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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TornACL

  1. The ESPN Sunday broadcasts are so bad that one would think they're actively trying to kill the sport.
  2. For years he's kept trying to make that a thing. But it's never going to become a thing.
  3. If there was a vaccine that would keep people from believing what idiots post on Facebook, I wouldn't care what any misinfo morons post on Facebook.
  4. I'm not sure you understood my post. Think of it this way. If the only people who don't get vaccinated are idiot non vaxxers, then I could give a fuck what happens to the lot of them. Prior to the vaccine, we had a large swath of the population who was vulnerable. And there was nothing we could do for them other than try to help keep them safe by being responsible citizens. Now, the only vulnerable people are those who choose to be. In short, fuck them.
  5. Were we supposed to be wearing our fuck trophies as a mask this whole time? Why didn't anyone tell me.
  6. I don't know man. Seems like to just let life take care of them. I don't understand the militant approach of anti vaxxers, and similarly I don't understand the militant approach towards anti vaxxers.
  7. Not sure I understand these. Anyone can get a vaccine. They're literally begging people to get one. If anyone wants to be obstinate and take their chances, go right ahead. If I throw a party or tailgate I don't care what anyone's vax status is. That's on you. It's like inviting someone out to a fancy dinner. It's not my problem if you come but you can't afford it and your credit card gets declined. Should have stayed home then, bitch. The only people at risk now are people who choose to be. There are no more innocent victims, who were the ones to protect over the past year-plus.
  8. I wonder if, for some people, some things won't just snap back like normal. During the middle of this thing I said I couldn't wait to just go out and hit a bar like I used to. Now I can do exactly that, but now I prefer just drinking beer in the backyard. People are fucking annoying.
  9. That's was a fun game all the way around. Good stuff.
  10. It can, if you've got enough want-to.
  11. I might go try Dayne's today. Been meaning to do that and this is some good outside drinkin weather.
  12. I always like to picture the horses in a slow trot, the spectators confused as shit about the worst horse race ever.
  13. Lili's Bistro or Fixture on Magnolia.
  14. Regular dollar store shoppers are probably paying cash. One big problem for online retailers trying to aim for that clientele.
  15. Never understood Wish, even after I finally explored the site after seeing their million ads placed everywhere.
  16. Cedric had too many miles on him after 8 years of being a workhorse in HS and College. I went to one of those Midland Lee playoff games where the D basically had 8 in the box the entire game and Ced still had 31 carries. Only 91 yards, but that was still impressive given the fact that everyone on the field was keying on him. Lee just battering rammed that D and then occasionally jabbed with a quick pass to Eric Winston at TE.
  17. It's easy to tell which of you in this thread wear skirts. But whyyyyyy can't we gossip???
  18. It's starting to get expensive for me buying more AMYZF every time the price falls.
  19. They're up now. Has us as #3 paired with LA Tech's regional. https://d1baseball.com/projections/projected-field-of-64-may-11/
  20. Lol Also amazing that every slap dick on every message board has inside connections with "people who know better".
  21. I don't know, the "U" is pretty questionable as well.
  22. They don't feel alive unless they are perpetually aggrieved by something.
  23. I get it, but that doesn't even make sense. Fair weather fans should have been out in droves today. I mean, I get why the park is empty *now*. Since they're getting their mother fucking asses smoked.
  24. I know it's Mother's Day and graduation weekend and whatever other stupid excuse you want to make, but the fact that no one seems to have shown up to the park on a beautiful day in FW with a chance to clinch a tie for the reg season crown is PATHETIC.
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