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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TornACL

  1. Make sure the little direction indicator on your rearview mirror is always saying N or W (or NW). If it's any other, you're going the wrong way. Also, not too much N or W. Try to balance it out. Eventually you will either hit ocean or the border. When you get to either one get out of your car and ask someone where you are. If they say "Washington" then you have arrived. If they say any other state, ask them the best way to Washington. Make sure you indicate you're trying to get to Washington, the state and not Washington, the nation's capital. I hope these instructions are useful.
  2. I bet he measures out the pours with a jigger.
  3. Some regulations are bad, thus no regulations must be awesome!
  4. Power finally came back around 4am but just tripped off again. At least I was able to make coffee this morning.
  5. Someone on Facebook must have posted some viral driving instructions that say "never stop, for any reason" because I saw some motherfuckers just blow through stop signs even with traffic coming. As soon as I saw that the crazy intersection was lights out I took the side streets. Fuck that.
  6. So the roads are pretty good, but the traffic lights are out, including at the 7th/ University/Camp Bowie intersection of doom. So you can imagine how that's going.
  7. 76107 and currently 51 degrees inside my house. Fuck this shit.
  8. If my small sample size is accurate, everyone in Fort Worth is currently hammered. When the sun came out I decided to get out while I can. I have seen two people carried out and another falling asleep at the bar.
  9. Yeah Donny Doo is certainly not ready for Kid A ha ha
  10. Well, he's kind of busy on the radio call, working for a completely different company.
  11. I caught the end of that Radiohead segment, kind of weird since I just revisited that whole album earlier this morning.
  12. Can they turn it up louder to drown out Lowell?
  13. Jesus will warm your heart AND your 3-2 ranch style home.
  14. It's Surly, everybody is required by law to overreact to everything. Why utilize a simple solution when you can make things far more complex for yourself?
  15. I'm holding until $3. At 3 I will probably sell 60% of my position and then ride the rest.
  16. Not sure if you're familiar with, well, any interstate highway in a large urban center but there is almost zero chance that you'd not have someone bearing down on you immediately.
  17. How many text messages have yall received from people out of town/ out of state about this wreck? If I still had Facebook I guess I'd have to check myself in as "safe".
  18. Let me just go ahead and say Fuck Arkansas.
  19. Thank God for NOVN. Keeping me afloat today.
  20. We live in a largely free society, which means you have the right to torpedo your own career by posting idiotic takes on social media.
  21. I need to see a pic of her before I decide if I want to take a stab at her pump game.
  22. It never fails that people in DFW drive 12 mph on the freeway and then ride their brakes across every bridge or overpass. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that some of them are trying to purposely get into minor accidents.
  23. With Varsity closed, it's like tearing down an old home and the roaches and rats flee and flood the neighborhood. Saturday and Sunday saw a high douche ratio even in the old timer bars over by M Plaza. I hope Varsity reopens very soon
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