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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TornACL

  1. I think you have to take an IQ test to work for Favor, and they don't hire anyone who scores over 70.
  2. I see that Texas de Brazil is on Uber Eats and I always wonder how that works, exactly. Does the driver just keep making trips back and forth to your house until you flip the little card over to stop sign on your front door?
  3. Uhhh you know you don't have to pick one of the recommended tips right? Those are for people who are too stupid to do their own math.
  4. We went to one in 2013. My buddy flags down a girl and hands her 40 and says to go give me a couple of dances. She takes me to the bar where we exchange the 40 for....a wind up alarm clock? She then takes that with me upstairs to a big open room and highly mediocre dances. Towards the end I asked just for shits and giggles if I want to re up another 40 can we just keep going? Nope, she said we'd have to go back down to the bar to rewind the clock.
  5. Hear me out, a hedge fund that invests entirely in pancake restaurants. #pancakes
  6. The big mistake is thinking that taxis are a public service. Public transportation is a public service. Taxis are not the bus or light rail. Taxi groups convinced people and govts to think of them as a public service so they could fight competition, limit drivers, etc. The hilariously ironic thing is that they choked themselves to death on their own regulations. You literally just said you would get in your car and go drive down to 6th street and pick up riders (your daughter and friends) right then and there if it would save you, or her, $123. How can you not understand this point?
  7. So now we're finally getting to the point.
  8. You live in a fantasy world my dude. Imagine believing that Taxis operated on transparency. L O Fucking L.
  9. Guys if you don't let Gallindo in the booth, who is gonna keep us updated on the kids eating cotton candy in the stands? . Maybe if Lowell wasn't constantly worried about what fans are doing in the stands, he'd pay attention to the game and wouldn't refer to short pop flies to RF as "ripped'
  10. Imagine that, someone from Austin not being able to understand that there's a world outside of Austin. Lol
  11. Do you rail on gas stations increasing the price of gas by 50 cents per gallon as their costs increase to resupply the tanks? Is that the same as charging an extra 4 bucks a gallon after a natural disaster? I think all of this basically just comes down to you and others' inability to understand the actual concept of price gouging. Are movie theaters price gouging because it costs me more to see the 7pm showing than the 11am matinee? Are airlines price gouging if I want to fly to Vegas tonight at 7 and pay a higher fare for the last seat on the plane? The guy next to me paid $199. Is that fair?
  12. You seem really bent out of shape about surge pricing. In fact that seems to be your primary beef, with a whole bunch of other nonsense surrounding it. Taxi rides from hotel concierge desks to airports are probably the best experience you're going to have in a cab. Because there's steady supply, steady demand and usually a regulated flat fee for airport trips that you know in advance. I would suggest that the user experience of calling a cab to your house, or picking one up on the street, is far different and much less enjoyable. That was my experience, at least. Taxi drivers have their own ways of surge pricing, the problem is they do it once you're already locked in the car and en route. Especially leaving bars late at night, you better make damn sure that meter is turned on, or else you're in for quite the surprise when you get to your destination.
  13. Also, I think it's rather silly to debate the "verdict" on ride share during a period of chaos in the labor industry. All the things called out in that article are being experienced throughout every service industry. Also, what's the problem. There's limited supply of labor, and demand for that labor. Why is anyone surprised or upset if the cost of labor is rising?
  14. Was it worth it to kill the cab industry? Absolutely. Murder the cab industry to death.
  15. Since they're old and living in Keller I would aim any recs in the Southlake area. Kirby's in Southlake. It's not Grace or Del Frisco's (FW) but if they had their sights set on Outback, that place would feel like a huge step up.
  16. It's unfortunate we didn't out the ball in play more, because that LF for WVU might be the worst player in the conference. I wanted to see a bunch of balls hit his way yesterday.
  17. Maybe I'm cynical but people like that are beyond teaching.
  18. Friends of mine are selling their house, and their neighbor happened to come by and urge them to make sure they sell their house to a "nice white conservative family". I can't imagine being such a piece of shit human that you even care what the political leanings of your neighbors are, much less the race thing. I have no fucking idea who my neighbors vote for, nor to I care, nor is it any of my business. But anyway, that stuff makes me wonder is systemic racism is built by the system, or if it's slowly accumulated by the bricks of individual racists.
  19. It's funny that some people see acknowledgement of, and a push to, fix structural problems in our society as "REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH!!! NOES!" It's almost as if they're confirming the theory itself while screaming to silence it. No, not almost. That's precisely what they're doing.
  20. We all knew he was a moron when we watched him try to read his keys.
  21. I continue to be baffled by the idea that doubling down on stupid ideas is a sign of strength.
  22. I find it interesting how quickly the internet's algorithm-fueled outrage machine works these days. In the past, a legitimate news story would get people talking about a subject. Now all it takes is a few well placed editorials about any inflammatory subject, one that doesn't even need to be particularly news worthy. And with enough clickbait headlines and loaded language, it gets shared and read all over the internet and then suddenly people feel they are experts in, and outraged by, Critical Race Theory. It's very easy today to stand up any manner of straw man so as to influence certain groups to support drastic overreaching reactions to the boogeyman of the week.
  23. I didn't watch the whole video to see what temp he pulled the tri tip off at. I'm presuming higher than your usual cook to medium approach. If doing that, I guess injecting makes sense to keep it from drying out. The best thing about tri tip is that you can do it fast, so I don't see the benefit of cooking something longer. Also that dude needs to put way more seasoning on both his cuts.
  24. Tommy Bahama shirts are for fat people and/or olds.
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