team has done. Trump had 100 properties and options to store this stuff. That he did it where Cannon has jurisdiction, despite her woeful incompetence, is a clever play. And we're all going to have to live underground because of it.
  11. At an early age, I absorbed and followed the Pareto Principle. The 80/20 rule. It explained so much to me that was all around me. But I follow a different path nowadays. Thirds. About 1/3 of the adult population votes for Donald Trump. About 1/3 of the adult population sits out elections. And of the 74 million voters for Trump, we see that about 1/3 are just straight R-ballot clickers/Chamber of Commerce/country club Republicans. Call 'em whatever you want, but they've always voted this way and they will continue to vote that way. I know y'all think they're idiots, but most of 'em are decent folks who just pull that lever no matter what since Goldwater. 1/3 of his voters came out of the woodwork, that's how he won. They finally felt validated and got a seat at the big kid's table of political engagement. They'll fade back into obscurity after he's defeated and/or dies (despite a few mass shootings). It's the middle 1/3 that puzzles me. The folks that are civically engaged and vote, know what Trump is up to and all about, and still vote for him anyway. That's the 1/3rd you have to worry about. Most of them are fairly educated and people of faith, so how do they come to terms with their adoration of this man? That's the thing we still don't understand after a decade. Mike Johnson and Donald Trump and their ilk, they get 1/3rd straight ticket voters. No point in over-analyzing it, just always gonna happen. They get 1/3rd racist morons that feel their twisted value set is just kosher. Was bound to happen as things change, and most of them will go away. But that middle 1/3rd, what is their rationale? They're not the morons you think they are, they had to justify in their heads. And it was more than just owning the Libs. And the fact that we simply do not understand, despite the research, how they came to these electoral conclusions worries me more than who they voted for. What else are they capable/incapable of? What happens next?
  12. Save America Great Again? That's what they're going with? A Saga? And we're totally not living inside a simulation?
  13. No i didn't mean it in the sense of poorly-timed jokes. I meant that the tree came up too soon. Hence the lack of slalom.
  14. No, Saarinean. The hot sauce in the basket at the end of the table.
  15. YGIFS


    If you set their plantings to the Dark Side of the Moon, it synchs up really nicely
  16. Uh, not to get your hopes up. But Dan Patrick will turn 74 in 2 days time. He is obese, bi-polar, and has chronic upper respiratory issues. He'll likely survive one more term/Lane Bryant fashion cycle. But that's about it. Gov. Abbott is considerably younger at 66.5 years of age. But people in his situation usually die prematurely. Make no mistake, they're going to wreak more havoc in their next term. But I doubt they don't see much after 2030. And by then, the demographic shift will be a more fuller swing than Dan Patrick at the Blue Oyster Club key party.
  17. Kyle "D-Day Draft Dodger" Rittenhouse has no ASVAB scores. All sections, incomplete. /deanWormer
  18. Hey, acknowledge the bars man. That's "Captain No Ragrets!" Also, are we just gonna talk about 'Suburban Legend' I mean, I'm not that funny anymore sober but I got like 15 minutes of material off that just off the top my head. And his.
  19. I would, but unlike Jesus...it's really hard to make new friends after you turn 30. It's just baffling to me to walk out of Easter service when his final 40 days were spent talking about sacrifice and love. And then the big takeaway for most people is, "Women are shit and damn those homos." Like, I'm not even a devout Christian and I forget half of what I read 7 minutes later, but even I remember, "Yeah, the love and sacrifice and protecting women seems important." He could have come back to talk about abortion and gay sex, but he had other talking points. Perhaps we could try that as a society?
  20. I have a great idea for a Die Hard 2 alternate ending. Trump shows up to Dulles for the re-naming ribbon cutting. And then the first plane still crashes. But into, ya' know???....................
  21. We all get that people vote against their own interests because of tribal thinking. "Those other people are coming for my job or my money or my land or whatever." I'd love to believe we're beyond that, but we see it play out every year. But I look at the way the women I am blessed to be around take care of each other. And my daughters will one day do the same. There's obviously an inherently fucked-up patriarchy, but the way they can care and love so deeply and strongly for others. I am in utter awe. I get voting for economic and policy issues and all that. But to turn your back to just the fundamental female issues is beyond the pale to me. Not to get all gender-specific here but a woman doesn't give a shit if other women get a quality education for a few extra bucks in taxes or can't be a CPA or wear pants on Sundays---it's wrong but I get the rationale. But a woman with a vagina and reproductive system and doesn't particularly enjoy the idea of carrying a rapist's baby to term or dying from a failed pregnancy or wants quality GYN care from a free clinic. And she turns to the woman next to her and says, "Fuck you, I'm gonna make sure you get none of that!" It is insane to me. The old locker-room expression, "tripping over your dick" would be well applied here. You get 5 million female voters across a few states to just this cycle out and a lot of this goes away. And right quick. I'm not saying it's all on them, but it sure as fuck wouldn't hurt.
  22. It is you insensitive prick, it has Gluten! This fucking guy. His life is going downhill so fast and he doesn't realize how emblematic of the movement he is associated with fails to actually help their own kind. From insurrection to Kyle to election slanderers. They don't fucking get it. They are useful soundbites to raise money for every person who is not them. They are beneath pawns. Kyle is going to live for another 70 years probably, likely develop a drug addiction, be ostracized from society, be an incel, and likely attempt suicide. All because they told him he'd be exalted and handsomely paid. And when the cruel fate of time crushes upon his doughy head...he will finally see the errors of his ways. But it'll be too late.
  23. I'm gonna sue you for a $150,000 dollars. But we can settle outta court right now for a blowjob and facesitting. /friday
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