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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Hey, that's not fair! They also have something like 16 Chuck Lorre sitcoms.
  2. Tailor: How would you like to wear your sleeves? Briscoe: You ever see an old beat up accordion? Tailor: Say no more, fam.
  3. Tom

    It: Chapter 2

    I mean, me too, but that was in large part due to being a kid. Rewatch the original mini-series as an adult and there's no comparison. The 90's version is cheesy and corny compared to this remake.
  4. I finally got around to finishing this. It was good, but there were specials I liked better from the past couple of years. Just my opinion, but I think it's probably a little overrated based on nostalgia people have for The Chappelle Show.
  5. I need to watch the show again in order. I started watching it live in season 5 and at some point before the series ended I managed to DVR reruns of the first four seasons and binged them. It may not be as sophisticated or true to life, but it's more fun. I think I'd enjoy watching this series a second time again more than The Wire..
  6. Tom

    Beto 2020

    I'm trying to wrap my head around what that guy thinks he is accomplishing or proving by wearing a shirt like that. I have pretty strong political views as most people who post here do, but whenever i see a car plastered in bumper stickers or people wearing their politics like a uniform it just comes off as trashy or looking for trouble. You wouldn't know my politics or who I vote for unless I actually told you.
  7. Yes, it was. Deductibles are always rising, and they always have. Completely take away the ACA and they will still rise. Let's not gaslight and pretend people loved their health insurance companies prior to the ACA. The ACA wasn't created because health care was cheap and accessible in this country.
  8. Just neg and move on. There's no point in responding to him.
  9. No worries. Nice catching up with you. See you again next year, bud!
  10. You may not agree with the plans or the suggestions of the new green deal, but it only existed to address one of the most serious problems this planet faces according to a consensus of world scientists. A science that Republicans choose to continue to ignore for profit. Only one party is trying to do anything at all to address that problem. Sarah Palin's party of dunces shrugs their shoulders and pretends science and reality have some left wing conspiracy agenda and should be ignored. Pretending that the GOP as a party doesn't completely ignore and even suppress science is rich. Does the Republican science still teach evolution is a trick played by the devil, a registered democrat? Has the president or his lackeys threatened to fire any more scientists today for not going along with any more of the narcissistic president's bogus weather forecasts? GTFO with trying to act like the GOP has even a shred of intellectual integrity over the Democrats when it comes to science.
  11. Not sure about the rest of the show since I didn't care for it and stopped watching after two episodes, but there's three topless women in the opening scene, 15 seconds into the show.
  12. Tom

    It: Chapter 2

    Stephen King was in the movie for about 50 seconds. I didn't find it distracting since it wasn't really a scene that mattered. My biggest complaint was that the CGI seemed like a huge downgrade from the first movie.
  13. Hmm....I see. Not sure what else there is to say about that. Ooooh, this is what you say to that. I'ts legit mental illness. And here I thought conservatives had given up their war on superior light bulbs.
  14. Serious question, but what is happening in that picture?
  15. That trailer looks great. "Walk Your Way Out" was his first special that bored me a little and I was afraid he might be losing his edge. This looks like a return to form.
  16. I'm so confused. I thought our economy was the best it's ever been and China is now sending us Billions and Billions of Dollars. Why would the Federal Reserve need to do something like a stimulus? Can Zork, EMAWesome, Johnny Sack, Icono, or any of the other big brained Republicans explain this to my libtard brain?
  17. Be careful trusting Elizabeth Warren. She's evolved as a human and changed some of her ideas and beliefs from where they were decades ago. Very dangerous stuff. Meanwhile, less than a year ago Fozz was on the first page of the Tulsi thread calling her garbage and a bigot. Now she's the best candidate. #Fozztrolllogic
  18. I made it about 53 seconds until I couldn't listen to his nasally prepubescent voice any longer. Yeah, sorry, Ben, nobody is calling people Nazis and white supremacists because they disagree with Nancy Pelosi's tax policy. I think it has something to do with kids being separated from their parents, ,thrown in cages, not given water or flu shots, and sent home to die while most on the right shrug their shoulders. It MIGHT have something to do with the fact that you all lost your collective fucking minds for 8 years when the president had the wrong color skin. And you don't all agree that "Nazis are bad", because when a group of white people marched chanting "Jews will not replace us" and ran over a counter protester, or when a white guy went into a Walmart in El Paso to shoot up a bunch of Mexican families, you all shrugged your shoulders and said "good people on both sides" or "must have been the video games, not the president's rhetoric." I'm sure the rest of the video was filled with equally disingenuous bullshit and Shapiro's trademarked victim complex, but I don't have the patience.
  19. SEC Rant is seriously upset that our fans actually believe in our team or have the audacity to talk trash. Apparently we're being cocky and arrogant. Have they spent five minutes reading their own board? We're being mean because we don't recognize LSU and the SEC are comparable to the NFL while the "BDF" and every other conference in college football is comparable to pee wee football. We should be thankful just for being graced with their presence and the chance to witness greatness. Upset that we're not kissing the ring. Fuck them, fuck their new Big 12-lite offense, fuck their backup choice Shrek on the sidelines, fuck the use of the word frick, and fuck A&M fans who think their school suddenly learned how to play football just because they put a different patch on their jerseys.
  20. There's certainly not just those two types of people in the world. That's a very naive take on the world and humanity in general. And I think JimmyJames' post went over your head. Not to oversimplify the issue, but a drug addict's drug of choice fills an insatiable need that leads to compulsive and irrational behavior to placate that need. The same way that you will find a way to sleep when you get tired enough, eat when you're hungry enough, or fight to get above water when you can't hold your breath any longer, a drug addict will do whatever it takes to get their fix until they find recovery. That is why the prohibition of drugs and alcohol is ineffective. If tomorrow the government made a law that the possession and consumption of food is illegal, you would become the type of person who doesn't follow laws. Now you might be thinking that comparing using drugs to eating is ridiculous, but it's not to an addict whose brain has been wired that way. It's the same type of craving. That does not apply to guns, and we know gun laws work because we can point to any number of countries in the western world where they do. That's not to say a criminal won't ever get his hands on a gun or a mass shooting will never happen again when the person is motivated enough, but if you make it difficult enough you save tons of lives from people who won't go through the costs and effort of finding a gun. Or possibly at least delay them enough to where they might have a moment of clarity and come to their senses. The AWB of the 1990's saw a decrease in gun violence that predictably increased again once it expired. I'd gladly take my chances on gun prohibition before depending on the "good guy with the gun" who rarely ever shows up in these scenarios.
  21. Can anybody point out where in the bible it says "whites shall only lay with whites, blacks with blacks, or it is an abomination"? It doesn't excuse bigotry, but at least I know where in the bible it refers to homosexuality as a sin. Where in the bible are they pulling the racial purity stuff from because I was never taught it in Sunday School.
  22. Only two guaranteed playoff spots for non-SEC conferences and you want to bring another mouth to feed just because you're a closeted UH fan. No. Just no.
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