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Everything posted by locodos

  1. Was it a Hobbs? If so, we're related.
  2. Conversely, I can make anything sound terrible
  3. Well, In one family tree the branches don't split for a generation... thanks Alabama! Literally bother and sister married... cool cool. My paternal Grandfather, who told my father "he had walked across the country around a pool table", appears to have been a complete hustler/cad/playboy My Great Grandmother who had a Jewish name, liked to take my brother and I to Neiman Marcus for lunch and cheese cake, and insisted that I call her "Nana" turns out to be from a long long (very long) line of native Virginian slave holders... so maybe not as advertised. But on upside a lot of my family goes back beyond well beyond 1600 in the US, including some folks put on trial in Salem for Witchcraft, and more than a few familial relations to the founding fathers, and few who settled in Texas in the 1800's (after leaving their wives and children behind in NC, VA, TN, for new wives and kids) My latest immigrant forefather was in the early 1800's from Germany (which is also a surprise) If figured the Germans in my family showed up post WW1 and I hoped were not fucking nazis... Turns out they hated the Prussians. Old school Massachusetts and Virginia up in here...
  4. With god as my witness, I had no idea lesbians wore the same under clothes as my grandfather. Also Jack needs to eat a hamburger or two so her ribs don't stick out farther than her tits. Please see above mea culpa
  5. reminiscent of another Florida Official or Life imitates art
  6. When the Keely/Jack scissoring episode gets dropped, I expect to see some vociferous apologies!
  7. locodos


    Been a while since I've been there but here's my suggestion Don't get run over by a golf cart... Bahama mamas @ Big Game Club End of the World / Sand Bar The bones of the old Compleat Angler Check out the sharks under the docks around dusk Get out on the water....
  8. We're talking about the ring, right?
  9. Yet they have time to post about it? I've found some really average people can be elitist gatekeepers... it's hilarious
  10. Very possibly, they could still suck AND have to put up with Deon.
  11. I liked the little touches. Roy's idea about stringing 4 dongs to Jammie's (with Jammie being the man in the middle) was the same as Jammie's idea on the board to play through him not to him. Same diagram, no strings
  12. My .02: half the clothes, twice the cash is key. Plan on doing laundry once every 4-5 days. You won't miss the stuff you didn't bring. You will enjoy not dealing with lost bags our carting around a ton of stuff that sits in your hotel room. I use a Burton Day Hiker 25L
  13. So there are 4 guitars but they each only have 4 strings.... Also the Teles have too few or way too many pickguard screws. Enjoy https://www.npr.org/2023/04/26/1171047855/bill-orcutt-guitar-quartet-tiny-desk-concert?jwsource=cl
  14. I worked at Sears back in high school. Sears was in decline, you could just feel it. But Sears was VERY serious about protecting the perceived value of their tools. Almost cult like I would say. We had a little old man bring in a hammer that looked like it belonged in a museum for tortured tools. It was a craftsman (still barely legible on the head) and the handle was worn down from god knows how much use and the head was taped/nailed onto the old wood that was coming apart. Well we couldn't find it in the catalogs and the old man just wanted another hammer or have it fixed. The manager asked him how old it was and he said he didn't know, but as a kid he got it for christmas from his dad. The manager then told him we would of course honor the warranty and he could have any Craftsman hammer he wanted no matter the cost. He spent about a half hour trying to talk the guy into a really nice "modern" hammer with a fiberglass hand etc... It was lighter and might be easier for him to use, and after all it would be free. Nope, the old guy just picked a basic old cheap plain jane hammer. Usually, we needed to take the old tool, or what was left of it in exchange. (just to be thrown out) But the manager insisted he keep the old one if he wanted since it was a gift. That was NOT done for marketing or future sales, the manager was a true believer. If it was Craftsman, Sears will make it right or better than right. That was not just corporate talking points, it was a point of pride. RIP
  15. I've got a pair of needle nose pliers that I bought from Sears 35+ years ago to work on my first car. They don't have craftsman markings on them anywhere. They are the best pair of pliers I've ever used. I have looked to find a replacement pair (just to have handy or to give to my son) of the exact same unit. Nothing out there is the same size / quality. These are small but strong, side cutters are sharp and flawless, still open and close smooth as butter, no slop from side to side, and the taper to a fairly fine point is perfect. They feel like they are only limited by your grip strength. Feels like you could pull splinters with them or lift an engine block. I have used them on boats, cars, and a myriad miscellaneous projects around the house. Several times my brother has tried to just toss them in his tool box after helping me with something and I stop him cold. Similar to these but with thinner jaws and asymmetrical taper. Lots of cheaper tools have cruder molds and looser tolerances.
  16. Agree, I saw a tweet attributed to Elon that said SpaceX wanted a simplified pad due to the nature of the planned future missions. That tweet also indicated that choice was a risk. They found out. I get all that, but the part I don't understand is the idea that a Hydrogen/Methane rocket (which we can be 100% sure was the propellant) somehow created a chemical/biological risk from physical destruction of concrete and steel. Perhaps the RCS used hypergolic fuel like the dragon capsule? I don't know that's why I asked you space nerds.
  17. I'm ignorant of the details but I'm not understanding the health fallout aspect being investigated. The rocket dug up concrete and soil and some surrounding superficial infrastructure. All but 3 of the engines fired at lift off and would have burned any leaking propellant. Even if it didn't, the fuel is Liquid oxygen and Methane, it's not the nasty hypergolic stuff. After the rocket was detonated, the O2 and methane would have boiled off in the atmosphere leaving only bits of metal, plastic and the shielding material... I can understand the pause for safety but I think it would have been for kinetic considerations not chemical ones.
  18. I'm not sure how it works for you guys, but no matter what the fans want the local business and administration will want home games. That generally means you are stuck with 1 or 2 games to pad wallets, not to delight fans. It's a business now more than ever.
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