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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. The burgers are better than the Runzas. They’ve got really good crinkle cut fries too. That being said the Runzas are still good just not quite them same if you grew up around Germans from Russia
  2. The Runza Drive thrus never closed. Had Swiss cheese mushroom runza and fries with French onion dip last night
  3. Also churches with no offering or communion and family groups 6 feet apart, and hair places with masks + elective surgeries
  4. One more livestock note the monthly cattle on feed report had the lightest placements of feeders on record showing the backing up in that part of the chain even as well pulled fats forward last month. That placement number will likely only last one month which will leave a hole in ready cattle this fall in all likelyhood. Same thing is happening in hogs but we don't get another report on them until June.
  5. Livestock runs were steady to end the week with about 40% of capacity likely to run tomorrow. Will probably start seeing thinner meat cases the next couple of week but if we can get more capacity back next week it should remain ok for most areas, as well as making up some on carcass weights as we back things up.
  6. Fresh pork prices did set back this morning with belly values down 24%, so we will see if run rates are coming back up with with the break today. Beef values were up again but seemed to slow down a little, and we should be getting one or two plants back today and another one on Monday.
  7. Man all the Iron Brigade guys just have to be spinning in their graves up there right?
  8. For your livestock update cattle slaughter rates stayed steady, off 1K from yesterday with Tyson temporarily stopping a plant in Washington for test, and work that'll restart in Dakota City on Monday. Beef prices hit new highs on the morning run, but leveled off a bit. If plants start coming back on Monday as advertised it should goose beef production pretty good. Hog slaughter runs were up about 12K from yesterday, and we are at about 83% of last year's runs right now. Fresh pork worked higher but still below the spike highs which might hold if we can get back over 415K or so by the first part of the week.
  9. I don’t know how badly I would want them around a bunch of sharp knives and bone saws
  10. We have more than enough pigs and cattle, but not enough healthy labor to get them dead, dismembered, and delivered
  11. On an afternoon livestock note, we basically held steady at 70% on cattle run rates, 1K head on the day, and hogs were around 65% but were up 9K on the day. If we can get through the rest of the week without further plant closures, I think we will start to increase runs next week, and could be back to close to 90% by the end of the first week of May if there aren't further setbacks.
  12. Also in livestock news, Tyson is idling a pork plant in Waterloo, IA which is generating headlines now, buried in the story is they got their Columbus Junction plant back up and running, so while it's doesn't make things better it shouldn't make things worse for the moment.
  13. For your morning livestock update. Fresh pork was up again but seems to be leveling off for bellies, still about 8 bucks below the spike high. Had a client tell me today that the pork integrator he feeds for got his buildings clear a couple weeks ago, and restocked, but they are now 15-20 loads backed up overall as they can only get so many into Fremont(Hormel), and Smithfield in Crete is swamped with Sioux Falls overrrun, and Seaboard in St. Joe is taking member owners first and only has a little spare capacity. Beef values surged again but choice looks to be leveling off some and that is the bulk of your supply. Cow plants seem to be holding up better labor wise but are swamped with dairy and beef fulls which should help to hold ground beef down a bit overtime. Client with ready cattle in Kansas is backed up on three loads currently going to Dodge City
  14. Yeah, we don't have enough healthy workers to process the ready cattle. There's more ready cattle than packers can handle, so their cheap, and there's more beef demand than the packers can meet, so it's expensive. Bottlenecks rarely favor the consumer.
  15. On the packing plant progress, cattle capacity utilization fell to about 70% today, hogs fell to about 65%, hopefully cattle can comeback a little to tomorrow if Tyson in Dakota City is back up, and they can get a Saturday shift. Hogs badly need to get something unfucked between everybody but Seaboard fucking up things horribly. Packers have good enough margins here that they could shoot every 3rd animal and toss them in a hole outback instead of processing, and still make money, and that would probably be the best thing for the cattle and hog guys at this point.
  16. For your morning livestock update, beef prices have now taken out the first spring high, pretty solidly too, and hogs are getting closer to $70, with the recent high being $80, and bellies are close to 100 now. It sounds like packers are still able to meet standing sales orders to retail, but very little spot pork to be had.
  17. As I am a non-medical person, and I can’t remember seeing this discussed anywhere, is there any correlation between exposure time and illness and severity and such? E.g. passing an infected person in a store aisle vs. sitting at an adjacent table in a restaurant vs. next to them at church or a ballgame or flying?
  18. Guys finding out the hard way that its a deliverable commodity
  19. Livestock update, cattle held at about 75% of capacity with Tyson-Dakota City out today and tomorrow, but hopefully just those two day. Hogs were about 70% as well, but better than a week ago, with still no news on restarting Sioux Falls, and Worthington down indefinitly as well. The big back up in hogs is going to be in NE NE, NC Iowa, South Dakota and Minnesota. You get further south and plants are holding up better. Starting to see poultry issues in the South too.
  20. So much for telling guys it can't trade below 0
  21. On a meat note, beef prices are now within $5 of the recent spike high, #hogs with $13, with a big jump in bellies today. JBS has 20K a day plant down in Minnesota now for hogs, and it looks like we will be close to 70% capacity on runs to start the week. Short term there still shouldn't be major issues with meat supply, it's the back end where it will get wild especially on hogs because backed up cattle can be slowed down on gain, and hogs will probably have to be gassed or shot if they can't find processor space, and that will leave a hole this fall.
  22. There not as bad. If it gets into a plant it's bad news, but some plants haven't been hit at all so far like Smithfield in Crete, and Cargill in Schuyler
  23. Well my point is that it's going to rip through those super fast which we creates a big population of spreads super fast, and you tie that to locals not taking it seriously it'll blow up. The Plants are churches on steroids when it comes to spreading, and you have a ton of multi-generational homes among the plant workers. If you don't have the plants, you wouldn't have near the problems, you'd look more like Gage County where it got into the nursing home in Adams, but not near the community spread.
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