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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. I knew there was a toilet paper dispenser involved! I am going crazy, but at least I can remember shit from 23 years ago! I mean with Donald posting on Truth Social from the toilet, the ridiculous valuation, the issuance of more nearly-worthless shares, plus the clogging up of toilets in the White House and Mar-a-Lago with official papers and classified documents instead of toilet tissue. I mean c'mon, this simulation is just re-writing itself.
  2. I thought I remembered the shares being on a toilet paper roll. It was 20 years ago and I was a drunk law school student. There's a Truth Social meme/gif edit in here somewhere though. Which invariably will lead to "Truth Social 2.0"........This Time, We Mean It!
  3. There was a clever Simpsons scene ~25 years ago where Bart wants to work at this over-valued .com startup. And he starts asking financial questions and the boss asks him what it will take to end this conversation. So Bart says something outlandish like "10,000 shares of your company", and the guy turns around and there's stock certificates on a toilet/paper towel roll and he rips off 10,000 of 'em and says, "Then, it's done." I hadn't thought about that in decades, but seems very appropriate here if anybody wants to find the scene, we could mock it up for Truth Social.
  4. "Mr. Trump, do you recognize those 2 jurors from that show 'Beavis & Butthead'?" -No, I was too busy being famous back then and grabbing pussy. Or wait, do you mean Don, Jr. & Eric?"
  5. YGIFS


    The line "did you have a nice sandwich? Good, now run!" is a callback to Stewart's first nationally broadcast comedy special, written almost 30 years ago. "Unleavened." He has great bits in it on Israel/Palestine/Islam, etc. I'm no talent scout, but you could tell he was going places. His stuff was smart, hilarious, and approachable.......and made you think while doubled over laughing. A few years later, he took the desk at the "Daily Show." And subtly re-told the same joke as if to say, "Circle of life, Simba."
  6. Hungary porn is surprisingly hot, great looking models. Oh wait, you fucking nerds still talking about VPN shit
  7. To top it all off he sneezed into the $3.99 seafood buffet behind Stage 2. Everyone there is going to die.
  8. Maybe he just ran out of beach?
  9. I guess Sarah McLachlan had finally had enough and snapped? too soon?
  10. It looks like a prequel to the original 'Dune', honestly.
  11. If I can name 3 lectern/podium crimes committed by pro-MAGA folks in the last 4 years, do I still get that set of steak knives?
  12. Between NE & ME, they've held 11 aggregate presidential elections with split electoral college votes. The majority of those took place under right/centre-right SCOTUS with ample time for GOP Presidents (particularly Trump to challenge them via Solicitor/Amicus/et. al. They chose not to. I imagine that's all about to wildly change if this 2028 Compact goes into effect given the battleground states on that map. By 2032, after the next re-draw, it'll be quashed. But it a number of those states actually go through with it JUST in 2028..............................grab a musket.
  13. So we're all agreed, since Barron is graduating on 17 May (a Friday when court is adjourned), we show up on this random M-Th weekday in April when Donald and Eric seem to think the graduation is taking place and we pull a good fashioned 90210 for Donna Martin. "Let Barron Trump graduate! Let Barron Trump graduate! Let Barron Trump graduate!" Then we all meet up at the Mar-a-Lago KEG house for beers afterwards. Sound good? Steve Sanders could host!
  14. Rod Munch? Seriously? I think A.I. already took over is now just reaching back to fuck with us.
  15. I mean, I'm off by a year sometimes wrt to my siblings, but 3 years is a bit much. I also picture somebody asking Donald, or even just Eric the name of this school where this special graduation is taking place. And I picture, along with @Biff Tannen, Kramer being asked at the doctor's office about which clinic it is that he works at. "I see, Mr. Trump...and what school is Barron's graduation taking place again?" -Uh (adjusts pipe)...........that's correct, yes."
  16. Up to 60% with likely thunderstorms during peak heat of the day. As in, kickoff time. There a lots of Spring Games happening the following weekend. I know it's done to culminate the maximum number of permitted spring practices by NCAA, but then, lightning is also a serious NCAA concern. They may have to think about Sunday or the following weekend. I mean, it's one thing to play through some rain and they can open up covered areas from which fans can still enjoy the game and probably buy more concessions. But they have to stop for a certain period of time if the lightning is within a certain radius. I doubt they'll make a ruling until Thursday or Friday, but it'd be a massive cash burn to staff/stock the stadium and have all those families shuffle down there just to tell them to go wait in the courses for 45 minutes, and then another 45 minutes, and then another one just to call the game off. A lot can change obviously but it's starting to look not great for anything resembling a 2:00p kickoff and thousands of families and hundreds of staff are already making their plans. Kind of a pickle.
  17. That awkward moment when the officer shouts, “Step out the car!”
  18. "jaw kept falling on his chest and his mouth kept going slack" Couple things here: "Mouth Kept Going Slack", what the fucker gets for making fun of stutters/stammerers "Jaw kept falling on his chest." Imagine the sound of that droopy vaginal jowl thing he calls a chin/neck slapping on his bloated chest. ENJOY YOUR DINNER, FUCKERS!
  19. FIFY. MAGAcultmember/ "See, it says it right there it was a Classy Felony. Trump is all about being Classy. Perfect Felony. The finest Felony. The man and his family just ooze Classy."
  20. I think I'm still averaging about 1 neg rep a month, if that over the last couple years. Admittedly, if we went back to that system where you can add a line about why you neg repped somebody, I know myself-I'd probably do it more often. But the whole crowd-sourcing/oblivion thing is just childish. I mean, don't me wrong---somebody actively encourages another person to commit suicide or hurt themselves, that actually does happen in real life (that's been proven out by real data), that's ban-worthy. Somebody keeps posting somebody's real name or location, that's banning material. Or uses a lot of racial slurs that easily come up if somebody were to find it hit top of page on google or whatever, we don't need that shit either. But Somebody's just trolling or being an asshole or overly-insulting, keep the rep system but we don't need cast too big a light on the whole issue. Although, anecdotally...I enjoy the semi-annual post by Rex where he lists out the ten posters he has on 'ignore', and the vast majority of them are posters he actively engages/argues/cites on myriad threads. I compulsively read everything he puts out on the O&G thread, but he can remind me (and he's good people in real life IIRC) of that girl in junior high that proclaimed, "I'm never talking/listening to you again" and then 5 minutes later passes you a note with a bunch of "circle yes or no" questions on it.
  21. Well that dual sweep on us by OSU and UCF looks painful. How does it come out to 57 games though? We'll only play 56 regular season. Other than those two talking points, I'd take that finish (that's what South Austin's Mom said). First thing's first gotta go 3-1 this week, bar none. Or the rest of this is just wish-casting.
  22. Are those posters that give out the most neg rep, or posters who receive the most neg rep?
  23. Good news is there is lots of precedent, though obviously not to this high level, of elected officials being tried for crimes and there were members of the jury---given the district/jurisdiction who voted for that person, and blind justice still prevailed. However, most of them were lesser known House members, State Senators, Mayors, and the like. This one is delicate because this one is also a cult, so they may have to prove hubris before their Orange God. On the other hand, they follow the letter of the law and they will be hunted as traitors to the MAGA movement until the day they die. But hey, some fun social media posts made in the meantime by them against the judges orders. Which of course can get them stricken automatically without counting against the prosecutions automatic strike number. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. (JackRyanHowDoYouMakeACrewWannaGetOffTheSubmarine), "How do you entice a MAGA loyalist to want to post about their jury selection experience online, thus making them ineligible during Voir Dire. I mean, these people never post anything inept on social media. I mean a Bot that targets them and entices them to report back to MAGA nation about their experience couldn't possibly be designed by now. Nah...
  24. Go by this week before all the support beams are down and it's just an unidentifiable pile of rubble. You can still kinda make it out and it looks like one of those blogs where people photograph urban buildings left abandoned/decayed. I was hoping to sift through the pile to get the Rudy's BBQ blimp but apparently slipping and getting stabbed by rebar does not, in fact, get you a free pound of cutter's choice brisket.
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