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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TornACL

  1. There are certain fans who have been convinced this is a bad offensive team since the first series in Arlington. And they've been squawking about it all season, despite any evidence to the contrary.
  2. Also, I like the dynamic difficulty, especially as you're getting started, but turn the slider down low so it doesn't adjust as fast. The default setting moves difficulty way too quickly. With default if you run into some pitches and get some lucky bounces and win a game 12-1, you know the next game you're going to get 2 hits and strike out 12 times. Sucks.
  3. I don't like zone hitting because I feel like it's too much of a random output generator when it comes to the results of your swings. I stick with analog and am patient at the plate. It's amazing how much this game is like actual hitting. If you swing at every strike you're going to have too many poor contacts. Look for fastballs in your spot and mash when they come in. On pitching don't be afraid to throw a slider / curve well off the plate or low on strike two. I find I get more swings and misses there than trying to paint the black. The batters always take and the blind fucking ump never gives you that close pitch. The game is fucking awesome, my only irritation (still) is that I hit into way too many double plays. And if I send the runner to avoid a DP it's guaranteed I will hit a screaming liner to an infielder and still get double played.
  4. Forecast calls for 100% of this twelve pack to go down today.
  5. Did I read correctly that the NCAA is mandating reduced crowds for post season? So it's not up to schools to individually decide whether to be open fully or not in June?
  6. Your last statement is asinine. TCU has a good home crowd. Texas has a good home crowd. Both can absolutely influence the play on the field, which is what you want from your home baseball fans.
  7. As a Fort Worth resident I feel I am a pretty good authority to report that TCU twerps live to annoy. If you single one out and pull their card, they'll tell you that you better watch out because their dad has a good lawyer. In short, they're all giant pussies. Fuck them.
  8. What the fuck are you talking about? Have you ever been to the Disch before? It's the one venue, save possibly Gregory, where our fans and their volume/ participation are not an issue.
  9. I'm drinking, for the team. For Texas I will.
  10. Yeah, will never forget that. At first they came out in 2 point formation and I thought Holy shit is Mack trying to kick his former employer in the dick? And then they took a knee and I thought WTF?!? Then it hit me and the eyes started to well up.
  11. It's not a bad place. Would be a lot nicer if it wasn't full of TCU fans.
  12. I am still firmly team AMYZF. Keep throwing in more money as it stays hovering around 1.00 When it pops I look forward to taking massive profits and then blowing it all in Vegas in 48 hours.
  13. Everything we have on defense either sucks or is not fully proven or is about to get old so we should be going best available defensive player whenever possible.
  14. Nothing says getting a marriage off on the wrong foot like starting your honeymoon with a flight to Sacramento.
  15. Cops and police unions and city governments have lost the benefit of the doubt. You can't play that "Now let's just wait until all the facts are out" bullshit when police departments repeatedly and systematically try to obfuscate the facts and protect their worst.
  16. I was even worse at hitting than usual until I finally started getting my timing back. I swear that Franchise has a "keep scores close" option embedded in the programming somewhere. After scoring 2-3 runs a game every fucking game I exploded out to an 8-0 lead after two. Top of the third brings a parade of bloop hits, errors, and tight strike zone and it's 8-7 after 2.5. This used to happen all the time last year. But the game is fun. Only one glitch encountered so far. I had my RF throwing home and then tried to switch at the last second to the cut off man. He did a fake throw and then he would never throw the ball after that. I tried throwing to any base to get the fucking ball into the infield and it was just pump fakes as the batter ran all the way around the bases for a ITP HR.
  17. When the guy in line in front of you at Hudson's takes the last Financial Times
  18. Yeah I bought that in my TDA account and built up a decent position down to $.90 I can't buy AMYZF in my 401k unfortunately.
  19. I have about $4K sitting idle in my 401k. Someone give me a new stonk. I have already dabbled in AMYZF, ALPP, and that complete piece of shit HMBL.
  20. Whenever anyone refers to their parents as "the 'rents" Stupid.
  21. Anybody been to Tulane's and/or Maple Branch Brewing? Thinking about checking those out for some day drinking on Saturday.
  22. Even the conservative people I know who spend time on those far right rotbrain "news" websites were like "Yeah that George Floyd video is horrible." You have to be a special one to decide you wanna die on that Chauvin hill. I am sure the cops will use this to redouble their efforts to avoid wearing body cameras or allowing themselves to be filmed.
  23. Don't get high on your own supply, or else you get the idea to rob a cartel stash house in the middle of the night.
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