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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Yup. That's how I remembered it as well....
  2. Sahale Arm is one of my bucket list overnights... Boston Basin too.
  3. In-laws live a quick drive from this... my brother in law and I do the ten falls trail from opposite directions to see who can finish it the quickest.
  4. Saw it last night. Fun, but didn't seem to be a part of this franchise... Maybe it was the director, but this didn't have any fun/joy/heart to it. Other than the (great!) callbacks to classic characters, there wasn't a moment where I felt 'excited' watching this. While it's possible that this is due to my being dead inside, it was just missing 'something'. As an example... previous movies would have an opening sequence that would only nominally be tied to the movie itself, and would end with some sort of "aw, shucks" moment that would then transition to introducing the main story. This one didn't have that same lighthearted introduction or the 'fun' transition (other than 'old man Jones' pissed at the Beatles). Good movie, I would have enjoyed it anyway... but being an "Indiana Jones" movie, I has a dissapoint.
  5. And (allegedly) a bunch of former Twitter tech staff... who Elon fired
  6. When I moved from the midwest to Seattle in the summer of '99, I figured I could just drive until I got exhausted and then grab a motel room for the night. What I didn't count on was A) I-90 is empty as shit across South Dakota/Wyoming/Eastern Montana and B) that I had decided to make this drive during the Sturgis Rally. So, first night of travel, somewhere in BFSD I discovered (at 11:30 PM) that there weren't many hotels/motels and the ones that did exist were booked solid for hundreds of miles. I kept driving. About 2 AM (4 AM, since my brain was on Eastern Time), I decided to try one more place. Pulled up, walked in, and the "proprietor" said- "He just got the last room" as he was pointing to a dude just completing the paperwork. Dude looks up at me and says- "You look like hell... I'll split the room with you". Looked at the innkeeper, who shrugged and said "two queen beds". So, in a combination of youthful arrogance and exhaustion enhanced stupidity, I agreed. Was an uneventful experience (dude ended up being an ordained minister who worked for a national non-profit... we actually knew some of the same people), but certainly falls in the category of "What in the hell was I thinking?" Slept in the backseat of my car (was pulling it behind the moving truck) the next night somewhere in the mountains between Missoula and Spokane.
  7. "If you would have complied, etc etc etc...."
  8. Michigan plates... that tracks.
  9. Thought this was an interesting podcast from NPR: Throughline: Student Loans: The Fund-Eating Dragon (from 2022) My (overly simplistic) takeaway: LBJ wanted to fund higher education for families with limited funds (like his own), but needed banks to be involved, and they absolutely wanted their percentage/interest rates. Once Universities saw that there was more funding available, costs began to rise and funding sources filled the gap via loans that had even higher interest rates.
  10. I'm just hanging out here on the ledge wondering how change is possible. Take realignment of the Court (say, to 13 justices, like the circuits)... That would require majorities across Congress beyond the filibuster. Those aren't possible given the gerrymandering that is happening at the state level (and that the Court is hit or miss on addressing). But even if congress could pull this off, it just takes one person to file a case which ends up at the current SCOTUS, and why would the current majority (led by Chief 'businesses are people' Justice) ever allow the expansion to stand (and minimize their earning power)? So... Yeah
  11. Watching the new season of "The Bear", and Episode 6. "Fishes" reminded me of these threads AND every third family event/holiday dinner I experienced as a kid, in the part of Indiana that most geographers refer to as the "necrotic asscrack of America". Although, that episode had more "shouting and fork throwing" type drama, and less heartfelt moments such as: uncle pouting because he couldn't watch a re-run of a very special 'Dukes of Hazard' episode bipolar cousin leaving her husband at the house while she left with the guy from the bowling alley she was banging racist aunt proclaiming that "no n*gger could ever play quarterback", only to be told by her brother (my uncle from Dickinson) "Judy, Warren Moon is black" (which led to a robust discussion of whether Mr. Moon was "BLACK, black"). In all, I'd rather have had the flying cutlery...
  12. El Guacho is really good, man... She won't regret it.
  13. I'm sure it ties the room together
  14. Supposed to be her, but the next bit of dialogue includes a comment about "sometimes they use stunt doubles" for nude scenes... Given WA, I'm guessing that's a tell.
  15. These days, the orcas don't want to wait
  16. Totally agree about Soul... loved that film. It didn't do well in theatres because it didn't play there (I believe).
  17. Might be time for a touch up... She's getting a little stubbly, FWIW.
  18. Reggie White (although both were wearing the Kelly green version, as God intended)
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